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@KSI Nagisa Hi there, welcome to AAP! Sorry I'm a bit late on saying hello, I was super sick the past week and a half. I'm glad you've joined the team! :ahappy:

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So all, for Kings Die Hard. King has been here a long time, and probably has gone through a lot for this community, but his witnesses did not go in depth to back up how the member necessarily deserves Die Hard. Anyone else's opinion?

For firemomma and Drops Die Hards also, no real backing in the witness statements as to what they have been through to me.

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xKing's -Die Hard

The witness statements there are, while few, speak to his character and the phenomenal job he has done and continues to do in his time in KSI. Just find there to be a lack of details as to the specific tribulations and wish more would have come forth to witness for him.

Firemomma and Drops- Die Hard

They have several statements as to things they do for the community,  but most of which seem to be normal expectations of leaders. The difficulties mentioned arent layed out in much if any detail.  (Perhaps for this type of award only one nominee per nomination post so they can be judged separately?)

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I agree completely that there aren't enough witnesses for any of them. Unfortunately people aren't willing to step forward sometimes.

I also agree that awards such as die hard that require a decent amount of witness statements should have to be posted separately.

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i can comepletely agree that there wasn't enough witness for any of the awards sadly no one wouldnt step up and be a waitness for either them 

but i can also say that the die hard away had a decent amout of people but i can say that i agree with folkstyle with what he said with the die hard

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KSI xKing 77:

  • No - Even though I know for a fact that he has been here for an extended period of time, and has gone through a fair amount of shiz.. one thing we have to remember is that we have to go off of only what we know from the witness statements, which there were very few.

KSIfiremomma7 and KSI DropShot 7

  • Also a no, for the same reasons posted above.
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We talkin Drama Queen up in here?? As far as the award for FaDeZ, (or however you capitalize his Gamertag) I'm going to go ahead and vote yes. This award is supposed to be more on the lines of 'just for fun', and isn't supposed to be taken super seriously. He had several people come out and take the time to witness for him, so I really see no reason to say no.

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FadeZ Drama Queen testimonials made me giggle and laugh. Many funny and dramatic stories in them as well as a clear painting of a dramatic person. My vote is yes.

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I believe that Fadez' nomination embodies what the drama queen award was made for, light hearted fun. The nominations were hilarious and, and perfectly detailed drama queen.

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Voting Yes for FadeZ Drama Queen. Had plenty of votes, most were funny and light hearted. What we’re looking for in that award. Seems like a no brainer for this guy. 

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Hey all, since we don't discuss Drama Queen/ Mad Maz in a specific area, figured i'd bring it up here.

Hatter's Drama Queen is a yes from myself. Several witnesses for her being dramatic. 

Kato's Does not have a lot of statements or really any detailed statements, but with this award being in good nature and for fun I could see still awarding it. What are you all's opinions?

Skarzx didn't really have much on his Mad Max nomination (still has a few hours before we aren't taking more statements), I personally don't think there is enough there to warrant Mad Max. I'm sure there is enough to warrant it that has occurred, but not really many witnesses have come forward to support it. How do you all feel?


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  • Chief Operating Officer

Hatter all the statements about her being a drama queen yes fir me

With Kato the award it is a fun award he's cool with it definitely enjoyed the statements so yes

Skarzx I feel the statements were weak at best. With something like this you talk about the struggles give some detail not just put that he went through things. So it's a no for me.

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Hatter is a yes for me there was enough statement of how she can be dramatic at times.

Kato i agree with you airborn would like more statements but it a fun nature award.  

skarzx i agree with all of yall the statements just was not there for me so its a no for me,

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