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With the hollidays coming...

Sungazer's Wife

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We need to write three articles that might require group coordination. The first being an article about what will be on the top of any gamer's wish list from Santa, the second one will cover the top 10 games of 2013, and the third one will include what to look forward to in 2014.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry about the wait I was dealing with a few division issues. I am totally in. :) how will we coordinate this? Are separate people working on the three articles or will there be multiple people working on one article? Also, where do you want me? :D

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I'm here to help wherever you guys needs me :) I think I would love to work on what to look forward to in 2014, because I'm already extremely excited for the upcoming year! Just let me know what you want me to do and I'll be there :)

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Honestly, I was hoping you all make dibs for certain sections of the articles to do and then me or Badfur, as the head of news team, publish it so there's no war over who did more or less of it.

So, it sounds like for you, KSI x Force, you want to write about Titanfall and Destiny (whatever that is), any other interesting things people want to put dibs on? I'll be last to pick up the slack that's left with Badfur.


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