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I dunno, maybe since you've been at the good ol' cupcake grind for all theses years, maybe it would have gotten old eh? :P

nah, you know there's endless combinations to be made, and new experiments to try :P

anyways, Monday and the OTMs are closed, excited to get to work ::D

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I got called into work early, so the assist will be done when I get home. So by 6-7pm est y'all will be good to go! :heart:

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It was just pointed out to me guys, If someone goes back and edits in a nomination, AFTER ive done the voting assist, Im not going to see it, and its not going to be added on unless its clearly shown to me. Not trying to be a butt, but i just figured id throw that out there.

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Oh guys, heads up I'll be away on my clan ops LOA Till next Sunday, I'll still be around the forums just not as much as I'll be on holiday :heart: love y'all!

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So doing a last round on here, before I leave for a mini vacation (until Friday) in 5 hours (leaving for the airport at 4.15 am yay :P ), so I might be slightly less active for a few days, my apologies beforehand. Have a good week, and keep up the amazing work :):hug:

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Guys. I'm going to say this here and now, I may have witnessed for Emmys OS1 however that nomination has received more decriptive nominations than the majority of OS1s that we award.

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Guys. I'm going to say this here and now, I may have witnessed for Emmys OS1 however that nomination has received more decriptive nominations than the majority of OS1s that we award.


Honestly Scotland when I see no one else post on these nominations I will look them over for emmy's I like there have been descriptive ones I was only looking for like one or two more same with Doc's :/ because its not that much and if I remember correctly cause I just spent 5 mins trying to find the quote but couldn't there was another OS Lv1 nomination in the past where we agreed that there should be at least 7 witnesses (If I was told correctly the nominations don't count but for the nomination) so I am sorry that I am just going on my view on it :/ I know emmy and doc both have done so much in this community so it shouldn't be that hard for a few more witnesses to come forward my apologies if I am at all in the wrong just speaking my mind.

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  • Admin Guy

7 witnesses for OS Lv. 1 seems extensive, maybe I was saying Lv. 2? Also, use your better judgment, if you believe that the person has fulfilled that award description based upon the witnesses there. You don't necessarily need that STRICT number of witnesses.

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