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KSI GeNoCiDeZ 7 AWARD (Awarded)

KSI Izzy 7

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Name: KSI GeNoCiDeZ 7 / Founder CO


Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums...74-father-para/


Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service 1&2, Committed


Reason-/-Evidence: We want you to know how much we appreciate the way you have cared for
our DIV and SQUADS this year. I can't remember a time when our sqauds
have looked so nicely fixed and drama free or when the Div  has been more Powerfull. Several others  Divs  commented on how nice things look. Thank you for your excellent service



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  • Admin Guy

Please provide witnesses to attest that he has had a gold KSI gamertag for 1 year.

Also, please provide witnesses that can vouch for his outstanding service. :)

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I can vouch for KSI GeNoCiDeZ 7 for OS 1 and OS 2. He has been there with me through thick and thin and he has been the most dependable Founder I could have ever asked for. Geno has stayed up nights until 3 am then turn around and go to work a few hours later,he is quiet and doesnt always get credit for all he does. He doesnt advertise what he does he does it gets it done and keeps it pushing. I in my heart of hearts know I can trust Geno 150% and thats an awesome feeling I learn soo much from him and he is one of  the strongest members I know. I feel he deserves this award and gladly give my vouch for my awesome Founder.

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I can vouch for the outstanding services but I have not known him long enough for the Commited award.



Samurai can be counted as a credible witness for committed.

Committed: Yes.

OS Lv. 1/2: Witnesses please.


Umm... he said he couldn't vouch for committed...

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  • Admin Guy

My apologies on that. I skimmed through that post, and failed to recognize that Samurai could not be a viable witness.

I take back my vote for committed:

Committed: Witness please.
OS. Lv 1/2: More witnesses, please.

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I can vouch for Geno for committed as I was in DR with him and was recruited into KSI on 2/13/2012. Please give him the award. LOL He has had that GT since dirt was created just sayin.

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I can vouch for all :) we seem to never get enough witnesses but I've been with this guy since he started and I was a LT. We've worked hand and hand together as a team successfully for 3 years now. He's one of the best leaders I know because you never have to ask him to do anything because he's already handled it when you ask him. As a director I take it to be a privilege to work with him so often :) I might not of written much but this guy deserves these awards and if he doesn't get them ill give impy to worstplayer ;) jk

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I can most certainly vouch for all awards for Geno as the div leader of CO. He has been with Para and me through thick and thin. He has gone all out from the start even if we had our bald up against a wall, just what ever it took to help the div. He puts the division first and everything else second (except for his 2 year old MMA fighting son).

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Well everyone else has done a great job of telling of his outstanding service, but YOLO lol. I can still vouch. He has helped our squads grow mentally........He has been an exceptional mentor.....Does what needs to be done... Y'all get the picture, give em the award lol.

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  • Admin Guy

Committed: Yes

OS lvl. 1: Yes

OS lvl. 2: More witnesses please

If we can get one more post on here, I'll say yes to Lv. 2. :)

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I'm personally going to say yes to OS LVL2.

He has a witness from his Co-Div and Director.

Can't get much better than that.

If you all want to wait to cast yours, so be it, though. :)

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I can vouch for Geno since with his help CO has grown since splitting from DR in to a flagship division. I watched. This man do beyond and out of his way to help his fellow KSI members in CO and other division.

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