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Sungazer (Awarded)

Raggard T. Bear

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Name: Anemone/KSI Sungazer 7

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...ser/71-anemone/

Award-/-Achievement: Affiliate

Reason-/-Evidence: http://forums.kovgn....ser/83-anemone/

Name: Anemone/KSI Sungazer 7

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...ser/71-anemone/

Award-/-Achievement: Officer, Master Recruiter, Jack of All Trades

Reason-/-Evidence: Witnesses: Vanished and Airborn (Airborn needs Luci's permission to post in here he says)

Name: Anemone/KSI Sungazer 7

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...ser/71-anemone/

Award-/-Achievement: Bright Idea

Reason-/-Evidence: Came up with the idea to make a KSI video saying goodbye to Halo 2 (Witnesses: Vanished, Airborn (again with Luci's permission)

Name: Anemone/KSI Sungazer 7

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...ser/71-anemone/

Award-/-Achievement: Member Assistance

Reason-/-Evidence: Witnesses: Shido, Vanished, Julianime, Jiggy

Name: Anemone/KSI Sungazer 7

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...ser/71-anemone/

Award-/-Achievement: Committed

Reason-/-Evidence: made KSI Sungazer in 2008, used it (plus the 7) ever since, witnesses: everyone that knows me since then or a year ago

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I have never been informed that I needed permission to post, I was told next time i break a rule I would have to have permission or I would get section banned. But I am going to post anyways since I was never informed.

I can witness to all of these awards, I have been with Justin since we have both been in KSI and worked with him almost the entire time

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Yes to Affiliate.

Yes to Jack of All Trades

Yes to Officer

No to all the others.

Master Recruiter- ??? Are you even in clan ops anymore?

Bright Idea - No. Has to be something Beneficial to the KSI Community and is Implemented.

Member Assistance - No, Have not seen any evidence of this. (Witness post please?)

Committed - I believe your Gamertag has changed a few times. Again, Not part of Clan ops (for over a year) Im fairly certain this doesnt apply for Web Ops.

Also Sungazer had self nominated himself for these awards in a separate topic here prior to this post.

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Eureka Sungazer has been around since 2006...... and was in clan ops till last year...... I have personally been assisted by Gazer, as well as recruited many people along side him in Shogun H2 Division...... And the H2 video was implemented and was beneficial, it was a great idea to add to the Halo 2 division.......

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Yes to Affiliate.

Yes to Jack of All Trades

Yes to Officer

Master Recruiter- ??? Never seen any evidence.

Bright Idea - No. Has to be something Beneficial to the KSI Community and is Implemented...not seeing how a goodbye vid to Halo2 was remotly benificial.

Member Assistance - Evidence

Committed -

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it doesn't matter if I have not been in clanops recently. the fact is, I still have had *KSI Sungazer and KSI Sungazer 7* as my XBOX LIVE GAMERTAGS for over a year.

Also, Airborn is a witness to Master Recruiter. if Vanished would post here again like before, he could also vouch for it. (again, it does not matter if I have not been in clanops recently)

The Halo 2 video helped promote KSI (and the members in H2 division) when it was implemented and put on youtube.

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  On 11/11/2011 at 12:23 AM, Anemone said:

it doesn't matter if I have not been in clanops recently. the fact is, I still have had *KSI Sungazer and KSI Sungazer 7* as my XBOX LIVE GAMERTAGS for over a year.

Also, Airborn is a witness to Master Recruiter. if Vanished would post here again like before, he could also vouch for it. (again, it does not matter if I have not been in clanops recently)

The Halo 2 video helped promote KSI (and the members in H2 division) when it was implemented and put on youtube.

Edivdence was asked for...either provide. or its a No go.

and again.....How does a Goodbye Video IMPROVE KSI?

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it promoted KSI, showing that we were alive and moving to the xbox 360. and a witness has already posted for committed and master recruiter. Also, raggs is also a witness because he posted this topic himself.

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Witness = nothing if evidence cannot be provided sorry,

Same goes for the Vid, I still cant see how this Improves KSI.

My vote on

Master Recruiter, Bright idea, Member assistance = NO

Yes to Affiliate.

Yes to Jack of All Trades

Yes to Officer

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so, 2 witnesses for Master Recruiter and Committed, and 2 for Officer and Jack of All Trades, yet Master Recruiter and Committed are no? Did you also realize that you technically need Master Recruiter to get Jack of All Trades?

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I've been playing on it all along, except from July 2010 until April this year when I went to Basic Training and AIT, which I've been on it ever since I've been back. and I made it in 2008. you can't say I haven't been on it.

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I will say yes to Master Recruiter and Committed. Technically the only requirement for a KSI tag to get committed is that it has to be gold for a year cumulatively. Even if that WASNT the case, he has been active on it for over a year as anyone who's known him should be able to tell you. Master recruiter, though i havent personally witnessed, he has earned before and unless you are going to doubt our past decisions and judgement on the notion that we're on a new forums, those recruits still count. Status as of now doesnt matter because people have received awards of this nature long past their time in clan-ops ended.

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what kind of evidence are you looking for? We decided in the past that he met the requirements for it. Unless you are saying we had bad judgement, i dont really see the point in dragging this out to come to the same conclusion we had already come to when we originally awarded him.

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Affiliate - Yes

Jack of All Trades - Yes

Officer - Yes

Committed - Yes (I've known sungazer for quite some time to know that this GT has been active)

Bright Idea - No

Member Assistance - Witnesses?

Master Recruiter - Witnesses?

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I'll be witness for member assistance.

he helped me around KSI when i first started.

i'll be witness for Committed if witnesses still.

i was around from 09-10 and since then until now he's had that KSI Sungazer tag.

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It shouldnt matter if he changed is gamertag as long as it had KSI in it, the count wouldnt start over. By that i mean if he had KSI Anemone for 4 months then changed it to KSI Sungazer for 8 months, it would still be a year.

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guys, look at the description of Master Recruiter and Jack of All Trades. Notice how Master Recruiter is 50 recruits needed, and Jack of All Trades is 100? I have Jack of All Trades approved, which should automatically approve Master Recruiter.

Also, if need be, I can tell you the years I've had each gamertag.

UR ALL FROOBS - '04 or '05-'06


KSI Sungazer - '08-'11

KSI TimeOfPeace - '08-'08 (second gold gamertag...was active on it for like 4 months)

KSI Sungazer 7 - 2011

Edited by Anemone
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Affiliate - Yes

Jack of All Trades - Yes

Officer - Yes

Committed - Yes (I've known sungazer for quite some time to know that this GT has been active)

Bright Idea - No, Video no longer around

Member Assistance - yes

Master Recruiter - YEs (Long conversation with sungazer on xbl pointed out that with jack of all trades you must have 100 recruits.)

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Affiliate - Yes

Officer yes

Commited yes

Master Recruiter - Proof?

Jack of all Trades - Proof?

Bright Idea - No

Member Assitance - Yes

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Master Recruiter - YEs (Long conversation with sungazer on xbl pointed out that with jack of all trades you must have 100 recruits.)

that is proof, Elements. also, you can not prove Officer (which means can't prove Jack of All Trades) anymore as of right now. The only proof is witnesses that saw you take the training, since it ended in 2008. So until the awards are changed, or I can bring back the training, that is all the proof anyone can have.

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