KSI Exodus 7 (Director of DR, WI & FI)
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This man has gone above and beyond in his duties. He is always willing to help and is always willing to talk about KSI past and our vision for the future. He is guided in only to help his fellow members. He is extremely gracious and one of the hardest working members of my Division, my Director. His will to improve and strengthen our community is everlasting.
One of the best traits is his self control. I have never seen this man yell at anyone for any reason. If there's a situation where he may be frustrated he will only instill his leadership among those members to encourage them perform and/or learn from their mistakes. I realize the intense work he has input into KSI because I myself have been in KSI for three years. Constantly contributing to KSI nothing will shake him. No member, problem, or situation will upset his zen. I have seen leaders fall, get poached or even create their own community, but this man has stood the test of time just as I have. He has excelled in every role and position and he will always exceed expectations. His unselfish efforts are guided for the wellness DR as well as WI and FI.
This role model takes his duties with extreme prejudice and should be noticed for it. When I transferred over to DR this man greeted me with open arms and respect for my future; unlike my past division where everyone in my squad was discriminated against. I soon learned that his character surpasses the compliments that were centered around his name. He is true role model his influence of guidance spans across KSI and xbox live. One of the best qualities of Exodus is that he requires proof and will not just brush someone off due to gossip he has heard. KSI Exodus 7 is true mentor and leader to myself, my squad and all of KSI. On top of his character this leader constantly improves and entrusts everyone here the skills to govern themselves, their squads, and this Division as the natural order demands it. He is a man of his word and his word is final. If you ask about Exodus you're asking about the super glue of DR, WI and FI.
Co-Division Leader
KSI Thor 7 (Division-Divine Reign)
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There are two types of people in this world hammers and nails. Thor is definitely a hammer. You can expect Thor to get everything done and when Thor wants something done it gets done. Holding every Div meeting the flow of information is passed down to all of the Generals in DR smoothly. If there is a major security problem our Co-Founders and Founder work together to defuse it, but Thor will execute it. This man will help you if you are doing well. He sculpts and tones all members’ skills and rips members a new one if it’s necessary. When invited by Thor to a party respect is honored with extreme prejudice. Everyone knows of Thor because he has helped make DR the division it is today. He’s a decisive and powerful hammer; remember that and your life will be easier. He deserves this award because I cannot think of another Co-Division leader that puts in the time and effort that he does. Sculpting leaders and a division is seriously hard work. He is noticed for providing leadership for the lower 7s as well as advising Generals alongside their Co-Founders. This leadership extends through the ranks and is passed down as far as the RCT level. He's happy to meet new members and he knows they can be/are leaders themselves. Everyone starts off as a recruit and can eventually become a Senior Director. He understands that every member matters and every problem is relevant. No matter the situation members can expect him to treat them with respect. There is no hesitation from Thor when there are tough decisions need to be made. Members can expect to be on his radar for the good or bad, but regardless everyone is on his radar. He will watch over you as your friend or ally. He manages the division because we don’t have a Division leader. Thor takes the duties of the division the same way as a Captain takes the role of Gen when the General isn’t present. Smelting nails into hammers, the wellness of the division is his agenda. Protection, speed, surprise and violence of action are always expected when encountering Thor. He is an expert in Divisional comms, analysis, leadership, divisional management and security. Acta non Verba, but his words declare action.
KSI DeadlyAngel (Nirvana, Divine Reign)
Forums Account:
KSI DeadlyAngel set up Utopias Head Hunter team ending with a 5-0 record before Utopia split and reviving an old squad Nirvana. Beating Judgement Head Hunters team (the division champions) gaining Utopia recognition. He then took initiative towards the creation of our Divisional Head Hunters team. Generated Head Hunters game nights where anyone can join and play with the Divisional team. KSI DeadlyAngel maintains the forums topic every day to ensure the roster is fresh and details are sent out. He also deserves this award because he’s willing to recruit and train above and beyond all others to ensure proper squad growth as well as helping produce leadership within Utopia and Nirvana due to half of his recruits being in each squad. KSI DeadlyAngel has also donated to KSI. Donating $15 as a prize to a new Recruit, Private or Corporal in a Free For All name change tournament he set up. He is the best at his duties and exceeds them by far. Just another great Officer addition to any squad, KSI DeadlyAngel.