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KSI Royal15

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About KSI Royal15

  • Birthday 08/14/1996

Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    makings new friends
  • Gamertag
    TCT Royal
  • Squad
  • Division
    Covert ops
  • Rank/Title

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Newbie (1/4)



  1. -Basic information-

    Please list your current Gamertag: TCT Royal15

    Please list All Previous Gamertags: UpperParasite

    Gender: male

    Age (Minimum age to join KSI is 15):15

    What games do you play regularly and prefer to be playing (any platform)?: cod bo3,aw, xbox one

    How many hours per week do you play on average?: about 120

    Contact Information? *Email-/-skype ect___NO telephone numbers please*: joshb9424@gmail.com

    In a few short sentences please explain what you are looking forward to in KSI?: I'm looking forward to be apart of this clan  and making it a better clan. Also playing with a lot of the members will be great 


    What Division and Squad are you interested in joining and Why? Note: you are free to state "Any" division if you have no preference*: any division on xbox one


    -Background information-

    How did you hear about KSI?:i was in KSI before

    How did you hear about this KSI website?: i was in KSI before

    Have you ever been apart of KSI previously and when?: Yes

    If yes, What was the name of the squad and division and when?:Foxtrot CO

    Also, Why have you left KSI on previous occasions? (NOTE: Please provide an answer for each time if you have left KSI on multiple occasions):I had life problems to deal with


    Please list ANY previous clans-/-communities you have been a part of: KSI and TCT

    What time frame were you in the other clans for?:1 year

    Are you still a member of any of those clans or communities?: TCT is my own clan


    Have you ever been Blacklisted-/-Banned-/-Kicked-/-Removed from any KSI  Division or Squad or any clans or communities? *separate answers please*: no

    If Blacklisted, what was the reason?:

    If DNH'd what was the reason?

    If Kicked-/-removed from Squad or Division Why?:

    Would you say you have left past clans on good terms? I would think so


    Can you accept the fact that KSI is a structured organization and requires the ability to work with over 100+ team-mates? Yes


    Are you able to respect leaders who have been put in place, while recognizing that those leaders come from all walks of life and may hold opposing beliefs and/or life choices and stay level headed regarding such? Yes


    Do you plan on taking advantage of any of the KSI learning programs? *Graphics - Leadership Development - Web Administration, Etc?: maybe


    Do you have a history of cheating or boosting on games? NOTE: Does not bar you from joining, length of time since last unethical action considered: no


    Have you read and do you fully understand and also agree to uphold the KSI Code of Conduct along with the XBOX Live Terms of service?: Yes


    Any extra comments?

  2. I have been mentored by Aztec 7 ever since I joined KSI.I have been in KSI for a while and if Aztec was not my mentor I would have not made it to a captain and I really think that Aztec deserves this because every time I get on xbox I see him doing clan stuff and I think he deserves this award.
  3. Name: (KSI xRasta-/-hostile-/-covert ops) Link to Forums Account:http:// http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7768-ksi-xrasta/ Award-/-Achievement: (outstanding service) Reason-/-Evidence: (our general xRasta has shown great time and effort to this clan he has shown me great leadership skill and has dedicate all of his time and effort in to KSI he deserves this award.
  4. Welcome to the forums KSI Royal15 :)

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