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KSI Supremacy Trainer Award (Denied)

Fallen God

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Name: KSI Supremacy-Hyperion-FG

Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9099-fallen-god/

Award-/-Achievement: Trainer

Reason-/-Evidence: I have trained 30 people while I have been in KSI

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  • Admin Guy

I'm afraid that I am going to have to deny this nomination. 

This is subject to the "Self-Nomination" clause in the AAP rules, for it clearly states: "Self nomination the following Awards is no longer tolerated, Any and all self nomimations on these awards will be closed and denied everytime."



Multiple violations of this clause can lead to possible action taken against you that can lead up to you being banned from the AAP. This is your first warning.

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