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AAP of the Month: September 2013 Nominations! (Closing October 11th)


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  • Admin Guy

Its everyone's favorite time of the month!


Welcome to the "Of the Month" awards. Here, you can vote for the members you believe have worked the hardest at their respective ranks.

1. No Favoritism should be posted
- Ex. I think they deserve this award because we are friends.
2. No self-nominations
3. List reasoning on why the person deserves the award.

Please follow the guideline below

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
Link to forums account -
Reasoning why they deserve this -


General - KSI iLLuSii0N 7 / Spider SH General
Link - http://www.ksiforums...si-illusii0n-7/
Reasoning - This member has worked his butt of for his squad by altering how game-nights were being ran to make them more organized and has got his squad from 35 people to 85 in the last month.

Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO)
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
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Division Leader
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Co-Division Leader
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Happy voting!


Good luck!

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Greg 7 TW/ Director
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Reasoning why the deserve this - he is probably one of the best directors we ever had hes always there to help us and he always has some smart ideas and he helps alot of us out

Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Heero 7 / TW
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Reasoning why the deserve this - he basically acts a division leader if u need him he is always there to help u and he makes sure the job gets done or the problem gets handled and he makes some smart decisions to make TW the best division in KSI 

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Sworn 7 TW
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Reasoning why the deserve this - he is very acitvce when it comes to helpin g members out and if we have to many recruits on the recruit tag or have some people that need to get deleted we let him know and he does it so hes always on the ball with that

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nico 7 TW
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Reasoning why the deserve this - now hes not my co founder but i see him helping the members in his squads and he knows how to run things in his squads and he always makes smart decisions and hes probably one of the best co founders i know 

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI LegalD General/ TW/Nemesis
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Reasoning why the deserve this - now i always see him doing work he has been a general longer then me and he does his job right he deifnately know s how to run a squad and he makes sure everyone is doing there job and doing it right

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI YopYop TW/Riot/2nd CPT
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Reasoning why the deserve this - this guy really does deserves this award cause he basically acts how hes suppose to act and thats a second in command hes always there for anyone and he loves to help them hes probably one of the best CPTS i know 

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Madball13 4th CPT/Trocity
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Reasoning why the deserve this - now this guy was my secon in command whenever i needed him to do something cause i couldnt do it he will be right on the ball and get it done if i couldnt make it to a generals meeting he will be there to fill in for me and take some notes and he basically acts like another general in Trocity



Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Dethcorpse12 1st LT/Trocity 
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Reasoning why the deserve this - now this guy is another great officer and hes also a great member in all of KSI in my opinion hes my co captain for the headhunterz and he basically runs it all by himself and hes really good at it and hes always getting recruits and training some people and hes always trying his best to make Trocity the best squad in TW 

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Gamertag (Rank - Squad/Division): KSI Doctor 7 (Founder - Shadow Heaven)

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4993-one-winged-angel/

Reason why they deserve award: Doctor like deserves an of the month award like every month it seems.  I heard of how great Doctor was the day I joined KSI by my brother KSI Sad Tempah.  His extensive knowledge of clan and web ops is impressive to say the least.  He help me out with any question I have including personal questions.  He is the type of leader that just by entering a xbox live party or Halo lobby, everyone stops talking and says hello to him, not because they have to say hi, but because they want to say hi.  People including me want to be like Doctor, he is patient, calm, and just an enjoyable to be around and that's what you want in leaders.  I know his division in kinda in the dumps, but knowing him it, SH will be a top notch division very soon.  He is a COD player, but he gets on Halo to help the Halo squads recruit. I love my own founder to death, but even he doesn't go recruiting on his own free will.



Gamertag (Rank - Squad/Division): KSI 30thMidget (Co-Founder, Venom, Crysis/Wicked Intent)

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12073-ksi-30thmidget/

Reason why they deserve award: Midget is just an awsomesauce co-founder. He is even more calm than Doctor and that guy is calm. He listens to both sides of the story and gets involved in the squads he watches over.  With his advising he has lead Venom to near squad split level and Crysis is starting to grow, too.  The ties between Crysis and Venom have eased since he was promoted to Co-Founder which is a must if the Halo side of WI is to thrive.  If you need help from him he will drop whatever he is doing and help you fix the problem.  Like Doctor, he is the type of leader in KSI that is loved by all not just a select few. 



Gamertag (Rank - Squad/Division): KSI Ghost Prod (General, Venom/Wicked Intent)

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8000-ksi-ghost-prod/

Reason why they deserve award: Ghosty has been an excellent general and good friend of mine in Venom. He is very polite and like Midget lets both sides of the story be told. He doesn't take sides until all the evidence had been presented.  He is open to any ideas to benefit the squad and listens to what his officers have to say.  He helps recruit or train new members. Like 2 weeks ago, he helped one of our SSGTs KSI Wafflesauce who is scared of recruiting get his first ever recruit.  He motivates us to be more than the best.



Gamertag (Rank - Squad/Division): KSI JBombshell (2nd Captain, Memories/Last Strike)

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16113-jbbybombshell/

Reason why they deserve award: JBombshell is my LFL (lover for life), but its not why I am nominating her for captain of the month. SInce joining Memories LS, JBombshell has single handly brought that squad from shutting down to possibly squad splitting in a couple months.  She has pretty much recruited almost every active member in that squad so far and treats them all with respect and they all view her as a leader and give her respect too.  She always welcomes new members with open arms and makes sure they fit in with the squad.  JBombshell is the definition of what a captain should be.  Along with her captain duties, she runs her squad's SWAT team smoothly and its active.  



Gamertag (Rank - Squad/Division): KSI Altigue (3rd Lieutenant, Venom/Wicked Intent)

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16444-ksi-altigue/

Reason why they deserve award: Altigue or as people in Venom call him Alt Delete is an excellent choice for LT of the month.  He is constantly concerned about the status of Venom and its well being. He leads the HH team smoothly and makes sure every member on the team is learning to better themselves to benefit the team.  He is always looking for ways to learn new things and better himself as an officer.  He is always trying to make sure new members are welcomed into Venom the right way and don't leave because no one played with them.



Gamertag (Rank - Squad/Division): KSI Ghosty x (SSGT, Venom/Wicked Intent)

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15611-ghosty-x/

Reason why they deserve award:  Omg where to start about Ghosty. Everytime I am in a party with him, he is the definition of "LIFE OF THE PARTY".  He always brightens up everybody's mood in Venom. He is not afraid to ask questions and help Venom in anyway he can.  He wants to better himself as a leader in KSI.  He is a huge part of the KSI Productions team and is helping them organize become a productive team.  He is just an all around fun person to be around and game with.



Gamertag (Rank - Squad/Division): KSI Sad Tempah (1st Captain, Venom/Wicked Intent)

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9280-tempah/

Reason why they deserve this award:  Tempah may not be a top notch writer, but I see him writing enjoyable articles to read.  He just doesn't write game reviews or movie reviews, but about social stories and entertainment stories.  He thinks hard about what he wants to write next and is always asking members in Venom and WI to join the news team and help expand their KSI knowledge. He cares for the news team and I think that's what counts. 


Forum Staff

Gamertag (Rank - Squad/Division): KSI Kat (General, Plasma/EO)

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12560-ruby-rose/

Reason why they deserve this award: Kat is the sister I never had. She is not just one of my mentors on xbox but also a mentor on the forums. Everything that I have learned how to do the forums has mostly come from her.  Because of her I opened up on the forums and now I cannot get off the forums.  She not only cares for her squad but also the forums always sending out mass messages about activities on the forums and promoting forum use.  She is one of the key members that make the forums an enjoyable place to be.

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KSI ToxicRain (Rank - Division/Squad) - (3CPT - Twisted Warfare/KILLJOY)

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13837-brianna-banana/

Reasoning why they deserve this - Has been out standing due to the fact she has been acting General for KILLJOY since the issues we have had regarding our General leaving. She has handled herself extremely well by leading us better then anyone else can or ever will. Great job Brianna :wink: Keep up the amazing work!

Co-Division Leader

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Heero 7 / Twisted Warfare

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7261-ksi-heero-7/

Reasoning why they deserve this - He's been the most helpful Co-Division Leader in TW I have seen, He's been doing his job, and deserves this award for all his hard work!

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Greg 7 (Director/ DM FG TW)
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Reasoning why they deserve this – The reason I believe Greg deserve this award is because this last month Greg has really been there to help a lot with TW, special in times where I thought I was Failing, he came to and motivate me and gave me some great idea to help make Tw great, He was there for me a lot this month and really help me in a time of need.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Sworn 7 (Founder – TW)
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Reasoning why they deserve this – The Reason why Sworn should get this award is cause , he has been very supportive to a lot of member here in TW, he was there to help any one that need, last month even though sworn was sick or busy with work, he made sure to get on and do his job and help anyone that need it.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Nico 7(Co-Founder – TW/ Overload, Nemesis, Recoil)
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Reasoning why they deserve this – What can I ask about Nico is nothing but greatness, since day one off become a 7 and co founder, he has take the job very serious and has step up, above and beyond the call of duty, he has been there for every member that need help, he has hosted workshop and gamenight for everyone, Nico has done everything every ask of him, And make sure that everyone under him is doing there job and give them advice to help them be the best they can be.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Legal D (General – TW/ Nemesis)
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Reasoning why the deserve this – Legal D, all I can say is that he is one of the best Gen we have here in TW, every since he became a gen of Impulse he did his best to make sure everyone was happy and was always on and in everyone party making sure there happy and helping anyone that need it, he has brought nemesis back to life with the help of other member but Legal has done everything we need of him  and so much more.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Pinkzombie  (4CPT – TW/Nemesis
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Reasoning why they deserve this – Pink Zombie is a great Member, even for the start of her career here in KSI, She was a very fun member to be around, and love to make member happy and help them any one she can,  She a great recruiting and has brought many new members to here in TW and made them all feel loved and wanted here in TW, She host a lot of gamenight and go out her way for any one here. She has a great attitude and great way with members.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI MadBall13 ( 4th CPT- TW/Trocity)
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Reasoning why they deserve this – Madball has done this past month, he has gone out his way to make sure that everyone ins Trocity is doing there job and helping with any member that need it, He has done everything for his squad to help trocity  be at the top and gave advice to any one that has ask for and  he does a gamenight almost everynight and there all great turn out, Madball is a very value member here in TW.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Toxicrain (3rd Cpt – Tw/Killjoy)
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Reasoning why they deserve this – Toxicrain is a member that I see have a lot of great leadership here, she has done great over in killjoy from help everyone that need it, to hosting workshop and answering any question that any one has, she always on doing her job and there to help everyone out and if she cant, she goes out her way to find the answer for the member, Toxicrain has help killjoy a lot with other member and she deserve  this award, cause to me she TW member of the month.

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Gamertag (Rank - Divison/Squad) - KSI Greg 7 TW Director

Links to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/109-ksi-greg-7/

Reasoning why he deserves this award - Greg does the best he can on keeping TW in great shape. He's made it (in my opinion) the best Divison in KSI. He's a great leader & a person in general. TW wouldn't be the same without him & he helps us out a lot when we need it.

Co-Divison Leader

Gamertag (Rank - Divison/Squad) - KSI Heero 7 / TW

Links to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7261-ksi-heero-7/

Reasoning why he deserves this award - Heero is a great leader & friend. He's very helpful to everyone in TW & also has helped me out a couple of times. He makes sure everybody's stuff is in order & is doing the right thing. He's a good person to hang with & talk too also.


Gamertag (Rank - Divsion/Squad) - KSI Sworn 7 TW

Links to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7662-swornxenemy13/

Reasoning why he deserves this award - Sworn is a good guy, leader & friend. He puts in a lot of work into TW & into KSI in general. He's cool to play & just hang with. Without him TW wouldn't be as good as it is right now. I know with Sworn, TW will continue to get better with him around.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nico 7 TW

Links to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13110-ksinicodollaz-7/

Reasoning why he deserves this award - Nico is one of the most chill person in TW. He's a great leader & friend. He does his best to make sure everyone is doing the best they can to make TW a better squad. You can talk too Nico about anything. He's also very helpful to KSI in general.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI LegalD General/TW/Nemesis

Links to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9487-ksi-legald/

Reasoning why he deserves this award - LegalD is a cool person & he does a great job over there in Nemesis. He's one of the good leaders in TW & great to hang with.

He's putting in a lot of work to keep Nemesis going strong.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI SpoiledSpark 2CPT/TW/Overload

Links to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12524-ksispoiledspark/

Reasoning why she deserves this award - Spoiled does a great job in Overload & wants nothing but greatness for Overload. She does the best she can to make Overload the best squad in TW. She is hard working & dedicated to KSI.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Inazuma OG 2LT/TW/Nemesis

Links to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13333-ksi-inazuma-og/

Reasoning why he deserves this award: Inazuma is a great member & friend in KSI. He's an awesome recruiter & a cool person to hang with. He is also a great asset to TW because he makes it better the best way he can.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Reed 4LT/TW/Overload

Links to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16406-bluemoon/

Reasoning why he deserves this award - Reed (a.k.a. BlueMoon lol) is great person to hang with. He's easy to get along with & you can talk to him about anything. He's fun to play with in Halo & overall he's a great friend.

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Gamertag( rank-division/squad )- KSI JBombshell (2nd captain, memories/ Last Strike)

link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums...-jbbybombshell/

reasoning why they deserve this- jbomb is the hardest working captain in KSI by my opinion.The time, effort, and love she puts into the KSI fam is that of a nurturing mother. She puts her squad before herself even in thick or thin and thats an admirable feature for a leader to carry. If I had the choice to serve under anyone in KSI it would still be jbomb. I live by the way of the samurai, the word samurai means to serve and jbomb is the empress I give my life and sword to for the fact of her being a leader that walks in front of her ppl instead of behind them. jbomb memories and probably all of KSI loves you and wishes you well, so get better for the KSI fam

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jezrien 7 (FOUNDER/LAST STRIKE)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Ever since joining Last Stike Jezrien has shown himself as a wonderful leader. I've witnessed him do so much work for this division. Not only is he taking care of 5 squads, but making sure they're running smoothly for all members to have fun. He is always pushing people to do better in the divison. He is very in spirational and a good role model for anyone who is looking to become a leader. Just meeting him last month I could definitely tell how dedicated he is towards KSI and Last Strike. Jezrien Deserves this Award more than anyone! 

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI IceQueen 7 (CO-FOUNDER/LAST STRIKE)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Okay, so where to begin with this girl. When getting into LS she was one of the first people I met, super sweet and assertive with getting work done. Most definitely dedicated to her squad at the time because she was General of Echo. We all know being a woman in KSI and acting as a leader is difficult, but she made it look so easy. She worked so hard and definitely deserves her spot as a co-fo. She is always checking in wih her squads making sure we are all doing our jobs and duties. She's helped me succeed in Memories, building and teaching me the ways of becoming a leader. As, for being a role model for all the women in KSI I suggest asking her for advice. "GODDESS" you DESERVE this AWARD. 

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI YopYop ( 2CPT - TWISTED WARFARE/RIOT)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Back when I was in TW this guy was not only a good friend -- but an amazing Leader. He would constantly Recruit members as well as direct people in doing their duties. He always keeps his members happy and informed with everything that is going on in KSI. I know YOP YOP will go far with his KSI career and we will see so much more in the future. I believe after having a squad split in Killjoy he's been doing MAD WORK for RIOT. I know he definitely deserves this award.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sweetpea (4LT - WICKED INTENT/ VENOM)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Let me first just say this is my love of my life right here --- but I'm not voting for her because of that. But because I know she is constantly doing work for VENOM in WI. I continually get messages from her saying she is running a gamenight and spreading important information that people probably wouldn't get on a normal basis. Sweetpea is probably the nicest and most inspirational person you'll ever meet in KSI. Although, she can't speak, She still gets her point across. And everyone can learn a thing or two from her. Meeting this lady you can make friends with her in an instant. But, also can be firm when she needs to be. We can all tell she has a Bright KSI future ahead of her and we only can see good things. OH! Not to mention the amazing Music she plays when we are in parties or gamenights together--- definitely puts a smile on everyone's faces. I still remember the First time I met this pretty little Lady, shy but super Sweet-- I suppose that's why her name is Sweetpea <3 I never regret any time with her. Very enjoyable person as well as leader. Keep up the great work!!! LOVE YOU! & you DESERVE this AWARD! xoxo

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI WhiteWolf (3LT - LAST STRIKE/ MEMORIES)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Oh goodness. Can I just say this guy and I have gone through so much together in MEMORIES. Wolf has been stepping up in this squad and has proven to everyone that he is a leader. Bringing in constant Recruits, and Training members almost everyday. I can Honestly say that if he weren't in the squad I don't think I could have managed running things. He is always running gamenights whenever given the chance as well as asking me if I need any help. He is a great LT and I know he can only go up from here. He has put in a lot of work in the past month and should get this award.  

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Gamertag(Rank-Division/squad)- KSI Sweetpea(4th lieutenant,venom/ Wicked Intent )

link to forums account-http://www.ksiforums...-ninetales/

reasoning why they deserve this-sweetpea's name says it all, I met this sweet gamer girl through jbomb, and so far she's one of the funest player to play with outside of memories, I knw funest aint a word but sweetpea makes it the word and definition. for not being able to communicate as most ppl deem normal she does a great job at overcoming that and in my opinion communicates better then most ppl, everything she says is meaningful and filled with power and inspiration, even though I barely know sweetpea ive grown to love her as family. she has the affect of a muse but by text, I feel anytime that I game with sweetpea she makes me a better man and member of KSI. we can all gain something form sweetpea, ppl like this bring the joy back to gaming and the community. we all love you sweetpea stay golden ;)

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KSI 30thmidget (Co-Founder - WI)


Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12073-ksi-30thmidget/



He's been a great friend of mine personally, but has always shown me guidance. I sometimes forget he's not the general or captain of Venom anymore, but he still helps me out if I have a question. He still maintains activity with the squads even though he has moved up past it. He gets to know the lower ranking members well and of course he manages and maintains both Crysis and Venom WI excellently.





KSI Ghost Prod (General - Venom WI)


Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8000-ksi-ghost-prod/



Ever since this guy has taken the general position he's changed Venom WI for the better. Even though he's been general before, he hasn't lost his touch by no means. He is active with the squad and talks to us very much and participates in the gamenights as though he were any ordinary member. He does not feel he is too good to play with the lower ranking members either. Ever since his promotion we've gained members and are nearing a squad split.





KSI Sad Tempah (1st Captain - Venom WI)


Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9280-tempah/



He has been the motivating force behind getting the squad split we want. He may be a captain, but he is a go getter. He helps all of the lower ranks with recruiting and has been a major player in that aspect. His success on the news team also makes him a great captain.





KSI Sweetpea (4th Lieutenant - Venom WI)


Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15634-ninetales/



She is my Co-Captain for the HH team in Venom WI and she has been such a big help so far. She is active on the forums and that is the reason I chose her as my Co-Captain for HH. She is kind and has been helping out a lot in the squad with recruiting and keeping activity up.





KSI PROSPIN 913 (2nd Lieutenant - Venom WI)


Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7218-i-am-riff-raff/



He is like a brother to me in KSI and is always funny. He has picked up the pace with the squad and has been recruiting and hosting gamenights a lot lately. This guy knows what he is doing and in my opinion deserves a captain spot. His work with the Forge team has been great and he has been producing great maps. He's also an active member on HH and has been since its creation.

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Division Leader

KSI Mystique 77


Mystique is arguably the best Div leader. He's active, plays games with all of his members and always attends meetings and offers good insight and suggestions for the division (HD)


Co-Division Leader


Worm is EXTREMELY proactive. He's so proactive it's ridiculous. You can expect him to always be online, always playing with members and ALWAYS solving problems no matter how big or small. Worm is also a great people person and fun to talk to. He's open and speaks his mind. He better win this!



KSI Taywick 77


Taywick is an interesting guy, he's online pretty often and is very social with the members he watches over.





SMAN is definitely the best general out. His squad has been sitting at 90 members for a good 3 weeks and he's always having his guys recruit for other squads. He's generous with his members and his squad absolutely loves him as their general.

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KSI Vengeance6


Vengeance is the bomb-diggity. He's a huge recruiter and hosts multiple game nights a week along with squad meetings when he is able to. Vengeance keeps Havoc together by always playing with their members; you can never find him without Havoc boys. He does everything you could ask from a captain and then some. He's obviously the best candidate.

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Co-Division Leader: KSI Heero 7 (Co-Div/TW)

link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7261-ksi-heero-7/

Reason: Heero has done amazing work for TW he is always working hard and helping out anyway he can. He is a really good friend to talk to and has helped me out with multiple problems and he has kept me going. Heero also is a great leader and knows what he is doing and he also knows how to keep members motivated or getting members to keep there head up when they are not doing so well or are having problems.


Founder: KSI Sworn 7 (Founder/TW)

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7662-swornxenemy13/

Reason: Sworn is an awesome member in KSI as well has a good friend he knows what he is doing and is a great example for people to follow by and to learn and grow from


Co-Founder: KSI Nico 7 (Co-Fo/TW)

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13110-ksinicodollaz-7/

Reason: Nico became cofo and immediately was doing amazing work and helping out squads that aren't doing so well and being active, helping out members, and solving any issues that come up within any of the squads that he is over. He has a lot of knowledge and is a great leader and is continuing to improve everyday.


General: KSI LegalD (Gen/Nemesis TW)

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9487-ksi-legald/

Reason: ever since legal has come in and taken over nemesis as Gen he has completely turned it around. He came in and got the squad active again got members doing work and has gotten every one motivated and is continuing to do very well. I couldn't ask for a better general than Legal


Captain: KSI PinkZombie (4CP/Nemesis TW)

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16558-ksi-pinkzombie/

Reason: Pink has been doing amazing work as a captain and is continuing to  improve every day and is only getting better as the days go on she is learning more and more everyday and is sharing that knowledge with all members coming in and she is continuing to help out anyway she can. she is always ready to learn more to become a better captain.

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Co Division Leader

KSI Heero 7 / TW Co-Division Leader


Reasoning- KSI Heero 7 is an amazing addition to TW. He handles situations properly and is someone that many can go to help to with problems and situations. He’s always been there when I needed him for anything, and is always eager to help out the squads and meet new members. He’s kind, assertive, and always makes sure he checks all sides before making any decisions.


Co Founder

 KSI Payton 7 / TW Co-Founder


Reasoning- Ever since I joined KSI, Payton has always been such a kind person. He constantly makes sure everything is okay with everyone, and is always there to help everyone. What I think makes Payton special, is not only does he actually take the time to meet new members, but he also plays with them. He never neglects a soul and is an inspiration to many :)



KSI Domo / Trocity General

Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14634-deadmau5/

Reasoning- Domo has been an amazing and crucial part of TW since he joined. He’s always around to play with new people and is always making people happy and laugh. He always pushes his squad to be the very best they can be and often inspires others to do the same.



KSI Huragok / 2nd Captain Lethal DM

Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14635-ksi-hurag0k/

Reasoning- Huragok is amazing captain. He’s always interacting with not only his own squad, but other squads and divisions as well. He’s always so kind and generous, one of the best captains I’ve seen in awhile.




KSI Sweetpea / 4th Lieutenant Vemon WI

Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15634-ninetales/

Reasoning- Sweetpea is such a sweet gal! She is always there for other members and literally always wants to help everyone she possibly can. She loves meeting other members all over KSI and literally works her butt off. She’s always inspiring and motivating her members and doesn’t hesitate to help everyone out.






KSI Instakill / 4th Lieutenant Phantom SH

Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1610-the-warden/

Reasoning- Ever since I met Instakill, I could tell he was and still is a very dedicated member. He always is there for his squad and will pop out of others parties just to be with his squad. A very dedicated member :)

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Senior Leader

KSI QueenJess7/Senior director

Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/39-gemma/

Reason- she is always willing to help anyone at all times and she runs her job the way it is supposed to be ran and she truly is the perfect role model.


KSI Gwood 77 Director- HD EO IO

Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4022-ksi-gwood-77/

Reason- Gwood remains everyday in and out one of the best leaders in KSI and always represents us as a community WITH knowledge strength and integrity!

Division Leader

KSI Mystique 77/ HD Division Leader

Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5434-ksi-mystique-77/

Reason- Best division leader no doubt. He has picked the best 7 staff and best general staff and has led his division close to yet another split. Mystique I feel is the most deserving of this award.

Co-Division leader

KSIxWORMx77/ HD Co-Div

Link- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8981-ksixwormx77/

Reason- absolutely runs everything by the book the way it is supposed to go extremely active loves playing with all members of all ranks. A bright bright future ahead of him.


KSIxHONESTYx77/ HD Founder

Link- http://ksiforums.org/user/7470-ksixhonestyx77/

Reason- Although he is A new founder, he already shows the leadership of a div leader. He is very active and along with his higher ups has lead us almost to our second split.


KSI Taywick 77/ HD Co-Founder

Link- http://ksiforums.org/user/11588-tay-the-great/

Reason- As my co-fo he has done a marvelous job with the three squads he is over and he always does things by the book and is an awesome leader!


KSI KingZz/ Rampage HD General

Link- http://ksiforums.org/user/11816-ksi-x-kingzz/

Reason- After taking over a struggling swuad with 40 members, he has completely turned his squad around and brought it to 60 members with his great leadership


KSI Vengeance6 / HAVOC HD 1st Captain


Reason- my first captain, has gone beyond his call to work. He has defended our squad from poachers, critics, and people who just hate us. He truly is what the meaning of KSI is.


KSI Pantsir 89/ Wreckage HD 4 Lieutenant

Link- http://ksiforums.org/user/16959-ksi-pantsir-89/

Reason- I have overmatched this young lad a lot he is extremely active on the forums constantly in officer Ms Sargent trainings just trying to find his way to learn more about KSI and on how to be. Better leader. He truly deserves this award.

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Doctor 7- Shadow Haven Founder

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4993-one-winged-angel/

Reasoning why they deserve this - What can't i say about Doctor? He has been doing amazing work in SH, whether it would be motivating squads or just generally helping a squad stay in check. This guy is everywhere and does anything to help out and has been doing wonders in this division.



Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Subj3ct 115- Phantom SH General

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/3157-vephar/

Reasoning why they deserve this -Ever since i came back to SH with Subject being my General, the squad has been making a noticeable improvement, mainly between getting recruits and getting the activity up within the squad. Sure he might have school to focus on, but when is he is online, he does get the job done at the end of the day.



Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gamerchix16- Phantom SH 1st Captain

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9748-ksi-gamerchix16/

Reasoning why they deserve this -She has been working as hard as she can to improve the squad. Motivating people to recruit, working with them, getting to know them, and is generally always there when someone needs help on anything. She has been doing great for the squad, holding some meetings, being active with the squad, helping in any gamenight that other people hold are such examples of why she is doing a great job.



Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ToxicRain- Killjoy TW 3rd Captain

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13837-brianna-banana/

Reasoning why they deserve this -Ever since i met Toxic, i have noticed her doing amazing work. Examples of this is her work in the news team, doing amazing work in her squad as acting General of Killjoy, and is an awesome friend. She has been doing great informing her squad on what is going on, regardless of not having her squad tag, sending many, many messages off of her account.

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Inazuma OG/ Nemesis TW/ 2nd Lieutenant
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13333-ksi-inazuma-og/
Reasoning why they deserve this - This guy has been working nonstop trying to recruit for our squad whether he's been doing it himself (he's recruited about 60-65 people) or encouraging people to do the same. He's a great guy and he's active a lot and he tries his best to hang around with everybody in the clan no matter what their rank is. He's been a great help towards pushing Nemesis to a split.

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Division Leader: KSI Docness 7 (KSI FI Div Leader)




I believe Docness 7 deserves this award because no matter what he's doing he is just on top of everything within FI He is never too busy to get beat in some quick scoping either :tongue: hes always replying EVEN WHEN HES OFFLINE!!!!!!!!!


Co-Div: KSI AcidVapor7 (KSI FI CO-DIV)




I believe AcidVapor7 deserves this award because he is always solving issues when they are brought to him, he is just an overall beast within KSI :)


CO-FO KSI Shinobi 7 (KSI FI Co-Founder)




I believe Mr. Shinobi 7 deserves this award because he has put all the work in and is an awesome person even while handling problems :)


GEN KSI Slick Wil (KSI Velocity FI GEN)




KSI Slick Wil is one hell of a General, He is busy and still makes time for the squad He has promoted the perfect People for the squad he was a 2CPT when we had NOBODY as GEN and he pulled the squad up when our GEN, two CPTs, A LT, and a SSGT decided to leave. this man has busted his back bending over backwards for that position and shows NO Sign of slowing :)






this guy is an awesome person always making people laugh while still being active if anyone deserves this position it should be KSI Its Smooth :)


1LT: KSI Death Hydra (KSI Velocity FI 1LT)




Hydra has done more than i've seen a LT do in an extremely long time. within one week of being a LT he already had 10 orientations that is an awesome amount within ONE WEEK!!!!! as well as knowing to practice his gameplay :)




Those are my nominations thanks



KSI Titan13

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he been doing an awesome job as are founder





he been helping get the squads an if there a problem he right there help





he been awesome with helping the lower member an he plays with everyone from eo





he been butting in a lot  of work holding recruiting class an helping lower ranking members

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Koda's September "Of The Month" Nominations.


Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO)
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - 
KSI QueenJess 7  All of KSI, Senior Director.
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/39-gemma/
Reasoning why they deserve this - She's been helpful & open to suggestions from me over the past couple weeks and I just think that because of this, she's a great asset to the community and deserves to know she's appreciated greatly.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - 
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5569-ksi-hucklberry-7/
Reasoning why they deserve this - Huck is an awesome dude. While he's down to earth, and great to play with, he gets things done. A friendly yet effective leader, he always has time for everyone, and attempts to ensure the best & overall happiness for his divisions.

Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - 
KSI BUBBLEZ 7 - Division Leader - Covert Ops
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2472-tara/
Reasoning why they deserve this - Bubblez has shown so much support to her division, its incomparable. Without effort, she puts her division, and her members before herself. Not to mention she has a great personality to boot. Truly a great, wonderful Division Leader to be around.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI GeNoCiDeZ 7 - Founder - Covert Ops
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2774-father-para/
Reasoning why they deserve this - Geno, as we call him in the dark realms of CO territory, has done some excellent work as our IA Rep. He keeps our division free of troublesome members, as well as just making sure we all stay on the right track. Not to mention, he's pretty decent at Black Ops 2 as well. ;) In my time of dealing with Geno, he's a pretty cool cat to hang out with. Definitely glad to have him on the CO leadership.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Mr TNT - General - DEFCON Covert Ops
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7991-ksi-mr-tnt/
Reasoning why the deserve this - TNT, over the past several weeks has been a supportive & reassuring leader over his squad. I've observed this and learned a lot from how he composes himself. I'm glad to be in a division with him, as well as other fine leaders. It truly makes the KSI Experience wonderful.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - 
KSI EpsilonEri - 1CPT - FOXTROT CO
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17907-ksi-epsiloneri/
Reasoning why they deserve this - Eri has done amazing work, and is always taking the initiative to move forward. He's keeping the sergeants of Foxtrot on the right path for promotions, and has went well above and beyond his normal duties. Definitely worth the recognition! Thanks Eri!

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - 
KSI Predator15 - 2nd LT - FOXTROT CO
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10028-ksi-predator15/
Reasoning why they deserve this - Predator is working hard towards his promotion, doing all he can to observe and learn from others. He's also doing his best to complete his Captains test. He has come quite a long way since I first joined the Foxtrot family, and I have a feeling that he might be in the lines for a leadership spot somewhere in the CO Family. Definitely a great learner & potential leader!

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Division Leader
KSI CheddarBob7 - DL Division Leader
Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1101-ksi-cheddarbob7/
Reason: KSI CheddarBob7 has done an incredible job as a successful Division Leader. He goes above and beyond simply doing his rank requirements, he is always busy trying to better DL. He pays attention to people, regardless of rank, when they come to him with a problem, or a question, no matter how small or simple, and takes the time to ensure it is resolved correctly, and in such a way that everyone is satisfied with the outcome.

Co-Division Leader
KSI mason357x7 - DL Co-Division Leader
Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6350-ksi-mason357-07/
Reason: KSI mason357x7 has proven himself to be a great Co-Division Leader by leading by example. He greets new people with alot of respect, answering any questions they may have, and makes them feel welcome into KSI, including them in gameplay. He touches base with everyone as often as he can, to make sure everyones doing ok, and that things are running smoothly within DL as a whole.

KSI UBeeDum 7 - DL Founder
Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11416-kšïußèèðùm7/
Reason: KSI UBeeDum 7 has done an excellent job at ensuring communications are being passed both down and up. He takes the time to communicate with his CoFo's, helping to resolve problems in the best way possible. He makes sure to keep in contact with everyone, and interact with DL members.

KSI Dragon014x7 - DL Co-Founder
Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12108-ksi-dragon014x7/
Reason: KSI Dragon014x7, in the short time I have known him, has resolved so many problems that I have lost count. He is an amazing CoFo, he goes out of his way to keep in touch with everyone, playing games with everyone, making them feel welcome and wanted, within KSI. He never seems to lose his temper, not matter how frustrating a problem grows to be. His patience as well, seems to know no bounds.

KSI southernboy - General DL WARLORD
Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11809-southernboy1125/
Reason: KSI southernboy has run into a few rough patches in his time as General of Warlord, and has always managed to bounce back from it. He refuses to give up, to give in. He takes personal interest in problems brought to him, resolving them in the best way possible and quickly. He is someone you can go to with any questions or concerns, and never makes you feel like you're being ignored.

KSI SoakedSiren - 2CPT DL INSANE
Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13979-ksi-soakedsiren/
Reason: KSI SoakedSiren is an incredibly good Captain, he makes everyone feel welcome upon joining KSI, playing matches with them, getting to know them, showing he cares. He leads by example, putting forth a good image not just for his squad, but everyone he knows and plays with.

KSI Apkdeadshot - 4LT DL UNDEAD
Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12351-ksi-apkdeadshot/
Reason: KSI Apkdeadshot, while I do not know him personally, all I hear and see are good things about him. He works his butt off when it comes to training people off of DL's Rct Tag. He has proven through his actions that he is more than simply good at doing his rank duties, he cares enough to go beyond what is expected of him, and interact with many different people from all of DL's squads. This guy, has my respect.

Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/17080-ssb0589/
Reason: KSI R3APER oO, since being recruited, has put so much work into WARLORD, that I feel he is more than deserving of this nomination. He is always asking if theres anyone that needs trained up, or if theres anything that he can help with. He welcomes new people into the squad, letting them know who the Officers are, answering what questions he can and directing them to an officer if he cannot. I see this guy going far within KSI, and I'm proud to call him friend.

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Senior Leader

Gamertag: KSI QueenJess 7 - CKO, Senior director.
Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/39-gemma/

Reasoning why they deserve this: Honestly the fact all i need to do for reasons is point at the woman.....should say everything. You literaly could cut this woman and KSI would come out not blood. She honestly does far to much for this community and very few of us acknowledge that or remotely think to give her the simple respect and thanks that she deserves for all her work. :) if my she was my mother i could safely say I couldnt be prouder to have somebody who genuinely cares about everybody and works her ass off.



Gamertag: KSI Huckleberry 7 (director)
Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/5569-ksi-hucklberry-7/

Reasoning why they deserve this: Honestly if this man was any more patient and tolerant of people he would legit have to be a statue for how much time he sits and listens to peoples concerns and complaints (my own included, he's let me vent on more than one occasion when i frankly have something on my mind to the point i need to shout it out just to get it off my chest.) My respect for this man runs as deep as my respect and love for jess. I look at members like huckleberry and feel no worries or concerns about KSI's future even if he does remind me of a male jess....just without the jojobas. Add to all his duties as a director he also live streams a fairly large amount of our 7 vs Viewers events. Father figure yes....Amazing leader Yes. Probably the best director of this entire year.....YES. So Give the man his credit....he's so well thought of we even named one of our filters after him Huck.



Gamertag: KSI Sinister 7

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8993-ksi-sinister/

Reason why you think they deserve this: Sinister is very much like my old self in clan ops the hard working deal with everything then and there kind of guy. I find myself in alot of parties with him telling him he needs to remember to take a few days to himself here and there and he grasped that lesson far faster than i did. He is legit a scary hard working person. Between him and oni issues in GZ get resloved and dealt with almost as soon as they arise. These two are legit like a younger married version of chaos and jess....with some reversals lol.


Forum Staff

Gamertag: KSI Doctor 7 (SH founder)
Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4993-one-winged-angel/

Reasoning why they deserve this: Well The reason he deserves this is since i have been less active due to work and commitments in my home life he has taken over the more arduous periods of time on the forums, which also includes his absolutely amazing commitments to AAP's fairness and effectiveness. He balances his division work load with running the aap and being a senior forum mod with almost perfect poise and is one of the best mediators and peacekeepers i know. Always takes the time if he see's something in any guide topics i made and might have missed to check if its okay to edit or fix it....he has the utmost respect for the content of information topics and the integrity inside them. Im proud of him and glad that AAP and other departments have gained this member and i trust him to the utmost of my limits. :) best successor i have had as the AAP head...ever.



Gamertag: KSI Doctor 7 (SH founder)
Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4993-one-winged-angel/
Reasoning why they deserve this: Well The reason he deserves this is since i have been less active due to work and commitments in my home life he has taken over the more arduous periods of time on the forums, which also includes his absolutely amazing commitments to AAP's fairness and effectiveness. He balances his division work load with running the aap and being a senior forum mod with almost perfect poise and is one of the best mediators and peacekeepers i know. Always takes the time if he see's something in any guide topics i made and might have missed to check if its okay to edit or fix it....he has the utmost respect for the content of information topics and the integrity inside them. Im proud of him and glad that AAP and other departments have gained this member and i trust him to the utmost of my limits. :) best successor i have had as the AAP head...ever.

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