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KSI xTheFallenx awards


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Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI xTheFallenx Napalm EO General

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/101-ksi-xthefallenx/

Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Trainer

Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) I have personally trained and mentored over 30 people since the second time i joined KSI back in May. This does not include the ones i trained and mentored my first time in KSI from August to December of 2011.

Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI xTheFallenx

Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/101-ksi-xthefallenx/

Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Outstanding service Lvl 1

Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) I believe I have shown outstanding service in my squad and division. I am always helping out members whether in my squad or not. I have helped out other generals in my squad and they know i am there for them if they need assistance. I also have helped out my members and never exclude anyone, PVT to 1CPT everyone deserves the same respect and time spent with them. I go out of my way to hang out more with sergeants and lower ranks just so they dont feel like im leaving them out. Also I have helped out a LT who has been wanting to be a CPT for a while and showed him what it takes to do so. Anything else I will have people post for verification


Name : (Member-/-Squad-/-Divison of person you are nominating) KSI POWERS 7 EO Cofounder

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5489-ksi-powers/

Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service LVL 1

Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) He is an awesome person and member to be around. He has helped out our suad so much and when he was general he was one of the best I have had. He goes out of his way to suggest better ways to do things such as recruiting and mentoring. He has exceeded expectations of what he was/is required to do.

Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of personm you are nomination) KSI POWERS 7

Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5489-ksi-powers/

Award-/-Achievment: Trainer

Reason-/_Evidence: he has mentored and trained over 80 people in KSI therefore I think he deserves this

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I can witness too, but I'm not going to, because I don't have any supporting detail to provide. It has been said a million and one (a million and two after this) times, that witness statements need to provide support. One award could be an easy yes already, but Vicious is witnessing for some illusive, non-existent award apparently, because the statement provides zero indication as to exactly what award is being supported, why the nominee deserves it, or any persuasive testimony that will allow the AAP to make an informed decision. It's getting really tiring, having to post something similar to this for at least one testimony in 95% of the nominations. C'mon guys, if you truly back up what you're witnessing, show us, show the KSI community, why these guys are being recognized for their accomplishments. That way, even if someone doesn't win the award, at least everyone knows that they are awesome on multiple levels and that who they are as a person is worth more than any hypothetical value one of these awards have.

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Ok to begin with, KSI POWERS 7 is a fantastic leader and has personally helped me along with other officers in my squad when he was General of Napalm. He pushed us to our limits on what our potential was. He not only recruited numerous people as a general, he also taught others how to recruit and how to recruit effectively. He went above what he was to do as a general in my eyes and now that he is a CoFounder he helps out his squads in whatever way possible, whether recruiting for the swauds he is over or giving tips on how to grow the squad and get people active, especially officers. He has done this with me now that I am the General of Napalm. My officers weren't doing there job and he gave me tips on how to get them active and it has worked. Some thing with getting sergeants to step up to become officers in the future. When we were in TW and in Carnage before our squad split he was the 2CPT. As the second captain of Carnage, he helped me out a lot when I came back to KSI, I knew basically everything about KSI from the 6 months I was in it before I left. But he updated me on what new was happening and different stuf going on. He was an awesome captain and helped out many members. He has recruit over 50 people and mentored over 80. I believe that is way outstanding for what is required form anyone. And he got those numbers way before CoFounder.

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I didn't think it was really appropriate or necessary to put me on the spot like you did Prodigy, a simple; more evidence/detail please would have sufficed. Moving on. When I was a General in TW, Powers was always trying to help out others and give advice and take advice as needed and/or necessary. He has recruited quite a few and trained even more. Something that we always stressed in TW and EO is how important the training process actually is. It sets the tone for the new members expectations for their new community. Well Powers took that to heart and it really shows when he is speaking to his members and recruits. When he speaks you can sense that he is being real and is speaking from the heart because he believes in what we are doing here which is providing a great atmosphere and friendly environment for our members to game with. He has always taken the initiative to train new recruits and at the same time show our officers how it is supposed to be done. Powers has gone over and beyond to make sure that ALL of his members are taken care of, making sure they are having a good time and most importantly meeting new people to game with. Always available to answer any and all questions that his officer staff are not able to make. All around great guy and im lucky and proud to have him as my co founder in EO. :)

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Trainer- Yes from me

OS LVL 1- Yes from me

Also, Vicious, I apologize if you felt put on the spot or singled out in any way, as that was certainly not my intention. Thank you for following with a solid post on the nominee's behalf.

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