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General writing every night 
What are your strengths?
I am a song writer and i seem to be good with getting a point across very maturely.
Do you understand that all members of the news team are expected to write and edit, and to make deadlines?
I do.
Any comments or questions:
I am a little misunderstood on everything that writers write on, as well as how long each topic should be.
Initial Work Sample:

(This is something i wrote a few nights ago out of the blue and posted to facebook)

Do you ever just stop and listen? What do you hear?
I hear space. Not martians and spaceships kind of space, but the space around me. There are a lot of sounds in this world but there is one in particular that is hard to find. Silence. Though Silence seems like there is no sound to some, silence to me is the loudest sound. Silence to me is a hard sound to listen to. Silence to me is a sad sound. There is no sound quite like silence, for one, silence is everywhere and yet nowhere. Silence can be good and bad. Silence can be happy and sad. Silence is everywhere because when all of the noise stops, silence is present. Yet while Silence is present, you can't stop yourself from thinking and suddenly you may realize that your concious is the loudest thing you can hear. Judging by your thoughts being good or bad, you can quickly change your mood from happy to sad. Silence is such a powerful sound, that it can change who you are as a person, it can modify how you treat people and ultimatly above all, silence can drive you insane. When I think about all of the sounds in the world, silence is the one that truly gets me, silence is the sound that makes me who i am. When i am silent all I do is think, and though i can talk for a long time, i am silent all the time.
When you think about silence what do you think of? Do you think of work or how you are dressed? Or do you think of your children and your friends?

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