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KSI AleeRucka79 Trainer Award

KSI AV8ers

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I will witness for his trainer award. When He was in Annihilate he was 1 of my main trainers, He trained his butt off for Annihilate! He trained more than the required # for this award.

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I would like to go into a little depth about AleeRucka and myself. There is ABSOLUTELY no love between the 2 of us we are NOT friends. When I was Gen of Annihilate Alee was their the eintire time climbing ranks- as 1 of my MAIN factors in deciding higher rank especially CPT's - MJR all of them were required to train and train and train! Although we had a falling out and he eventually left when he was my MJR- I felt completely disrespected and still do to this day about all of the events that took place and putting our squad at risk.

I witness for him on this out of respect for the fact that he DID a crap ton of training for Annihilate! I can't vouch for anything outside of Annihilate, but I know it was 1 of MY rules for CPT's and MJR to do this amount of training! Any other info trying to dispute this is completely false! He did train for Annihilate, he was 1 of the reasons Annihilate split! He was also 1 of the reasons the squad was put at risk when the falling out took place!

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  • Admin Guy

With some deliberation, I have decided that I am keeping my vote as is.

Due to the circumstances at hand, we are talking about what the nominee has done throughout his career, not just his time over in TM.

Trainer: Yes.

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