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KSI AIRBORNE 7s Nomination. (Closed)

FadeZ 7

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Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating)-KSI AIRBORNE 7/Divine Reign
Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2037-comrade-stalin/

Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for)- OS lvl 3.
Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for)- this member has done so much in his time as a KSI member as a long standing and respected member of DR he has gone far and beyond in putting dedication to KSI. since iv been a member i cant think of a single time he was not been fully involved in KSI. he has been a dedicated member and successfully fulfilled each rank he has held.  he has played a huge part in influenceing the members of his division below him to building strong squads and a huge division. i could go on and on but ill let the witnesses speak for themselves.

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KSI AIRBORNE 7/Divine Reign
Reward: OS LV3
Why I think he should get this reward because one he always helps me with anything I need or an issue in KSI. He also helped me with my squad and never turned his back on KSI. KSI AIRBORNE is not only a friend but also he is a Leader that I look up to in KSI. Wish there were more like him in KSI

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KSI AIRBORNE 7/Divine Reign
Reward: OS LV3


 Being One of the few members who has had the Privileged to watch this guy grow in the community. In addition to the many contributions as Co-Division leader in Divine Reign. His Activity within the Community itself cannot go without notice, Taking FTLA 101 and then going ahead to take 201 right after. KSI AIRBORNE 7 has went ahead to be a very active member within the AAP section along with his recent placement as Court Judge under the leadership of Apoc 7. I believe his service to this community is more then above average for all that he has done, And never fails to push beyond his limits.  

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Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating)-KSI AIRBORNE 7/Divine Reign

Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums...comrade-stalin/

Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for)- OS lvl 3.

Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) - Airborne has been here since I first arrived, in that time he has instructed me on how to move up in KSI, whether that be recruiting, being social, using the forums for all that I can, proving myself, improving my leadership, utilizing time, and being an active member in the KSI Community. Airborne has been here to teach me all these things, none exaggerated, and yet he has been in Divisional Leadership since I arrived. It has never been his job to teach me these things, yet he did. If that doesn't mean going beyond the call of duty, then I don't know what is.

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I can vouch for airborne as his director. He always gives it a 110% and always pushes to make the div even better then it was the day before. Whether it be training nights or game nights. Something is done day in and day out

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I joined KSI in Feb this year and ever since like the second week of my joining, he has been a really big part and involvement in my growth and devotion in KSI. I have watched him be a big part of the squads i have been directly in contact with, (Valkyrie and Rapture) as well as other squads in DR. Any issues myself or any other members have had and have went to him with, he has went above and beyond to make sure not only that the issue was resolved but at the same time went out of his way to make sure he explained the reason behind his decisions on the matters to each and every one of the members. He has never failed to answer any messages or party invites from myself, but if he could not join right away he made sure he sent a reply telling me why he could not at that time, but he ALWAYS got back to me. He has taught me alot of things that reflect what and who i am today as a Captain. I have personally seen Airborne take other members, such as KSI FadeZ 7, and turn him into the leader that he is today. I cold keep on and on with other members, and name several more that he has had direct involvement with and has helped turn into the people they are today, but ill stop at this. Thank you for everything.

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KSI AIRBORNE 7/Divine Reign
Reward: OS LV3




Though I am fairly new to KSI and especially new to officer position, I have seen Airborne help anyone who needs it- from a bewildered new officer to a brand new recruit. Whether it is dealing with something on the forums. helping someone get there bearings, or even just helping someone level up their game- I have seen Airborne do it all. He deserves everything that comes his way and more.

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I can definitely witness to Airborne OS Lvl3 award. When I first started in KSI airborne was one of the first members I've met. Even though I'm not in his division I can truly say that any issues or problems I've had I came to airborne about if it was a AAP question or Clan-Ops question Airbrone was always online and willing to answer any questions I had. Watching the division his under grow to one of the largest LSI divisions at this point of time and one of the most active AAP staff he has done a extraordinary job. Helping other KSI members out that are not even in his divisions and being a true friend to every member within his division. Airbrone is one of a kind and I know for a fact everyone can agree :)

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Looking from the ground up at him now being his old leader. I remember coming over and Airborne being a general. He's made DR not only his home but many many many other members realize that they can call DR home as well including my self. Nothing against my man exodus but I'd say Airborne is the hardest working family member in DR's house. He is one of the Top reasons DR is the way it is today. Airborne helped bring unity to this division and has also shown to this division that everyone has a voice. That nio one is singled out nor left. His devotion is DR his mind set is DR. And his well uhhhh"Hustle" would be 100%DR. He's bent over 180 degrees and works beyond his peek and beyond his set potential the Sky's the limit. And I can say that if I wasn't for airborne being here DR wouldn't even be here. #DRtopcontributer.

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Airborne has always been at the top of his game and has always put 200% into everything he does, he never does anything for the better of himself but for the better of the division, he is always around when you need him and words cannot describe how much everyone thinks he should get this award and how much effort he puts into being the best!!

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Im always getting a message with a secrurity risk communities and always keeping DR updated.

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