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AAP Staff Applications! (11/7/12)


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So its that time again where I need to pick out some more team members.

I am looking for 3/4 new team members.


Regular and Constant activity in the Of The Month Awards voting AND normal nominations is a MUST.

I you feel you cant give us that please dont apply.



Rank (If applicable):

Time spend on the forums Daily:

Experience in KSI:

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP:

Thank you and good luck!


AAP Department Head.

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Name/Gamertag: KSI Sungazer 7

Rank (If applicable): SSG

Time spent on the forums Daily: all the time

Experience in KSI: too much to list.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: prior member of the AAP, unbiased, able to be on the forums almost any time any day

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Name/Gamertag: KSI Blazer

Rank (If applicable): SGT

Time spend on the forums Daily: Around an hour but i can get on alot more.

Experience in KSI: I've only been here a few days but i'd like to help with the community as much as i can :)

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I love learning how to do new things and i think it would be a good experience :)

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Name/Gamertag: KSI Badger 7

Rank (If applicable): LB Co-Founder

Time spent on the forums Daily: Spend a good amount of time here... Daily

Experience in KSI: Worked my way to co-fo. Been in KSI + forums since January helping and achieving.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: Able to be online or when stu tells me to. Have neutral judgement on everyone, no favouritism. etc etc...

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Name/Gamertag: KSI Toonami 7

Rank (If applicable): Co-Founder

Time spend on the forums Daily: I'm on all day through my xbox, phone, or pc I stay online

Experience in KSI: I've been in KSI for over 6 months I am a CoFo in LS. I'm over all the COD squads in my division. I am the only person to have a squad split in LS in the past 7 months. I've already been given awards for training and outstanding service hopefully many more in the future. I already follow the Section and I stay knowledgeable on what goes on in the sec already. Currently I am Co-Head of Crown games I do all the work basically set up matches, times, judges all that. I have a lot of experience with aap with idea's and nominating people and I just wanna be on board with this group I could definitely benefit if you ask me to do anything it will be done almost to perfection. Also I keep all 4 of my squads on g14 updated all through out the day.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I'm constantly checking this sections just so I can be aware of other members success. I could vote on awards the day they get put up. Also I can bring new idea's to the table answer questions regarding all awards, In general I could be a big help and make a positive contribution to the AAP as a whole.

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Name/Gamertag: KSI A317 Shade

Rank (If applicable): General of Defcon CO

Time spend on the forums Daily: 1-2 hours (More may be applied if neccesary)

Experience in KSI: Plenty.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I will apply myself with open time, innovation and creative thought to the rewarding of outstanding behavior towards those whom deserve such recognition. I get my work done always. There's no question I could benefit the group if given the opportunity.

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Name/ Gamertag: Malykh/KSI MIX3R

Rank (If applicable): General

Time spend on the forums Daily: I am a no life.... I'm always on and I'm in multiple forum groups an activities.

Experience in KSI: WAY TOO LONG. Lol

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I am well-knowed and love the forums and am always on. I am unbiased and nominate worthy people for awards they deserve. I am ready to accept the responsibilities of the AAP members an would like to get the chance to help my KSI community out. Thanks for reviewing my application. Thanks AAP staff :)

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Name/Gamertag: twahl/ KSI twahl HD

Rank (If applicable): n/a

Time spend on the forums Daily: 5-10 hours depends on the day

Experience in KSI: member for 8 months this week, 4 as a general, news team

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: although I am one to say and do things out of emotion sometimes, I personally would love the opportunity. I am trying my best to get on track and helping in AAP would definitely look good on my part. I am completely fair, being as I was a General for 4 months and led one of the most recognized squads in TW history. I have trained members that are co-founders and generals apart and have really good head on my shoulders when working with a team and making decisions. Although my recent actions may reflect a sense of negativity, at one point I was reconginzed as a trophy general earning silver and outstanding service at the position.

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Name/Gamertag: KSI THE AMUSER

Rank (If applicable):GENERAL.

Time spend on the forums Daily:I'm online on the forums everyday for about 6 or more hours.

Experience in KSI:I've been in KSI for about 7 months, i've been in multiple divisions and now a gen.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I feel like i would be a great help to the AAP staff and I can work real good with team/or group. I am a non-bias member(: . I also have studied all the rules and information of every award that has to be earned, I have many awards also that i have earned in my time with KSI. Soon to get more... I've only been on the forums since may and i have 20+ days online time on here, so i'm basically online on the forums everyday!

Edited by ✰Mr. Amuse✰
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Name/Gamertag: Matt / KSI iLLuSii0N 7

Rank (If applicable): Director over AV, GZ, FI

Time spend on the forums Daily: 2-4 hrs

Experience in KSI: Been around the block a couple of times.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: Once was the Cohead of AAP and love to get involved now that I have the time to do so.

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Name/Gamertag: KSI Instinct 97

Rank (If applicable): SSGT- Former Gen

Time spend on the forums Daily: ... like 5-10 hours

Experience in KSI: been here since may, i know the ropes, and know how things work

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I love helping out with KSI and i love working with teams, i dont show favoritism, and i know alot of people from alot of division's so i kinda get around lol. but yea i keep a level head and go by the rules, keep it honest, keep it fair. so yea i think id just make a great addition to the team, :) ad i hope to be considered

Thanks , Instinct

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Name/Gamertag:KSI Bolt Action

Rank (If applicable):2nd Cpt

Time spend on the forums Daily:Im on here 2-3 times a day for about 30 min each time

Experience in KSI:Been here for 11 months been up and down havent been gen yet though

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP:Well i recently rediscovered the forums and fell in love trying to go hard with web ops since but i cant do the graphics or produtions heck can do asc either so...

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Name/Gamertag: KSI A Rage Quit

Rank (If applicable): 4th Captain Fatality DM

Time spend on the forums Daily: I sign on everyday I get home from work and spend probably around 5hrs on here a day

Experience in KSI: I was formerly in KSI on halo 2 for over 4years and now im currently back in KSI for about 8 months and working my way back up to learn more and get active in helping KSI in staying together and playing as a group

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I am not at all judgemental, no favortism here I can be fair to anyone at anytime. No one is meant to be judged or well pick someone just because of how you know them everyone deserves a fair chance, and I can provide that fair chance

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Name/Gamertag: KSI xTheFallenx

Rank (If applicable): General of Napalm EO

Time spend on the forums Daily: Around 2 hours

Experience in KSI: I joined KSI august of 2011 and was always active on the forums before the whole thing when we removed bill. I left KSI in December of 2011 after working my way up to 3CPT in Nemesis TW and rejoined May 24 and have worked my way up to Gen of Napalm. I have helped out many members.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I have been head of the AAP department of my old community. I am a very unbiased person. You can ask my officers. I show no favoritism and treat everyone the same. I have also been on the AAP of another forum called The Real Forums. But that was a long time ago. I am very knowledgable about how everything works. I update Access Denied probably 2-4 times a day and am on top of things in my squad. I have been on these forums since the day it opened on August 28. So i know how the forums work and how to do a lot of things on them.

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Name/Gamertag: Allen Z. (KSI SITH Z)

Rank (If applicable): 4th Captian

Time spend on the forums Daily: 10 minutes in the morning, 7 hours after 5 PM. Weekends, almost all day.

Experience in KSI: Been in KSI for 6 months, I know the ropes and can be looked up to for advice in many instances.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I'm a person who dose his research on things, thinks deeply on important matters, and I know how to run most of the forums (curse you Economy). I don't pick favorites and I am understanding.

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  • Admin Guy

Name/Gamertag: GLaDOSâ„¢/KSI The Doctor

Rank: General

Time spend on the forums Daily: I have the forums tab open when my laptop is on. Even if I am not currently using it. I would like to say anywhere from 8 to 12 hours a day.

Experience in KSI: I have been in KSI since June 9th 2012. During that time i have progressed through the ranks up to Major. Then I assisted a squad split that allowed me to take position as General.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP:

I feel I am qualified, due to my past endeavors as a member of a peer jury in high school. This was a new program that allowed students to help decide whether other students deserved certain punishments for actions that broke the school's disciplinary code. I often found myself having to go against my friends in certain situations, due to them breaking said rules and I having a say in whether they be suspended or whatever the corrective punishment was. An example of this being that I had my best friend suspended for a few days, for instigating a fight. I am fair and unbiased when it comes to logical decision making, especially that required of the AAP. I am on the forums often, so nominations brought to the AAP would be quickly checked by myself.

Thank you for your consideration.

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Name/Gamertag: Im Hercules/KSI V00D00

Rank: idk yet

Time spend on the forums Daily: I'm on here at least 10-12 hours a day

Experience in KSI: I have been in KSI on and off since January 15, 2012. I have plenty of experience under my belt

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: Plain and simple I'm not biased at all. If the person deserves the award and has the requirements and witnesses then I will vote yes. If he doesn't then I will say no plain and simple.

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Name/Gamertag:KSI LAZAR 7on

Rank (If applicable):Div Leader of DL

Time spend on the forums Daily:2 to 4 hours daily

Experience in KSI:1 year

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP:i feel like i can be part of a winning team and to learn more about KSI and doing more from a spot that i feel comfortable at and learning more

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Name/Gamertag: KSI AIRBORNE 7

Rank (If applicable): Co-Founder DR

Time spend on the forums Daily: Usually at least an hour, more if I have something in particular to do.

Experience in KSI: Been in KSI since January, been a co-founder for about 6 months now and looking to expand into other things than just clan ops.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I'm fair to everyone, and I'm not biast towards anyone at all. I feel this would be a great opportunity for me to branch into other things then just clan ops as well.

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Name/Gamertag: KSI HyperLite

Rank (If applicable): staff seargant

Time spend on the forums Daily: Atleast an hour, maybe more when i have nothing going on.

Experience in KSI: Been in KSI for a while now about seven months. I've dealt with just about everything. I've been up to a Major and have taken a couple demotions.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I'm just to every person and have nothing against anyone. I make fair, un-biased decisions. I say what i think and what's on my mind no matter what! Even if it means saying no to a senior director or even saying no to a good friend in KSI. I think i deserve to be apart of AAP because i'm dedicated, I'm on just about everyday, and I'm a fair, un-biased person.

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Name/Gamertag: ksi frozen 7

Rank (If applicable): founder FN

Time spend on the forums Daily: 1-2h adau

Experience in KSI: 9 mouths

Why do you feel that you should be picked to join the AAP: I'm Canadain so I'm just a fair person all around. I look at what is present and will come up with a fair decision to all that apply on behalf of someone. If a person spends the time to make a thread for someone to get an award, I think it's only fair to spend our time to make sure that person gets the award if the do deserve. I also think that if a person do not get the award we should tell them why, so when they try again they will be better prepared.

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Name/Gamertag: KSI PewPew

Rank (If applicable): 3rd Captain of Defcon CO

Time spend on the forums Daily: 7 hours daily, whether it be on Xbox 360, iPhone or PC.

Experience in KSI: I've been in KSI for about 5 months now. I've never attempted nor will I ever attempt to make enemies with anyone. I tried to not favorite anyone and I never have, but I am friends with a lot of people. I get on the forums anytime I have the chance, during work, school or personal time.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I believe I am a reasonable choice for AAP staff because I don't favorite anyone. During each month when the new "Of the Month" awards are given, I will not choose people I like, I will look into the work they've put into KSI in their positions and make a responsible choice. If it's for writer of the month, I will speak with higher members on the News Team and get their opinions on how they believe is right. I will put a lot of time into my voting decisions and make decisions I know I wouldn't regret.

Thank you

-KSI PewPew

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Name/Gamertag: KSI CENTURION 7

Rank (If applicable): Co-Division leader GZ

Time spend on the forums Daily: Atleast a few hours per day

Experience in KSI: I have been in KSI for slightly over 9 months. I have shown leadership capability in my division and have helped in any area when neccessary.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I am a dedicated and hardworking leader in KSI. I excel in every aspect of this community that I take part in. I would absolutely love to be a part of the aap. Thank you for your consideration

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Name/Gamertag: KSI Paradox 7

Rank (If applicable): Founder of SH

Time spend on the forums Daily: Every chance I get.

Experience in KSI: 10 months in KSI and still growing

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I've seen how people in the AAP work and feel i can put a very non-biased opinion. I am on the forums constantly as you can see in my activity in the SB. I wish to continue my strong dedication to this community by becoming an AAP member.

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Name/Gamertag: KSI Anatomy 7

Rank (If applicable): LS Co-Founder

Time spend on the forums Daily: Whenever I have time to do so (like 3-4 hours)

Experience in KSI: Been in for 1 years and going on 10 months.

Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I feel that I should be picked for the AAP because whenever a new request goes up, I watch it and understand with what they are saying. I basically am making my own vote in all of it, and I am 100% against the bias voting in all of this. I would make a great asset to the AAP.

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