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KSI Kat: Member Assistance nomination. (Awarded - Check closing post)


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  • Admin Guy

Name: KSI Kat/General/EO
Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12560-%E2%9D%A4-miss-kat-%E2%9D%A4/
Award-/-Achievement: Member Assistance.
Reason-/-Evidence: Throughout her career in KSI, I've seen her help many people in need of questions being answered or whatever it may be. This member is knowledgeable in things pertaining to KSI, and will go out of her way to not only assist members of her squad, but others who need it as well. She's definitely deserving of this award. 

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(i'll check back on this and award when sufficient stuffs posted....for obvious reasons to avoid claims favoritism Doc cannot post unless its supporting evidence.)

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I am witness to these events and will testify to this. She has help me as well as many others that I know. She is extremely deserving of this award.

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I'd like to second this, seeing as Kat has been more than helpful to anyone in need of assistance. I for one, would be pretty lost on the forums without her help. Returning to the forums after over a year of being absent, she has guided me through the changes on multiple occasions. I'm for sure not the only person who'd be wondering through the forums lost if it wasn't for Kat, and I've witnessed her help plenty of other new recruits, members, and anyone who has asked her get through the forums. Kat helps with plenty more than forum activity as well, and is the life line of Plasma squad. 

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I will witness for Miss Kat. Since I joined KSI back in July, she was the first person other than my brother to help me learn about KSI.  I view her as a mentor and the sister I never had.  She takes interest in my questions and helps answer them the best way she can.  She will never shy away from helping anyone in KSI and she is a model member of this community. 



KSI Sweetpea

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I am a witness to this award i know for a fact that KSI Kat has helped out 100s of KSI member and did go out of her way to do so. If it is in Clan ops or in Web ops :) you go Kat!

Im surpirsd she does not have this award yet honestly.

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I can witness for kats member assistance award. The reasoning is that he is always willing to help her members even if she is doing T&E work for me. She is energetic to help her members and tries her best to help. She loves to help even train T&Es newest staff members. She loves to show new members there ways around the community, and is great at it! In my opinion she deserves this award.

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aap staff start your decisions, if you feel more evidence and testimony to support is needed post if you feel that way.

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  • Admin Guy

I will be awarding this due to a conflict of interest that has come up. If there is anyone who has an issue with this, please PM me and i will explain the situation.

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