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New Writers?

KSI Vealth

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I'm willing to give my time to the writing staff. I'm curious to see where that goes

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And I just realized this gets posted to the chatbox my bad!

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Name: My Name is KSI Vealth

Age:  26

E-mail: Vealththestealth@gmail.com


Experience: Several Master Disertations on topics. All of which are 10 to 20 pages. Along with just enjoying writing.

What are your strengths? Pros and Cons of a single topic and being objective to true facts not personal opinion

Do you understand that all members of the news team are expected to write and edit, and to make deadlines? Yes I have read the other topics in the news forum

Any comments or questions: Why do we purple?

Initial Work Sample: I'll use my forum topic http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/15760-xbox-one-what-you-should-know/


If you require more then I'd be more then happy to submit it.

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If an editor reviews  your draft, and has  a list of edits for you, what will you do?

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Well you either change the edits like the editor asks you too or you rework the paper with the editor so that you and the editor are satisfied with the paper. If you're asking how would I change the edits. That depends on what you're asking me to change.

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Also, if you are going to be a part of the team, you need to download and use Skype.

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Skype User name - V34lth And glad to be part of the team.

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