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Of The Year Nominations 2012! (Closing 12/12/12)


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Division Leader

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Greg 7 (DM Division Leader)

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...109-ksi-greg-7/

Reasoning why they deserve this - Greg is a great leader. He has been through so much this year and has kept pushing forward. He is always there for his members and truly cares for them. He does whatever he can for his division and is always active and showing support to his guys. He is always pursuing different ways to further his knowledge and leadership abilities. He is a great member of my FTLA class and brings a unique personality to it, and everyone learns from his experience. Greg is a great man and a great leader. I am looking forward to seeing what he has in store for us in the future.

Co-Division Leader

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Lazar 7 (DL Division Leader)

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...10-ksi-lazar-7/

Reasoning why they deserve this -Lazar is a great leader and a great teacher. He has been through more than anyone i have known and come out all the better for it. He is one of the most compassionate leaders i know and stands loyally by his division and always is there for them. He goes above and beyond what is required and always is tying to learn in order to better himself as a leader. He is truly one for the record books and is one of the most dedicated, most diligent, most hard working men that i have had the pleasure to serve with.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI xVICIOUSx 7 (Co-Division Leader EO)

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...user/1472-boss/

Reasoning why they deserve this -Where do i begin with this man. He is just a boss. His members love him, his reputation proceeds him, and he is one of the best damned members in this community. He is on top of his Poop like no other. He knows every detail about his division. He knows every member and spends time with them. All his members have tons of fun playing games with him. He leads his division with a firm yet caring hand. He makes sure that his members are in line yet not dealing with them in a way as to degrade them. He always has an uplifting spirit and it spreads to his members and is clearly evident when you talk to them. His enthusiasm for KSI is unparalleled.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Venum 7 (Founder DL)

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...24-ksi-venum-7/

Reasoning why they deserve this -Venum is an outstanding member. He knows everything that a good leader should and always is able to answer his members questions. He is always online and always assisting in any way he can. He runs his squads with a firm hand that always keeps them in line. He is always trying to pass on his knowledge and experience to his members so that they may one day also be prepared to run a squad and have the correct knowledge on how to do so. He is a great leader and is going to take KSI to great places.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Chris2Real (General DL/Insane

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...ksi-chris2real/

Reasoning why they deserve this -This is an outstanding member. He inspires his members like no other and he clearly has every one of his members and his piers utmost respect. He is a great leader and has brought his squad from the dumps to one of the best squads DL has to offer. This man is fa-nominal member and is always trying to improve himself and improve his squad. He spends time with each and every one of his members and wants the best for them all. I am proud to know this man and cannot wait to see where he will go.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI LAZAR 7 (Division Leader DL)

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...10-ksi-lazar-7/

Reasoning why they deserve this -He, even as a division leader, still recruits and does it fantastically. He has recruited 255 people in just this year and is still going.

Donations of the year

Gamertag (Rank- Division/Squad) -KSI Dr DOOM 7 (Co-Div DL)

Link to Forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/4469-ksi-dr-doom-7/

Reasoning why they deserve this - He has donated $230+. He is a boss and definitely has contributed to this community.

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Senior Director

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxApocalypse 7

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/248-ksixapocalypse7/

Reasoning why they deserve this -

Apoc Apoc Apoc. This guy is probably one of the few higher ups that worked his ass off to keep KSI from dissolving to nothing. He has formed IA to keep threats min. and has kicked countless of trouble makers out with an unbiased opinion. His hard work has helped him gain respect in KSI and from other communities/people who have hated on our KSI.

Division Leader

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Paratroop 7 Director, FN DR CO

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/108-%E3%8A%8Bpara-sensei%E3%8A%8B/

Reasoning why they deserve this -

This Mofo has worked too hard for his rank, got screwed over once or twice, and still kept his sanity to build one of the few divisions that I have respect for. He has also took IA by the horns and ran it by himself when Apoc dissapeared for 2 months.

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Division Leader

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -

KSI Imperiium 7

(GZ Division Leader)

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Reasoning why they deserve this -

Where do I begin? Well before I joined GZ, I was in another division and my squad shut down so I was moved to GZ. It was very hard for me because I missed my old squad and all. When my newer squad was looking bad, my thought was "oh my gosh not again" because I was afraid it was going to happen all over again and that I'd be forced to move again. This guy didn't let it happen. Instead of giving up and taking the easy way out and say "let's just shut this squad down" he did everything he could and he made sure this squad would work. He took the time to talk to individual members of that squad and find out where the problem was. I don't really know any Div leader who would do that. He has many other squads and stuff to deal with but he took the time to help and listen. He cared. He listened to what the problem was, where it started, and he tried to find a solution and it worked. If he wouldn't have done what he did, we would be getting stronger as a squad. My squad is getting better and so much stranger and is turning around thanks to our div leader. Div leaders get busy, they can't spend too much time on one squad because they are busy. Well he took the time to fix this squad instead of letting it go. This guy truly cares about this division and everyone in it. He has so much passion for this division. Whenever he is talking to anyone about what needs to be done, instead of him sounding like he's just doing his job, he sounds like he is doing it because he cares and loves what he does. He truly deserves this. I cannot thank him enough for all that he has done.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -

KSI Centurion 7

(General - KSI Solace GZ)

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Reasoning why they deserve this -

When our other general left, someone needed to step up and and hold our squad together. We needed someone who would care, do everything he could to make sure this squad would stay together and help it get stronger. Well, this guy right here did just that. I've had 4 Generals before him and I can honestly tell you that this guy was by far the greatest. He did more for this squad that any general I had before. He made sure officers did there jobs, he squad was doing activities, we were getting our recruits, he did a phenomenal job. I was very amazed on how great he was. He deserves this because this guy defines knowledge, strength, and integrity.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -

KSI Ryushi

(4CPT - KSI Solace GZ)

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Reasoning why they deserve this -

When our general was promoted, we were without a general for awhile. This guy definitely did the part. He was the one organizing game nights, making sure all squad activities went well and as planned, recruiting, handling any concerns our members had, he did it all. No one asked him to do it either which is what got me. No one asked him to step in and do all that he did. He just did it. No one had to tell him. He wasnt even the higher officer but he did it anyways. He took the responsibility and he handled it very well. He was just a 4CPT and he was doing what a general would do for his squad. This guy was the best captain I've ever worked with since I've been in KSI.


Gamertag ( Rank - Division/Squad)-

KSI Flamebreak

( 4LT - KSI Solace GZ)

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Reasoning why they deserve this -

While our officers were doing an average officer job, this guy went all out. He was the best recruiter, he was always so full if motivation and enthusiasm. He took pride in his job. He always tried to do game nights, he tried to do anything he could. He lives across the world so his Timing is bad for him but he didn't let that get in the way. He started up his own snipers team and he was just amazing. By far the best LT I have ever seen. He was more like a captain to me at a 4LT spot. He did an amazing job as a LT.

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Senior Director

Gamertag- KSI QueenJess 7

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/39-the-queen/

Reasoning why they deserve this – Well what can I say about her other than when she’s not shooting me in the back on MW3 (lol) she is giving good sound advice and never backs down. She is always ready to game, and teach me, and also she has also made this a better community by always putting a smile on your face. Her job in KSI is never done it seems until she ask everyone if they are ok, then she leaves…wow the work ethic is not dead after all thanks Jess…by the way don’t shoot me anymore (or any less either)

Division Leader


Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1086-ironcowboy/

Reasoning why they deserve this – IRONCOWBOY 7 has been a great inspiration to me, he has been a mentor, a boss, a punching bag a times (sorry) but always having KSI’s best interest at heart. When he came to me and told me his plans to split my squad and make the first Black Ops 2 squad, the passion in what he wanted to accomplish just made you want to buy in to it, his desire makes you not want to fail, which makes a great leader weather you like him or not like his straight forward attitude or not, his desire to make you a better person by giving you the tools to succeed will be his legacy.

Co-Division Leader

Gamertag - KSIxNativeWolf7, ET

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1495-ksixnativewolf7/

Reasoning why they deserve this – NativeWolf7 has been a great help in making my squad grow, with the advice, keeping me sane, and most of all the sound advice on the daily functions of a General. He has great potential to be a Director, with his strong leadership and knowledge there is nothing he can’t handle or fix in the division. Good luck Metal you’re the best.


Gamertag – KSI Samurai 7/ Founder/DM

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1741-ksi-samurai-7/

Reasoning why they deserve this – Samurai 7 and I have been friends for as long as I’ve been in KSI, but that’s not why this young man deserves this award. Since the beginning he has never backed down from a task or complained about what was in front of him, he always talks and asks for guidance to better himself and those around him. He is one of the youngest but most mature people in KSI and I am PROUD that he is now a Founder and he earned it from hard work. Samurai often visits meetings to find out how to better other squads and members; he also games with different divisions to make sure his members are doing ok. He is just an extreme example of what you would want your members to be.


Gamertag – KSI Gwood 77/ COFO/ ET

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/4022-ksi-gwood-77/

Reasoning why they deserve this – Gwood 77 Leads by example, he takes the people that he is in charge of and makes them feel like they are his team. We started this a while back in Blackout and it’s always worked, and now he has a chance to make it work as a COFO!! I’m proud of him and his accomplishments these past few months, he knows how to answer just about any question (except what to say when you Yell ROLL TIDE AT HIM) he is patient with the squads, and he games with the members and that makes them feel welcome. He was always reachable as a General, holding a game night 3 and 4 nights a week it seemed, and also started the mid-week Generals meeting for all of us ET Generals to get together, he also helped put together several paying tournaments for Headhunters just to keep the interest up in the squads. He just has a great passion for “THE GAME†and he deserves to be recognized for his many great accomplishments.



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Reasoning why they deserve this –I recruited this young man and I thought wow, what in the world did I do to KSI, lol, but I have mentored him and been friends with him since day one, he has grown into one of the best KSI members we have, he was instrumental in helping me bring a failing squad back to life, he revived Headhunters in our squad, we had 3 6 man teams and often when we had our squad meetings I would call him and listen on the phone just to let everyone in the lobby, we went from failing to thriving in less than 2 months and we split. Between your recruiting and your leadership with the new recruits YOU deserve the Gen spot my friend. You are a true blue KSI 7 in the making.


Gamertag- KSI ViTuL/1st Captain CORRUPT ET -

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/7265-ksi-vitul/

Reasoning why they deserve this – ViTuL is working hard at becoming KSI’s next General, and in my opinion he’s going to make it, he’s dedicated, loyal, knowledgeable, honest, and most of all dependable. I have had a few great officers in the time that I’ve been in KSI but this one takes the cake, when I get on to talk to him about issues he takes notes and then within an hour or so it has been handled. He is constantly holding training sessions for our squad and inviting the entire division, he never lets anything past him, and he is like a machine!!!


Gamertag -

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Reasoning why they deserve this -


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -

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Reasoning why they deserve this -


Gamertag - KSI ViTuL/1st Captain CORRUPT ET

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/7265-ksi-vitul/

Reasoning why they deserve this – With all his other responsibilities he just never stops…proud to have him in my squad out of the 30 something recruits I think we have only lost 3 or 4 so its mostly quality over quantity.

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Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Gwood 77

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Reasoning why they deserve this – Gwood was always online and always there to answer any questions that I had. He always hosted game nights for the squad and tried to made the squad competitive by having division wide tournaments.

He also gave away Microsoft points to people he had thought was doing a good job.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI HEPAHESTUS

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Reasoning why they deserve this – Hephaestus would always help out everyone when he could.

When he took over a General of Blackout the squad never skipped a beat, he was ready to take over and has shown that he is dedicated to KSI.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI McTwinkie

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Reasoning why they deserve this – McTwinkie has taught me a lot in KSI, he helps out with the entire squad and is more than willing to help anyone who needs it.

He mentors and recruits, but also helps others do recruiting and mentoring to make sure they are doing it properly, Twinkie is a great guy and has shown to be a great leader in the squad.

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Division Leader

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI IRONCOWBOY7- ET

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1086-ironcowboy/

Reasoning why they deserve this – Cowboy has couched me all throughout my career in KSI. He has given great advice to me in time of need and has always been available to lend a hand where it was needed. I would not know what I know or be where I am now if it wasn’t for Ironcowboy and i'm sure there are many more who whould say the same. He keeps check with all squads and infroms everyone of anything that changes on a day to day schedule with KSI. Couldn't ask for a better Division Leader.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSIxK1NGxCZRx77- ET

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/4056-ksixk1ngxczrx77/

Reasoning why they deserve this – Caesar has been very helpful this year in helping my squad grow when I was a general. He can see early on if a member has good or bad potential which is a great talent. Also he doesn’t care to speak what he believes in, even if it means getting him in trouble every once and a while, Caesar deserves this award more than anyone, if you disagree then you haven’t met him yet.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI HUCKLEBERRY- ET/Corrupt

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5569-ksi-huckleberry/

Reasoning why they deserve this – Huck has shown that he knows how to run a squad very well. His officers and his members are very well trained and when Huck has an announcement to make everyone in his squad shuts up and listens. It’s not because he is mean or raises his voice either, the respect that is given to Huck by all is unreal. Please if you haven’t had a chance to meet the guy I urge you to do so. He’ll show you how a true leader within KSI should be.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI HEPHAESTUS- ET/Blackout

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/6053-ksi-hephaestus/

Reasoning why they deserve this –Jason was my Major until recently when he took over the squad because of my promotion to Co-founder. I can tell everyone that when he took over as General the squad didn’t skip a beat because they were so use to having him be a strong leader already, Hephaestus takes great pride in his membership and is a hard worker for his squad. My hat goes off to the hardest working (both in KSI and at work) guy I know, you deserve this award 110%.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI McTwinkie- ET/Blackout

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/7325-ksi-mc-twinkie/

Reasoning why they deserve this – If you want to see one of the greatest upcoming stars of KSI, look no farther than ET’s own McTwinkie. His leadership and commitment to his squad is unparallel. He spends a great amount of time online playing with his squad and has also spent his own money on tournaments to keep game nights at an all time high level of fun. Twink also shows a great amount of fairness, he doesn’t pick favorites. Hope this guy receives this award because he sure does deserve it.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) – KSI Country8980- ET/Blackout

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/8632-ksi-country8980/

Reasoning why they deserve this – DEDICATION, this is the only word I need for this man. His story to show how dedicated he is and how much he cares about his squad? Country had back surgery a couple weeks back and had rods put all the way down his back. THAT NIGHT Country got on his Xbox just long enough to see if he missed anything and how the squad was doing. But he also is great with new members, mentors on time for his squad, and is very anxious to move up. This is what “Of The Year†Awards are all about and I think you would be crazy not to let this man be the LT of the year.

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KSI Gwood 77 General over KSI Blackout ET


I think Gwood deserves General of the Year because when I joined Blackout in august, they were falling apart. Then general of blackout, IrishxKnight, was having alot of personal things, he was forced to relinquish his command. it fell to Gwood and the squad came roaring back to life. I believe Gwood deserves General of the Year because of the turnaround he ignited within Blackout.

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Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5569-ksi-huckleberry/

Reasoning why they deserve this - I thing he deserves this is beause he has bean with me with all my ups and downs

he has also be a grate frend too he alwas stays relacted


Gamertag KSI MOYIONZ ANARCHY ET (Rank MAJ - Division/Squad) - ANARCHY

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...02-ksi-motionz/

Reasoning why they deserve this - I thing he deserves this is beause he has bean with me with all my ups and downs

he has also be a grate frend too he alwas stays relacted

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KSI Casanova 7............ I think KSI Casanova 7, should recive the this title because he has been working his ass of to be the CO FO of FI and when, Shift lost their general he did his best to fix the situation and find some one for the general rank. If you'r reading this please nominate Casanova for his effort.

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Division Leader

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI IRONCOWBOY7, ET

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...086-ironcowboy/

Reasoning why they deserve this - Iron is inspirational. He gives you the drive and motivation to succeed in KSI and in life. He has been there for me since day one and honestly has been one of the people i look up to the most in KSI as a leader. Iron gives it to you straight. He doesn't beat around the bush when you have a question, he will answer it straight up and tell you it like it is. He is honestly to me the most deserving of the OTY Award for Div. Leader.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gwood 77, COFO, ET

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...2-ksi-gwood-77/

Reasoning why they deserve this - I wish there was enough room to type everything, well i guess there is enough room. where to start... Gwood has honestly been there for me through my best of times and worst of times in KSI. He taught me the the true meaning of what it is to be a Leader in KSI and what KSI truly stands for. He has had every answer for every question i have ever thrown at him, and even now with me as a Gen. I still get answers to all my questions and hes still always here when i need him. I met Gwood when he was a LT running Head Hunters in Blackout (OG triple OG yo!) and i was just a recruit. Since then i have seen him progress more than any other player I've met in KSI and will forever have my respect.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HUCKLEBERRY, Corrupt, ET

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5569-ksi-huckleberry/

Reasoning why they deserve this - First off, you never kill the huckleberry. LOL. Huck, Huck, Huck. This man recruited me, trained me, took me in under his wing, treated me like his own. I can't think of any other person in KSI more deserving of this Award for general. Huckleberry has progressed in many ways other than in rank. He has learned different strategies for motivating players within a squad to motivating players in other squads to work and support there Gen's. Huck and I have been best buds since he recruited me and that will never change. Once again, don't kill the huckleberry!


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ViTuL, 1st Captain Corrupt, ET

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...7265-ksi-vitul/

Reasoning why they deserve this - ViTuL is an up and coming General in KSI, I've taught and trained him on everything I know about KSI. He picked up right where I left off in Corrupt and has continued to better that squad and will be in my opinion one of the best members in KSI. Everyone is happy and laughing when he is in the party, hes an amazing player, person, member, leader, anything you can think of. Everyone can benefit from spending 5 minutes with him, I know I did.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI PureBlood, 2nd Lieutenant, Anarchy, ET

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/8402-damien-morgan/

Reasoning why they deserve this - He is my most active officer. He knows what he is talking about when he is asked anything with relevance to KSI. He has hosted Squad meetings, Hes been to Gen meetings. This kid is going places in KSI and I am proud to be his General and watch him progress through the ranks and take over a Squad of his own.

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Division Leader

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI IRONCOWBOY7 - ET

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...086-ironcowboy/

Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI IRONCOWBOY7 Does not fail his Squads do not fail and his Divisions do not fail. I heard this many times and it has been proven to me time and time again. After talking to him for only a few min you can tell that he is a standup guy and will fight for what he thinks is right and won’t back down. He is also is very generous, but above all he is a role model I have seen him as a role model and I’m sure many other people have too.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gwood 77, COFO, ET

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...2-ksi-gwood-77/

Reasoning why they deserve this - I know that Gwood has only been a COFO for a little while but he has done tremendous things in a short amount of time. He has turned a dying squad around and is making it flourish.

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Division Leader: KSI IRONCOWBOY 7, ET

link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums...086-ironcowboy/

Reason why they deserve this: While I do not know him personally in the entire time I have been in KSI the people around me have told me that KSI IRONCOWBOY is the kind of guy who will never beat around the bush and if you have any questions or concerns he will tell you straight up what the answer is or how to handle that situation.


link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums...si-huckleberry/

Reason why they deserve this: Ever since I was recruited I have always thought and always will think of this man as one of the greatest people to have ever known and to ever know. To those of you that don't know him I'm sorry but you're missing out on an amazing experience. He cares about each individual person in his squad always has and always will. If you're messing up hes merciful yet strong at the same time he shows his compassion to those who don't understand and always helps those in need. One of the best memories i'll always have of being in his squad is the first time I ever heard him say "Don't kill the HUCKLEBERRY".

Major:KSI MOTIONZ, ET, Corrupt Squad


Reason why they deserve this: Honestly, the best way to describe MOTIONZ is with a few words. He's an extremely dedicated member, always pushing himself and those he looks after in the squad. He's an extremely hard worker he is also a big part of the reason I love KSI without him my experience here at KSI would be much, much different. But as i was saying he has always had a certain energy about him that when he spoke to you you felt like you had to go and do it or you were not only going to let him down but subconsciously you were going to let yourself down and it made you want to work harder to prove yourself.

Captain: KSI ViTuL ET, Corrupt Squad

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/7265-ksi-vitul/

Reasons why they deserve this: ViTuL is like MOTIONZ in someways with his energy levels and the way he makes you want to do things and be active in your squad. He himself is extremely hard working, dedicated to his position and his squad, always been one you could go to with any problem or question and without pause he would answer or do his best to help you in whatever situation you may find yourself in. He is a great guy to know easy to talk to and to understand when he wants you to do something. He is definitely on his way to being a GEN i have no doubts in my mind that he will make an incredible major and an even more amazing general.

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Division Leader

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI IRONCOWBOY7 (Evil Ties)

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Reasoning why they deserve this - IRONCOWBOY7 Deserves this award because he has helped me through many struggles in KSI as a captain. I knew if i had a problem and my Co-Founders and general wasn't on he would help me out. He is one of the greatest leaders in KSI and is one of the most respectful men i know. He is constantly trying to help out other members with all the hard work he has to do as a Div Leader, by Holding recruiting tournaments and tournaments to help other members get games in ET. This is why IRONCOWBOY7 Deserves this award.


Gamertag: KSI Gwood 77, ET

Reasoning: Gwood deserves this award because of many reasons. He is a great leader, he helped me out a lot when i was a captain even if he was busy with other things. he is one of the reasons why i am a general today. He is a great friend and a very loyal and respectful member of KSI. A lot of people could learn a thing or two from him with spending just 5 mins with him. This is why i think he deserves this award.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HUCKLEBERRY (ET/CORRUPT)

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Reasoning why they deserve this- HUCKLEBERRY Deserves this award is because i wouldn't know half the stuff i know now. Also he is an outstanding, respectful, and helpful man i have ever known. over the past couple of months i've been in KSI he has helped me with Many KSI and Family problems. He is just an all around good man and im lucky to be in his squad. and remember "DONT KILL THE HUCKLEBERRY!"


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Motionz (General-ET/ANARCHY)

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Reasoning why they deserve this - Motionz deserves this award because he taught me mostly everything i know now about KSI. He is a great leader and an outstanding friend. when its time to get down to business he doesn't slack.. He's always the first one to help others, even if he cant help out that much he tries his best. He has made an impact on my life and many others in KSi,I can say many good things about Motionz but that would take days to write, But this is why i think he deserves this award as a Major.

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KSI LAZAR 7 Division DLLeader (Rank - Division/Squad) -DL CO/DL

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Gamertag- KSIxViciousx7 EO

Link to Forums Account--http://www.ksiforums...user/1472-boss/

Reasoning why they deserve this- Vicious i wouldn't pick another member to take your spot if I had the chance. He is always there for other members no matter the rank. He is by far the strongest leader and mentor any of us in EO could ask for. I want to thank you for being a great mentor for myself as well. I wouldn't know as much as i do if it wasn't for you and Drac.


Gamertag- KSI Dracule VII

Link to Forums Account-http://www.ksiforums...si-dracule-vii/

Reasoning why they deserve this- DRAC has worked with everyone in TW and EO and has been an awsome leader to have in EO. He is always interacting with our members and taking care of any situation that has came up and handled it successfully.If it weren't for DRAC and V i wouldn't be the member I am today! I want to give a special thanks to both of you guys. I look at yall as big brothers to me.


Gamertag- KSIxXFANGO2Xx

Link to Forums Account-http://www.ksiforums...7-ksixxfangoxx/

Reasoning why they deserve this-Fango has had is ups and downs with his squad. No matter how bad it gets he pushes and fights through it all. He is by far the hardest working Gen I know. He is always hosting game nights and interacting with all his members as well as helping other squads out when he can while maintaining his own.



Link to Forums Account-http://www.ksiforums...si-and-ur-dead/

Reasoning why they deserve this-This unbelievable guy is awesome, games with everyone, always asking if there is anything he can do to better his squad and division. Always anxious to become more involved and to learn, he is a future General & im sure of this and when he reaches this he will help take EO to new and exciting heights. Ive never met a more dedicated and model CPT than dead.

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Gwood77: Co-Founder

I believe he should win the award because he has the leadership and loyality a squad needs... http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/4022-ksi-gwood-77/

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KSIxLast Kings

KSI Infected ET

Reasoning why they deserve this - Excellent leadership and squad structure. Demonstrates authority and leadership with clarity and knowledge. Upholds the k, s, and i in KSI and the Code of Conduct as well without showing favoritism. Continually points out strong and weak point within the squad in and out of gameplay. Participates regularly with everyone. Great people skills.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ROUGHNECKEN INFECTED ET SGT

Reasoning why they deserve this - ROUGHNECKEN is a pretty good guy. active though not paid much attention to. he's definitely here to have fun, which at the end of the day, is what it's all about.

Division Leader

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI IRONCOWBOY7 ET Div Leader

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...086-ironcowboy/

Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI IRONCOWBOY7 IS da bomb. still gettin up close and personal with everyone including RCTS and very friendly yet professional in a lobby, whether it's fun or online.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI StonePULSE7 ET Founder

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...si-stonepulse7/

Reasoning why they deserve this - Well, I had to vote for someone, and He was first up on my friends list. This makes sense because i still don't know very many people in KSI but pulse always seems to keep room for me on his list. ;)


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gwood 77 ET Co-Fo

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...2-ksi-gwood-77/

Reasoning why they deserve this - Cuz it's frikkin GWOOD. nuff said.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Rushauer ET 2CPT

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6191-ksi-rushauer/

Reasoning why they deserve this - Rush is always so active and engaged. always trying to pull people into lobbies and such. all around a swell guy.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxBush Ninja Currently ET 2CPT

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6649-ksixbush-ninja/

Reasoning why they deserve this - Me and Bush Mowin down zombies like there wont be no more tomorrow.


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxIllusions

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...-ksixillusions/

Reasoning why they deserve this - As far as recruiting goes there isnt anyone better that this guy. He can pick and bring in active members faster and easier that anyone that i have ever seen. He is truly amazing at his recruiting and doesnt stop for anyone. Keep up the good work we all appricate what you are doing in your squad.

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Gamer tag (Rank-Divison/Squard) KSI Gwood77 Co Founder of ET

Reasoning why they deserve this- I have only been with KSI for a short time, but from the very first day I was recruited, I heard the name KSI Gwood. Everybody had nothing short of great things to say about this man. I have seen his dedication to KSI and his squad time and time again. He ALWAYS made time for his squard from the newest recruit, to 1st captain on any and all problems and never cut them short for any reason. And that's why I think he should be General of the year.


Gamer tag ( Rank-Divison/Squard) KSI HEPAHESTUS General of BLACKOUT ET

Reasoning why they deserve this- HEPAHESTUS has always showed great leadership and dedication to KSI and his squard. He holds down a full time job and still finds time to run BLACKOUT and put up with us NUTS!! Good luck bro, and that's why I think he should be not only Major of the year but MAN of the year as well.


Gamer tag (Rank-Divison/Squard) KSI McTWINKIE captain of BLACKOUT ET

Reasoning why they deserve this- McTwinkie has not only shown that he can be a leader, but has proven though his dedication, honest, and knowledge that he can be a GREAT leader. And everything he has done, has always been for the better of our squad, and if anyone should be captain of the year, it should be this man.

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KSIxIllousionz Ballot



KSI StonePulse7 (Co-Founder - Evil Ties)

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/3249-ksi-stonepulse7/

Reasoning why they deserve this - stone deserves this because he is a great cofo. he invites people to games and really gets to know everyone. sometimes some of the lower ranks dont play with some of the higher ups and dont get to know them well however, stone plays with all of the seargents and everyone else.


KSIxP0W3R (General - Evil Ties/Khaotic)

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5072-ksixp0w3r/

Reasoning why they deserve this - Power deserves this because he is an incredible general. not to long ago, KSIxIntenseLust was the general of khaotic and out of nowhere, he resigned, leaving power incharge. in such short time, i feel power has learned and is fullfilling all of the tasks of being a general. some of my favorite things about power is the fact that he is very funny. all of the time, he is making positive jokes. another thing is he keeps the squad alert on all information ASAP.


KSIxLastKings (Was Major of Khaotic-Evil Ties, Currently Gen of Infected Evil Ties)

Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/4277-ksixlast-kings/

Reasoning why they deserve this - Kings deserves this because kings was ontop of everything. he could answer all questions in a heartbeat. he would host our squad meetings, thuroughly explain all rules, recruit lots of people, and mentor/train. even to this day, if i have a question or need something done (mentoring/training) i can always count on him even though unfortunately he is no longer a member of my squad.


KSIxBush Ninja (3d CPT - Evil Ties/Khaotic) -

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/6649-ksixbush-ninja/

Reasoning why they deserve this - I feel that bush ninja deserves this because he is a great member of KSI. he takes pride in his membership. bush runs the khaotic HH team and he is doing a great job. he is always encouraging different tactics and is really helping us improve individually, and as a team.


KSIxSp33dy (1LT- Evil Ties/Khaotic) -

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/7140-ksixsp33dy/

Reasoning why they deserve this - speedy is very funny. everytime we have HH or a Meeting, he is always there, making jokes and staying positive. he interacts with everyone in the squad in my opinion and as long as his internet is working, he attends all meetings.


KSI Rushauer (CPT - Evil Tiels/Infected) -

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/6191-ksi-rushauer/

Reasoning why they deserve this - i think rush deserves this very much because one night, i was at a sgt training. i was with rush, some people from infected, and some people from other squads. one of the guys in infected said something to one of there fellow members in his squad, and a general from another squad was offended. This gen thought they were talking to him. The gen said to the guy "unplug your mic because you dont talk to a general this way." Immeadiately, rush got involved and said "You dont talk to one of my guys that way. he wasnt talking to you." what this shows is rush stands up for his squad and takes pride in it. he also is there for all of the members in KSI and is whilling to help everyone with problems, questions, tasks, etc.

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Senior Director

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSIxAPOCALYPSE7

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/248-ksixapocalypse7/

Reasoning why they deserve this -Most respectful person i have met and he works hard at what he does


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ROMAN 7 DL-EO-TW

Link to forums account -

Reasoning why they deserve this - Constantly going back and forth to make sure our division is at its finest

Division Leader

Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI LAZAR 7 DL

Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1110-ksi-lazar-7/

Reasoning why they deserve this - Anytime i have had any serious questions or concerns and no one could answer them he is always there when i need him


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MRNINJ4 DL/WENDIGO

Link to forums account -

Reasoning why they deserve this - Took a squad of nothing and grew it to split with it being the only DL Halo squad


Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI LAZAR 7 DL

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Reasoning why they deserve this - Never gives up and making sure we grow

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General- KSIxP0w3R-Khaotic

P0w3R has been with our squad through alot of our squads ins and outs. He has always been in character as a leader and as a friend in our squad ever since i have known him. When Khaotic and Infected split P0w3r allowed me to stay with our squad and with the guys i work with best, we are an awesome team thanks to him and i want to take this chance to recognize him for his outstanding leadership and his true representation of KSI. In saying this he deserves this recognition because of his ability to represent these three qualities of a KSI leader.

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Div Leader

KSI IronCowboy 7

Ok I could go all day about this guy. I have known him since I joined KSI over a Year and a half ago and boy did he hit the ground running. I could name everything he has done for KSI but i will shorten it to jst what he has done as a Div Leader. He first has a knack for leadership and knows how to get the respect from his Division unlike any other person I have ever met. He absorbs information like a sponge and rings it out all across the members in the division. He always plays fair and stays as far away from favortism as possible. He believes that hard work is the key to progressing within KSI. He may not always do things in a traditional manner and you may second guess him but in almost all cases he gets the job done. He prides himself in keeping his Division secure and has gone above and beyond the necessary steps to keep everyone safe and secure. It is an honor to have met this man and to have worked with him so long. If I become half the leader this guy is then ill make it far. Another thing is how selfless he is. He has given out $1000s in cash and prizes not only to people that earned them or won contests but to people who are less fortunate and couldnt afford games, name changes etc. There will never be a person who has had his hand all over a division more than KSI IronCowboy 7 and thats why he deserves this award.

Co Div Leader


I have know native since he came into KSI. He has worked for where hes at and it shows. He is a great tandem with Ironcowboy7 and I can see him taking over a division in the future. He make wise decisions and keeps up with what goes on in his div at a personel level. He is anothe reason why ET is such a great division and he works to keep it that way. He is our Internal affairs rep. and does a great job keeping ET secure. And it doesnt hurt hes pretty good at COD


KSI Cole 7

This kid is on the brink of taking over his own div. It makes me proud to say I recruited and mentored this guy until we were seperated by a div split but we still stay in contact with each other. Hes a great leader and makes tough decisions within his div. When they were hit hard by blacklisted clans this man lost sleep trying to get them back on track and as far as i cansee he has done that in proper and quick manner.I have never once seen him in a party that wasnt full of sgts and below. He prides himself on getting to know his div at a personel level. You can ask anyone in his div and they willl say the same. TW used to be home and im estactic to see they have leaders over there as well trained as him. If you dont think the same then you havnt had the honor of meeting him yet. So shoot him a friend request he will accept it.


KSI Last Kings

He has been acting like a general way before he was one. He has kept squads heads above water when they were on the brink of drowning. He took a squad with 6 active members and has made that squad one of the best in ET. This guy has leadership way above his rank and is definatly on the road to becoming a 7. He does things I wish I woulda done as a gen. Proud to have been part of his journey and look forwrd to seeing his progress in the future.

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Gamertag; KSI DR Doom 7 DLDL

Award of the year: Donor of the year

Reason: this member and division leader has donated like over 250.00 in the past 6 months this member donate to help KSI out in so many ways i believe he is outstanding leader he donate also to help conduct business. With his donations like now we are selling T-shirts sweatshirts and hoodies this is why he is successful. also you need to think these donations help our weekend warfare events too so i believe he diserve this award thanks

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