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KSI Kilamnjaro7's Outstanding Service Nomination (Awarded)


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Name: KSI Kilamnjaro7 GEN Phoenix SH
Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4996-vashâ„¢/
Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service
Reason-/-Evidence: He has been a great asset to Phoenix for a long time! When I was GEN he helped me on a number of occasion through some difficult questions and choices. He has taught me a lot on being a good leader. Even from the beginning. He was an excellent officer in this squad and helped keep the ship on course. Now as GEN he has continued this path. Member activity is good, Recruits of good quality are consistently coming in. There are people that are working their way up and wanting to be a leader within KSI looking up to him and he is guiding them well. This squad would NOT be in the shape it is in without him. He helps everyone and anyone throughout KSI with anything. He certainly deserves this award. He has done so much and has set this squad up for such success its crazy. 

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  • Admin Guy

I'm withdrawing my vote to witness on this.

Without this guy, I wouldn't be here in KSI. He was actually the person who convinced me to join, after deleting a message from a certain KSI Frozen. Regardless, he has done so much during his time here, it is insane. I remember when he first got General over A7X in FN, though we didn't have the proper training to ensure everything ran smoothly. He learned what he could off of the forums, and from others as well. With that, as well as literally helping recruit over half of our squad. We managed to have the first decent split in FN for quite some time. He moved up to Co-Founder after that, and while he was still around, he worked closely with all the squads that he could. Of course, he had to take a leave of absence when he moved, so he was gone for quite some time after that.

After another move, me getting another Xbox for him, and helping get him a copy of Blops 2. He was back in action once again! Since he's come back, I've seen nothing but great things from this guy. Constantly working with members on a personal level in the squad, hosting and assisting with workshops wherever he can, and even going out and getting recruits for the squad. He does it all! Now, he has worked his way back up to General, and has no intentions on stopping. This guy is literally what it means to be a dedicated KSI member, and most definitely will make his way above and beyond his past position.  

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I shall witness!

This guy has done so much work for KSI. its insane! Everytime I see this guy online hes usally doing some kind of KSI work. From being a bawse recruiter to being a beastly general in FN and in Phoenix. This guy has shown that he has gone above and beyond. How he doesn't have this yet is beyond me. Maybe because I was too busy loving other peoples butts. I havent forgotten about you Kyle! :P

but he really has put a lot of work into KSI and has intentions of doing so much more. :Rose:

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I am witnessing to this because ever since i have joined ksi Kilmanjaro has mentored me and taught me what it takes to be a member in ksi. He is always checking to see if i need help with anything or if i have any questions. He to me is always exceeding what it takes to be a member here.

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  • Admin Guy

Just to put it out there, I am the only active 7 currently in my division. So, there are no other leadership around at this time.

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I will Witness For this amazing guy!


Kilamnjaro has been there for all my questions, and helping learn all that I know about KSI. He also has worked hard in getting our squad active and running, and coming up with awesome ideas, and being there for anyone that needed him! Every time he is online he is doing some sort of KSI work, be it recruiting or dealing with his squad,he is always busy working. I respect and look up to him If anyone Deserves this award it is him!

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I am a Witness



KSI Kilamnjaro7 has helped me and a bunch of the members in Phoenix with situations concerning COC and security threats. He is a great GEN being able to talk and play with the squad to go recruiting and be able to have fun together


THIS IS MY WITNESS!! <3 love you JARO!!

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Kilamnjaro is an awesome guy. Since I joined KSI he has always had a positive attitude and never (from what I personally witnessed) lost his temper. He is very approachable, if I have a question he gets back to me within minutes. I honestly have nothing but good things to say about him. He is a fair player, an awesome General and an awesome friend.

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I personaly witness what a great job KSI Kilamanjaro7 has bin doing since he has joined up in Phoenix SH. Everything has bin going positive in the sqaud since hes became General. Theirs alot more activity and more recruits and this guy is freaking amazing.

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