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IO Headhunters and Squad Team Battle Records and Records

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Rawhide IO Hardcore Head Hunters (HHH) Official Roster

Starting 6:
1. KSI Hertchu                   KD: 1.19
2. KSI GetxMoney             KD: 1.19
3. KSI SeCoNd2NoNe       KD: 1.12
4. KSI GatexKeeper           KD: 1.05
5. KSI Bosshog                   KD: 0.99
6. R3AP3ROFPUDD1NG   KD: 0.96
Replacements are as follows by KD as well:
7. Prodigy1604                 KD: 0.95
8. KSI KURAI WOLF          KD: 0.94
9. AdrianBlack91             KD: 0.93
10. KSI SweetTea             KD: 0.85
11. KSI CaTsMaShEr        KD: 0.82
Only the top 6 are guaranteed a spot for the tournaments or matches. You may challenge anyone for a spot 2 positions above your current position.  With that being said if you in spots 9-11 you may only challenge for a 7 or 8 spot. And if you are in spot 7 or 8 you may only challenge 5 or 6. Two day prior to the actual event will be the last day to push for a challenge for a different position. The day before the actual challenge we will try and hold a scrimmage against some randoms to work on callouts and team movements as well as avoiding team kills. As of right now im going to be holding practice on Wednesday @8, Friday after meeting, and Sunday @ 7. If your schedules conflict with any of these days please notify me or KSI Bosshog with a message. Rankings will chang every week as to the more you play the better or worse your KD will be (hopefully better). Thank you and good gaming.

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LoneStar IO Hardcore Head Hunters (HCHH) Official Roster


Starting 6:


2. KSI Kamehameha   

3. p12obleM

4. o S 4 S H A o

5. KSI Miss FR3AK

6. KSIxApollo





7. KSI Quillenator

8. Kira LaSeto

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