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AAP Of the Month: August 2013 Nominations!!! (Closing September 10th)


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Division leader

GAMERTAG- KSI Mystique 77

Division- HD

Reason- This guy is absolutely amazing. He keeps his division active on the forums 100% of The time. He always hops into parties or games when you need something and always makes sure to keep everything running smoothly and perfectly. All the time.


GAMERTAG- KSI Taywick 77

Division- HD

REASON- He is absolutely positively amazing. He always uses his noble knowledge and helps the sayids under him with It. He knows what he's doing and I think he doesn't get enough credit for the work he does.


Gamertag- KSI Vengeance6

Division- HD

Reason- My first captain, this guy has been here for almost 2 months, he has absolutely destroyed recruiting and training and works hard at everything. I was gone for 2 days and during those 2 days we were poached at and he comepletely shut that down and no one was poached. He has done almost everything I ask. The best Captain 1 captain in KSI

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Link to forums account - www.ksiforums.org/user/11836-chickenwing/

The reason he deserves this:


He is such a humble person, easy to speak with, and always willing to go the extra mile to ensure that all questions asked are answered. I have not been with KSI long but have seen his dedication and compassion for others on the forums and xbox. I have never seen someone so dedicated and comitted to doing something they love. Chicken should be awarded simply because he is amazing and makes a dim room full of sunshinnnnnne. :)

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Gamertag - KSI L10N 7
Division - Demonic Mayhem
Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI L10N 7 has been doing an extraordinary job this month with spending time getting to know new members and attending as many Game Nights as he can. He's put in much effort into planning DM's Spirit Weekend w/ KSI HAVOC 7 and KSI Jupiter 7 and making sure it was fun and exciting for the members. He also established our division's Training Committee, making training a lot more organized and formal. Not only does he get a lot of things done, but he finds time to talk with members and show that he is not only their Founder, but their friend. I admire him for his ability to balance work and school with what he does in KSI. L10N truly deserves this award for all of the work, love, and effort that he's put into his division this month.
Gamertag - KSI HAVOC 7
Division - Demonic Mayhem
Reasoning why the deserve this - HAVOC has been working his butt off this month. Being the head of DM's Welcoming Committee and a staff member of the Tourneys & Events Staff, he's also been spending a large amount of his time getting to know members, hosting meetings, being at Game Nights, and dealing with drama in a proper manner. He's extremely motivational and gives out great advice about anything, whether it's KSI business or simply just life. HAVOC helped a great amount during DM's Spirit Weekend, by hosting the Halo tournaments and even spending money out of his own wallet for prizes. He puts great effort and passion into his division. He is a wonderful leader, and I admire him greatly for his organization, patience and understanding. He deserves this award like no other.
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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Greg 7 (Director - DM FG TW)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - He is like a father to all of us. He plays with us, gives us major advice, he tries to help us to the best of his ability. He is a sweetheart. He is like family to my division. Our division wouldnt be the same without his presence.



Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jupiter 7 (Co-Division Leader - Demonic Mayhem)
Link to forums account - 
Reasoning why they deserve this - She has been working her butt off, trying to improve the division and running major events. She dedicates her time to each person and makes them feel important. She is a great Leader. She plays with us all the time. She talks to us and gives us wonderful advice. She deserves it.



Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI L10N 7 (Founder - Demonic Mayhem)
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Reasoning why they deserve this - He is a true leader, he dedicates his time to the happiness of his division. He loves all of us, he treats us like family. He communicates with us as much as he can to ensure everything is running smoothly. He is great Leader.



Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HAVOC 7 (Co-Founder - Demonic Mayhem)
Link to forums account -  

Reasoning why they deserve this - This person deserves this award because he dedicates his time to all the squads and tries to helps them to the best of his ability. He is a mediator, he helps us solve problems and gives us wonderful advice. He is the nicest, most caring person I have ever met. He deserve it 100%!



Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Huntress (4CPT - Demonic Mayhem/Lethal)
Link to forums account - 
Reasoning why the deserve this - She is a great recruiter, has an amazing personality, she is ALWAYS with her fellow squad mates, she always plays them and knows how to have fun, she makes sure everything is running efficiently. She is a great CPT.




Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Swiftfox (SGT - Demonic Mayhem/Lethal)
Link to forums account - 
Reasoning why the deserve this - He has been working hard to get to the next level. He gets great recruits, is always active, and has a very fun personality. He cares about everyone in his squad. He is deserving of this award.

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI OrangePeach Ground Zero/ 1 lt
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Reasoning why the deserve this - Orange has been helping us as a squad. Shes been hosting gamenights. Helping people within KSI even if there not in our squad. She just has a great personalty. 

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Gamertag-KSI Greg 7

Division/squid-DM,FG and TW

Link to account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/109-ksi-greg-7/


The little time I have known him I know for a fact that he is a hard worker in KSI and I think he is the best Director that I will ever had and that he deserves the AAP award

Co-division leader

Gamertag- KSI Heero 7


Link to account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7261-ksi-heero-7/


I have know Heero for a good 6 months and he loves dealing with KSI it doesn't matter what it is he will help you with anything yeah people may get him mad but he will still have time to talk to everyone on what ever the case my be he will alway help in Amy way he can


Gamertag- KSI Sworn 7


Link to account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7662-swornxenemy13/


I have know sworn for 6 months and he is really cool when he means business he means it and I love talking to home it's such an honor and it's like you know when he is in the party his presents are so strong


Gamertag- KSI Nico 7

Division/Squid-Nememsis and Recoil TW


I think Nico should get it because he has helped me at in when I was at my darkest time he picked me up and help me back on my feet when I though I couldn't get back up and he has helped me out ever since

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Division/Squid- Overload TW

Link to account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15436-turbo-jesus/


I have known turbo ever since he was a cpl I watch him grow and I think he deserves it because he has worked hard to get to where he is now and now I am proud to call him my gen


Gamertag- KSI ASAP MVC

Division/Squid rank - 2 Lt Overload TW

Link to account-http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16251-ksi-asap-mvc/


ASAP has put a lot of time and affort to ward KSI and I would love to see him win the AAP award and it would make him soo happy to get it I am proud to call him my fello Lt

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nico 7 TW Co-Founder 

Reasoning why he deserve this - Nico has been a huge help for me ever since I joined KSI. Every day that I'd get on Nico would invite me into a party , and he'd help me through anything. Even though he isn't in Overload anymore he still helps me out with me general obligations, and any personal matters that i bring to him. Nico is a class act guy who really deserves this. 

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Hermosa Killjoy TW 

Reasoning why she deserve this - Hermosa has done an amazing job with Killjoy. As soon as she got into that squad she took over and really pushed her members to be the best that they could be. Hermosa is on of those people who doesn't take bs, and she showed that when she took over Killjoy. The motivation she has provided to her members is awesome and I can't wait to see her get Killjoy to another split.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Huntress (Dummy) Lethal DM 

Reasoning why she deserve this - There are so many reasons as to why Dummy deserves this! I'll try to keep it short. First of all she is like the nicest person ever who has tons of patience. For two weeks straight I got dozens of messages from her introducing her newest recruits. The cool part about these messages was that she made them funny and enjoyable to read. She also is super active on Halo and the forums. Whenever I'm in a game night Huntress is always there, and if there isn't one going on she'll start one up. Dummy is super Funny and overall helpful. Everyone from KSI can learn from this wonderful lady, so please vote for her! Also my girlfriend wont let me talk to her.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ASAP MVC OVERLOAD TW 

Reasoning why he deserve this - ASAP has been a huge help to me ever since I became Gen and I am very grateful for it. ASAP is the only guy that I haven't had to ask to increase forums activity, and when I asked for people to step up the recruiting he delivered. The very next day he gets two recruits. I am very grateful to have someone this dedicated in OVERLOAD. 

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSISPOILEDSPARK OVERLOAD TW 

Reasoning why she deserve this -  Spoiled is a great LT and a great person. She is super dedicated and would do anything to improve the squad. As soon as she got back from vacation she hosted at SGT workshop and got a RCT. While she was gone she texted me almost everyday asking about the squad. She is a great member of the squad and I know she has a bright future in KSI. 

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI NICO 7

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Reasoning why they deserve this - I am chosing NICO because he has had a lot on his plate since getting promoted to a CO/FO. He is acting general for Recoil, and has been helping us out a lot. He joins us in our game nights. And is always popping in to say "hi." He is always so positive too. He has faith that Recoil can get back up to where it was before, and he keeps us motivated.




Gamertag (Rank- Division/Squad)- KSI Terrors (4th CPT- Twisted Warefare/Recoil)


Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15895-terror-bunnies/


Reasoning why they deserve this- KSI Terrors has stepped it up. Recoil is without a General right now, and our 3rd CPT has been inactive for personal reasons. Terrors has been a great motivator to the other officers. He voices his concerns to our CO/FO, and is great at helping NICO keep Recoil together. He has helped out a couple of our officers with personal issues. He is a great role model and even better person.

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(Reason why) He is always watching over everyone his kindness is an added bonus he makes sure we are a working machine called Menace and he makes everything understandable and keeps KSI enjoyable and fun for everyone



KSI Huntress

(Reason why) She offers good help and solace to every member and she gets things done and is very to overly active in Lethal and other squads and divisions



KSI Purge

(Reason why) He gets his stuff done and efficiently even and has the people thought in his mind and will always put community first himself second.  

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Impyyy 7 (Director - GZ/FI/SH)
Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI Impyyy has done a fantastic job as director since he's become one.  One of the challenges he had to face was after divisions were reallocated to the directors in which he no longer had WI, and picked up FI.  Forced Induction is solely a COD division (BO2 specific) which is a first for Impy in all his time here in KSI.  COD players tend to be more competitive than that of their HALO counterparts.  He's assimilated himself seamlessly as the acting director over FI, providing invaluable mentorship not only to myself, but the divisional staff as well.  He's been instrumental in the leadership changes necessary to get FI back on track and headed in the right direction for the future of this division.  Without a doubt, this is a man who should be at this position if not higher with his social, media and strategic decision-making skills as well as his knack for optimal prioritization and perspectives on various different situations that have arisen.  Thanks Impy for all you have done and continue to do for this community and Forced Induction bro.  +props+ 
Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ACIDVAPOR 7
Reasoning why the deserve this - Meet Acidvapor.  Acidvapor is an IA rep for FI, effective Co-Div leader, mentor to many, and catalyst for the many changes we've had in FI.  This guy is extremely motivated, yet down to earth, and levels with everyone in the division.  Surely one of the most approachable members in KSI.  Helping various folks daily and gaming with random people to include many recruits, this guy is doing more than what is required of him to do.  He has come up with impromtu and bi-monthly meetings with all of the FI officers which turns out to be a great hit.  He's able to reach the unreachable members and help others think and see more clearly when it comes to divisional goals, facilitating ideas, and my personal favorite COLLABORATION & COMMUNICATION!  Through his efforts, the division is more cohesive as he's created a divisional climate that makes it okay to express ideas which we're seeing plenty of as you can see by the boom of forum topics.  This guy is on the ball, always willing to learn and is just soaking up all the knowledge he can from everywhere and everyone.  Quick study, very adaptive, and is always looking to improve processes and everyone around him.  Most recently he acted swiftly on a potentially destructive security threat involving Bill's KSI members embedded across several different divisions.  His quick response and decisive actions have prevented a great threat from coming full circle and keeping our members safe and secure.  He once parallel parked a train.  His 2 cents is worth $37.25.  He IS my Co-Division Leader.  
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Oraclex 7 (Founder - FI)
Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI Oraclex 7 is also a quick study.  I'm blessed to have such great leadership in FI.  This particular member has always operated at the next step every step of the way.  Organizing events, knowing the status on any person in FI, I mean really she's the all knowing ORACLE of this division.  She's the reason why a lot of anything gets done around here lol.  Oracle is simply that pure awesome quality impartial leader you need here.  Has devoted much time and effort to recover a struggling squad by injecting herself into the recruiting and training of the squad to include it's now General - KSI Kreaky.  The squad not only recovered but has since squad split into KSI Diesel FI.  Oracle is a highly motivated and dedicated member of this division and KSI.  Certainly one of the hardest working members I know or have encountered.  
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shinobi 7 (CoFo - Shift/Velocity/Intake)
Reasoning why the deserve this - Shinobi has quickly integrated himself as one of FI's vital division leader staff in the rank of CoFounder. He's had to deal much with the OKG issue and people leaving his squad to join or help create this new clan.  Dealing with the drama and poaching, Shinobi has injected himself back into his squad and has since been helping with recruiting lobbies and training to increase the member count in the squad.  It's as if nothing has happened now with the way he's taken control of the situation.  He was also integral in his data collection during the hours leadership required information regarding who was doing what when to decide if and how much of a threat OKG is to our division.  HIs humble nature helped quell the uneasiness that fell on a good number of those in FI which has greatly helped solidify loyal members and aid in retention efforts.  Personally grooming his successor, KSI FuzzyFinS, he's mentoring several members in FI who will surely have a great impact in the very near future.  Look for this guy to continue forward well into the future of KSI.  Oh yea... don't forget, he's got the BEST LAUGH IN ALL OF KSI! Hands down... just go talk to the guy :)
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -  KSI AchievHuntr
Reasoning why the deserve this - This guy is the single best promoter in all of KSI.  He is on it.  HIGHLY active HIGHLY motivated member doing ...well.... damn near everything.  He created the Tournaments & Events team for Forced Induction to increase the level of participation in divisional events and boost more activity in the div.  Not only did he create it, but is running it effectively and efficiently.  The T&E staff has put on several divisional events and is working on its 2nd "All Out Divisional Tournament" come this Friday.  He's been hosting Cpl/Sgt/SSgt workshops for the past 4 weeks or so now and has done a fantastic job in doing so.  Those who show up for his workshops are not only within his squad, Octane - most recently known for squad splitting into Diesel, but from all over FI.  He's one you can be confident that when tasked, it will get done right the first time every time.  This guy is awesome.  I feel bad because I have no idea where this gold mine has come from, but he's certainly got my respect and appreciation for ALL his efforts.  He doesn't just work within his squad, nor only within FI, but also has put himself out there for all of KSI being on the main T&E Staff as well.  He's on the ball through and through.  The guy certainly deserves to be recognized as the hardest working and most dedicated Captain in all of KSI, if for no other time period, of August 2013.  This guy is amazing.  I see it already. Guy is going all the way to the top.  Thank you for all you do bro.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI FuzzyFinS
Reasoning why the deserve this -  KSI FuzzyFinS is an outstanding LT.  This guy has hit the ground running since his first day in KSI... I should know, I orientated him lol.  He's spearheaded the Welcoming Committee for Forced Induction and have gained support throughout the division.  This isn't just a group of ppl sending out welcome aboard messages.  They're an integral piece in the retention initiative for Forced Induction by serving as the critical bridge between being a new recruit to full member of a squad and properly turning them over to their respective Generals.  This guy is ON it.  Just today, 8SEP13, he has passed his Captain's test with 97% which is of no surprise to me.  He's eager to learn and his already a recognized leader in Intake FI, as well as mentor to some.  He's doing the dang thing.  He's the fresh legs we needed to snatch off the bench and put into play around here.  Certainly a name to be made here as he continues to make waves here in KSI. Watch out for this guy... he's got mad potential. 
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bear46
Reasoning why the deserve this -  Bear's support is unique.  This guy has some crazy parents and his own personal issues that keep him from being promoted beyond a Sgt (at least for now).  But his undying loyalty to KSI and corny jokes keep things lighthearted and fresh.  If I were to give him a title, it'd be something along the lines of a Public Affairs Officer, if he wasn't so dang silly lol.  He helps out in every way he can - being part of the Welcoming Committee, FI Productions, live streaming, providing comedy skits, being highly active on the forums and providing forum assistance.  He's also a great promoter...as he just won't shut his mouth for any reason any way haha (joke).  Just an all around lovable character here in KSI who is always putting in work regardless of his situation or external excuses.  He's a solid dependable guy :)

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Division leader

Gamertag-(rank/division/squad) KSI Docness 7, Div leader, FI

Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2253-ksidocness7

Reasoning for nomination-Well to start off with, this guy has picked up the peices of this division since day one. He has been a mentor to many, and a friend to all, there isnt a single thing that you cant approach this guy about, he has been there through all the bad times, so we can count on his loyalties. I have no doubt in my mind that this dude will be the next director of KSI, say what you will of him, but he will succeed as a natural leader.

He leads with authority, and yet remains humble and modest. True qualities are hard to find, but not with this guy....mad respect for you bro.

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Gamertag      KSI Jezrien 7.       (Last strike   co founder)


Link to profile.    http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1291-jezrien-҂⌣̀-⌣Ì/


Reason-  jezrien has slaved for weeks to push out some of the most immaculate writings ever to grace the screens of readers around the world. So immaculate in fact that badfur himself could not find any mistakes on his first story ever. At least as I've been told with his rants of his dealings with anything he decides to do(please note I'm not on the writing staff for good reason) he has put hundreds of minutes into his writings and I feel he must be nominated. Give this man an award, do it for merica.


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Gamertag - KSI Jezrien 7


Division/Rank - LS Co-Founder


Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1291-jezrien-҂⌣̀-⌣Ì/


Reasoning why the deserve this - Jezrien is one of the most active news team members. He meets all of his deadlines, and his articles are interesting and engages your mind. If you just go to read one of his articles, you'll immediately know he deserves this award. He's a great writer who puts time and effort into his articles. He actually takes pride in what he writes. Every time he writes an article he gets so proud and wants everyone to go read it. (: I think he's definitely one of the best writers on the News Team.

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KSIxGODDESS(General - Last Strike/Echo) -
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12974-icequeen/
Reasoning why they deserve this - I think that goddess deserves this is, since she came over to echo from memories she has worked hard. one because she came from a halo 4 squad to a halo reach squad, also when she got Gen she worked even harder to bring the squad up and get it running to its former glory and over the past month I can honestly say that she has done that and so much more. everyday that I get on I look forward to what she has in store for the squad and after being a former Gen of echo I can say its a beautiful thing. to see that leadership and motivation in the squad. and even as I write this right now or even in a custom game I think she still thinking of new ways to improve the squad and its members. 



KSI Jezrien(CO-FO-Last Strike/ N/A)-

Link to forums account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1291-jezrien-҂⌣̀-⌣Ì/

Reasoning why they deserve this - well the reason I think he deserves this Is because when I read his articles they look well thought out and well written which is something you don't typically see a lot of in ksi and and he also seem to have a general concern for the topics of his articles and not writing about something random that they don't even care about.

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KSIxGoddess-Echo,Last Strike-

Link to the forums acoount-N/A

Reason why they deserve this- Echo was struggling really badly, But she just brought us back and made are squad coming close to split. But she didn't just go recruiting because she's GEN. She just has a way to motivate everyone to work alot harder. She is also so caring for her squad she will go out of her way to talk about a issue your having. Wether its a personal matter or within the squad. Shes also very smart with know she ask to promte. So far all of the people she has promted has been do on heck of a job. Over all shes a really good person and a really good GEN. I think she desreves this position more then anyone else. :)

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Gamertag(Rank- Division/Squad) - KSI HUCKLEBERRY 7
Reasons why- He helps out his divisons. and is a dedicated Director and is welll Respected within KSI. 
Gamertag (Rank- Division/Squad)- KSI CheddarBob7 DL Division Leader. 
Reasons why- He works hard within DL to help and guide Members within DL with questions and concerns, As well as giving his time to have a few games with Members in DL. Hes a well respected member of KSI and will go out his way to help anyone.
Gamertag (Rank- Division/Squad) - KSI Dragon014x7 DL
Reasons why - When ever I need help he will stop what hes doing and to help. Again another well respected member in DL. 
Gamertag (Rank- Division/Squad) - KSIxTommie Lee General NECRO DL
Reasons why - Hes dedicated to his role in KSI and is well organized.He has high hopes for everyone in his Squad. Has well thought ideas for KSI. Its a pleasure being in his Squad. 
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Salient Rob 1st CPT NECRO DL
Reasons why - Rob has come up with some good ideas in our Squad and within KSI, He started up DL Global on Elite. Hes in charge of the Elite on Black Ops 2. he liked by many members in DL. Hope one day he will become a General and i would be honoured to be his 1st Captain. 
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KSI Jezrien 7 (Last Strike Co-Founder)

Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1291-jezrien-%D2%82%E2%8C%A3%CC%80-%E2%8C%A3%CC%81/


He deserves this award due to the fact that his first articles i think it was didn't even need to be edited, He has posted articles that I was interested in reading and so was others. He also already has another story ready. He is one of the few committed members to the news team and, I cant wait to read some more interesting articles from him in the near future.



KSIxGODDESS(General- Last Strike- ECHO)

Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12974-icequeen/


Goddess has really earned this award she has worked really hard in ECHO and now all that hard work and commitment that she has with her squad is now paying off. They are gonna be splitting soon they have a hard working officer staff and the one who is running that all is her. She came into ECHO as a 1CP and was working as hard as she could from then on, she came from a squad that was dead and she had 1 thing in mind when she got here "I will not let what happened there happen again here". She took that and blew it out of the water, Killed it, that is not even something that is possible anymore. She has made this squad such a great place and a fun place to be that every single custom game, meeting, Matchmaking night she has is always a full lobby or even 2. She has divisional leadership all they way up to our director (KSI Paratroop 7) showing up and wanting to be in all of their customs, Matchmaking nights. Oh yeah did I not say ECHO is a HALO REACH SQUAD!!! The only Halo Reach squad and THEY ARE ABOUT TO SPLIT, they are the best squad at this point in time in our division. I cant wait to see where she goes in KSI, I have nothing bad to say about her. I am the current founder in LS and I do not see another person in this division that cares as much as she does about every single member in this whole division not only her squad. I as her founder can say i would love to even be under her and learn how she does all of this with her real life involved as well.



(I am sorry for any mistakes or anything like that)

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Gamertag -  KSI SianyRabbit

(Rank - Division/Squad)Dark Legions  Necro
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...07-sianyrabbit/
Reasoning why the deserve this - A trueleader must be good role models,knowledgeable in their fields,and worthy of respect this is sianyrabbit.She is very loyal and she is always quick to help everyone no matter what time it is or the problem.She works hard with doing the squad meeting and game nights with our squad.She is a great person and does her work and more. I honestly think she deserves this award.

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Echo Last Strike


she is an awesome general she knows everyone in her squad and is nice to everybody. she is also in a good mood everyday. she is an amazing leader.

she is on the forums daily. 

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Greg 7 (Director-TW,DM,FG)
Link to forums account - 
Reasoning why the deserve this -
Greg is an amazing leader. He is willing to do whatever is needed to help his different divisions succeeded within KSI. He is active with game nights not only with KIlljoy but he is with all the different squads. Even though he is a 7, he makes the effort to hang out with the little people. He is genuine in everything that he does and I look up to him for a lot of things that I feel I need more assistants with. 

Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Heero 7 (Co-Div-TW)
Link to forums account - 
Reasoning why the deserve this -
Heero has worked his butt off doing both the job of Co-Div and Div leader. He is pushing TW to be the great squad that he knows it to be. With the recent situations that have happened withing TW, Heero has done his best to keep everyone in the division focused on getting back to the basics and making sure that everyone is enjoying there time here in KSI. 

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sworn 7 (Founder - TW)
Link to forums account - 
Reasoning why the deserve this - Sworn is the most respectful person that I have meet here in KSI. Yes we have a chain of command and yes we are told follow it but if I really need help or advice on something that has to do with my squad he is always there to assist me in anyway possible. He knows a lot about KSI and he is a great leader within the community.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Payton 7 (CO-FO - TW)
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Reasoning why the deserve this - Payton, Payton, Payton.... He can kick your butt and act like a friend all in one clean motion. He is the reason that I am the leader that I am today because he has helped me every step of the way. I have only been General for a month,but in this time Payton has made sure that my officer staff is where it needed to be and made sure that I was prepared for the split. He is an amazing mentor and has helped me move forward in KSI. 

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI LegalD (General - TW/Nemisis)
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Reasoning why the deserve this - With everything that has been going on in TW, LegalD has keep his cool the entire time. I admire the way that he runs his squad and the way that his members respect him. He is doing a great job and will continue to do so no matter what happens.

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ToxicRain (3CP-TW/KILLJOY)
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Reasoning why the deserve this - Toxic has been working her butt off to make sure that the squad is ready for our split, and that all the officers are doing what they need to. Also she is on the welcoming committee for the new recruits because she loves KSI and wants to share the community with the world. She is on fire for this community, and with the right train she will be a great leader very soon. :)

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KSI Greg 7 (director - Division/Squad) -

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/109-ksi-greg-7/

Reasoning why the deserve this -I feel that Greg has been around to provide good information to leaders and well as direction and guidance with tips on how to make our squads more effective, also having a open door when I have a question about decision making I can always rely on him for advise

Co-Division Leader

(Rank - Division/Squad) -

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -

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Reasoning why the deserve this -


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -

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KSI Huntress ( 4cpt- DM /Lethal) -

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13721-huntress/

Reasoning why the deserve this -I believe that huntress is a very good leader and deserves this award due to the fact that she takes so much pride in mentoring her members as well as recruits and giving the the information that they deserve to become new leaders within our community, also her online activity is awesome. Huntress represents what KSI is all about, helpful to others and always around to lend support


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -

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KSIxTommie Lee  

Great leader in his sqaud always pushes for his squad to do best and tries his hardest to keep everything in line for ksi



KSI SianyRabbit


Siany has always been there to help train people and do the right thing for her squad and helps her higher ups in any possible

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Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Co-Div/Twisted Warfare) - KSI Heero 7
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Reasoning why the deserve this - Heero has been great this month. TW had a little bit of a hiccup this month, and Heero never wavered one bit. He continued to keep his head up the entire time constantly urging us to keep moving forward. For me personally he has helped me keep a level head during this bumpy period. He has been available to talk to at any time that i need to talk to him. He is committed to TW and more importantly KSI.

Gamertag (Co-Founfer/Twisted Warfare) - KSI Nico 7
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Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI Nico has been outstanding this month. Not only has he been my Co Founder, but he has been acting General for 2 other squads. He has been wearing several different hats for a while now. He has been able to give his all whenever needed. He has been working side by side with me to help me get my squad heading back in the right direction. He is only concerned with keeping his squads at the top of TW. He has had to make a difficult decision the past week, and only has what's best for TW in every decision he makes.

Gamertag (General-Killjoy/Twisted Warfare) - KSI Hermosa
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Reasoning why the deserve this - Hermosa has been integral in turning Killjoy around. When she came into Killjoy the squad was in risk of going completely under, but in the last month since she was promoted to General she has turned Killjoy in a complete 180. She is only concerned about how her squad and members are doing. Killjoy is now in a position to split as soon as the correct officers are in place. I have complete confidence that she will continue to have the utmost respect of her members, and the respect of the other Generals and higher ups for a long time to come.

Gamertag (3LT-Nemesis/Twisted Warfare) - KSI PinkZombie
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Reasoning why the deserve this - PinkZombie has only been a LT for a short time, but she has been going full out when she has been asked or when she hasn't been asked. She is constantly looking for new members, and striving to help the members that we already have. She is always looking for ways to learn what she doesn't know. Pink is going to be a great leader in TW very soon, and she has already started that journey.

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