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News Team Regroup!

KSI Ace 7

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You can RSS Twitter, it's just not through twitter that you can do it. Regardless, you can use blogspot if you'd like - blog in general is what I'm trying to say.

cool, i mean its whatever, i just want to have something nice and professional...which tumblr to me....just....isn't

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cool, i mean its whatever, i just want to have something nice and professional...which tumblr to me....just....isn't

You can make it very professional. I've seen very professional tumblrs



It can bring Journalism to a new importance where social connectivity is related to our News Team.

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You can make it very professional. I've seen very professional tumblrs



It can bring Journalism to a new importance where social connectivity is related to our News Team.

I completely agree....

Im just not a fan of tumblr as a launch page

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Oh no, not as a launch page, but a news team redirect.

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don't see why you wouldn't want it on the frontpage..

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KSI Sungazer 7

KSI Ace 7

KSI Shido 7

KSI Dusky

KSI Jaygo 7

KSI Jiggy 7

KSI Elements 7

Does our user-class entail being able to post in the "NEWS" section?

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Hey look, we have a hidden forum where I posted our first article...

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It is supposed to be visible to news team members only. You are one and thus can see it.

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However, at the time of me posting that, I wasn't in the News Team group, and thus could see it at the time. Hence, the post to begin with...

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