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Vanilla Ice in an Amish community?

Sungazer's Wife

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Vanilla Ice, AKA Robert Matthew Van Winkle, the man behind the song ‘Ice Ice Baby,’ is going to be staring in a reality show in an Amish community called, ‘Vanilla Ice Goes Amish.’


This is nothing new for the star because he was also in several reality shows such as, ‘The Vanilla Ice Project,’ where he showed off modern-day his skills in home renovations.


In the show ‘Vanilla Ice Goes Amish’, he will be with an Amish community in Ohio and be taught the Amish way of construction work – a world’s away from how he has done renovations on his show ‘The Vanilla Ice Project’ where power tools is a staple to the show.


The show is expected to debut on the DIY network sometime this year.

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Vanilla Ice, AKA Robert Matthew Van Winkle, the man behind the song ‘Ice Ice Baby,’ is going to be staring starring in a reality show in an Amish community called, ‘Vanilla Ice Goes Amish.’


This is nothing new for the star because he was also in several reality shows such as, ‘The Vanilla Ice Project,’ where he showed off modern-day ['modern-day' is out of place in this sentence, especially with your wording.] his skills in home renovations.


In the show ‘Vanilla Ice Goes Amish’, he will be with an Amish community in Ohio and be taught the Amish way of construction work – a world’s away ['a world's away'? Doesn't sound right, mostly, I question 'world's'. A world's what? Possessive with no modifier. 'Badfur's book' a book belonging to Badfur. 'a world's away' away belongs to world? Yea, I don't see it.]  from how he has done renovations on his show ‘The Vanilla Ice Project’, where power tools is are a staple to the show.


The show is expected to debut on the Do It Yourself network sometime this year. [As I tell everyone else, whenever you introduce something for the first time, spell it out.  If you mention it again, then you can abbreviate it. Or write it like 'Do It Yourself (DIY)'.]

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Vanilla Ice, AKA Robert Matthew Van Winkle, the man behind the song ‘Ice Ice Baby,’ is going to be starring in a reality show in an Amish community called, ‘Vanilla Ice Goes Amish.’

This is nothing new for the star because he was also in several reality shows such as, ‘The Vanilla Ice Project,’ where he showed off his modern-day skills in home renovations.

In the show ‘Vanilla Ice Goes Amish’, he will be with an Amish community in Ohio and be taught the Amish way of construction work – a world away from how he has done renovations on his show ‘The Vanilla Ice Project’, where power tools is are a staple to the show.

The show is expected to debut on the Do It Yourself network sometime this year.

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