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'Meltdown Mike' Bost

KSI Jezrien 7

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Mike Bost, member of the Illinois House of Representatives, earned the nickname ‘Meltdown Mike’ from the viral video of him screaming and throwing papers while discussing a pension reform bill last year. Bost explained that he was tired of bills coming out on the floor at the last second, not giving enough time to fully consider or have lawmakers read them before having to vote on them.
Now, after representing the 115th district of Illinois for eighteen years, Bost is running for the 12th Congressional District seat. The difference between his current position as state representative and being on the federal level is what issues are focused on. On the state level, House members primarily deal with funding for the educational system, environmental issues specific to that state, setting state tax policy, or anything that is specific to the state in which they represent. At the federal level, their attention is directed towards things of national interest, such as: Medicaid, federal tax policies, immigration laws, and national defense. The elected officials who represent your state in the U.S. Congress are your voice in Washington, D.C.
Bost believes that southern Illinois needs a voice in D.C. to speak for them in a loud way. If history is any indicator, he will do just that.
His main focus will be to bring quality jobs and create a better business climate in the area, stating that quality jobs are fundamental in ensuring that the future generation will have a better life.
Mike Bost will be running against Bill Enyart for the 12th Congressional District seat. Enyart is currently in his first term in Congress.



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Well, look at that, a well written article on the first go.  The article can be published - there are a couple of ways to go about doing it. Make a new article in the news room which I'll promote to the front, or  make a thread in community news. Either one works.

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