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KSILive Streaming Schedule

Seishir� Tsugumi

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As you all know we stream @Twitch.tv/KSILive. In order to avoid confusion I'm posting a schedule on who is/isn't streaming when. Simply request a date, and time you'd like to stream.

Ex: I would like to stream Saturday June 17th 2013 from 5pm CST - 10pm CST. We have people who have a constant reservation for the stream time. It will have a (RP) box next to it.  We will take a look at all requests to stream, when we can. Please wait until a valid member of Productions approves your request. Thank you.


August 12th - August 18th Schedule:


Monday - (None)

Tuesday - (None)

Wednesday - (None)

Thursday - (7's vs Viewers) 9PM EST - 11PM EST (RP)

Friday - (KSI Pr3dator 7)(Hint Of Lime) 9pm EST - 11pm Est (RP)

Saturday - (KSI Apocawaka 7) (KSI Pr3dator 7)(WW) 8PM EST - 1AM EST (RP)

Sunday - (KSI Relentless) All Day (RP)

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