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"Of the Month": May 2013 winners!!!


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  • Admin Guy

I am proud to present the winners of the "Of the month" nominations!!!!



Senior Director: KSIxAPOCALYPSE 7

Director: KSI Greg 7

Division Leader: KSI Cole 7

Co-Division Leader: KSI AIRBORNE 7

Founder: KSI Heero 7

Co-Founder: KSI FadezZ 7

General: KSI OSIRIS v1

Captain: KSI UBeeDum

Lieutenant: KSI TGOD

Forum Staff: iAmInfiniite


These are the winners for the month of May!!! Congratulations to everyone who won in their respective categories!!! Keep doing the awesome work that you have been putting worth, and you may end up on our list for the next month!!! 

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