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Halo/CoD Community Funtage!

Seishir� Tsugumi

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Hey guys,

I've been watching a ton of Halo funtages, and I thought "Why can't I do this?". So I would like to propose a community funtage!! A funtage is essentially a bunch of clips, funny moments, and all around good times! You can put your fails in there to, It doesn't have to be MLG PRO montage clips :3. This is a big project, but it sounds so fun. If your willing to participate in this all you gotta do is message my GT: Tohdoh Kyoshiro saying your interested in the funtage and I'll mark you down. People with Capture card (Roxio, Haupagge, Elgato, Etc.) should be LIVE recroding to get people voices and capture those golden moments and jokes. Hope you guys are interested! Thanks ^.^

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