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OTM October Winners.


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Senior Director - KSI QueenJess 7

Director - KSI ROMAN 7

Division Leader - KSI Greg 7

Co-Division Leader - KSI ImPeRiiuM 7

Founder - KSI xVICIOUSx 7

Co-Founder - KSI Casanova 7

General - KSI MIX3R



LT - KSI UnionHitman

Forum Staff - KSI Luci Lux 7

Writer - Sungazer's Wife.

Member - KSI RydiaMae

Congratz to the winners.

Also dont PM us if you didnt win, thanks.

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thank you to all of the members that believed in me and i will never stop my long quest to reach the top and be the best members i can be i hit 60 trains to day and this award just makes my whole week, thank you all

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i didnt expect to get a award but thank you to everyone that voted for me and believed that i could get this but this has really made my day and i want to say a BIG THANK YOU TO MY SQUAD SO THANK YOU PLAGUE

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Wow! Today was an awful day for me and then someone told me I received this award and it almost made me cry. Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me and believed in me this much; this was the most unexpected thing but it really made my day so much better. I would especially like to thank everyone in my squad for being the best squad to me and the awesomest friends I could have ever asked for!!!!!

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Congratulations everyone! Also big ups to those who were even nominated, you guys have shown to stand out among your peers. Keep doing what you're doing!

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  • Admin Guy

To those who won, you definitely deserve the awards. You have gone above and beyond what was required of you for the last month, and I thank you for your contributions to KSI and the forums. Can't wait to see who we see nominated next month. :)

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