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KSI Flow 7

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Everything posted by KSI Flow 7

  1. He hasn't been a general for long but ever since he became a general ive been hearing noting but good things from impulse and from him as a general his been trying his best for his squad ever since he got promoted to the general rank sergeants meetings helping fellow officers while still having a busy life in the real world with making drawing for comics even has the rank of a officer I remember getting a random party invite from him and another fellow ex captain in impulse back when he was a 1st captain they knew that I've been doing a great job as a general so both of them asked for some advice and help since back then impulse didn't have any general this member has also been very active on the forums and the TW section his an outstanding guy with a awesome personality and a outstanding General you can ask anyone in TW or their squad and they would tell you that everyone loves him especially me <3 he more then deserves these both awards
  2. Senior Director Gamertag- KSI illusii0n 7 Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/28-ksi-illusii0n-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - He is always helping out other members of KSI no matter what rank they are he comes to game nights and even hosts game nights on Halo4 for all KSI members to comes to and sends invites. A really helpful guy puts all of his time and efforts towards KSI and would do anything for it. A lot of my members within my squad love him because of his personality and if it wasn't for him then they wouldn't even know a senior director Director Gamertag- KSI Greg 7 Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/109-ksi-greg-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - As much work as he has to do with KSI when he gets online he always finds a time to come play some Halo or Black ops may not be in Game chat but atleast he shows up and plays a few games or one. As a new director I heard he has done a lot already and his already holding 4divisons. He has been in KSI for more then 2years and is a very awesome and respectful KSI Member and director, Division Leader Gamertag- KSI Cole 7 TW Div Leader Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4809-cole/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Over the last month this member KSI Cole 7 has been though a lot of stuff within KSI and the division itself a lot of members leaving that are on the rank structure. But no matter what happens Cole is still trying to do his best and put his head in the game. His main goal is to make changes in KSI and he is here for those changes. As a division leader he is really fund even though most times he doesn't have time to play a couple of games with us he still sits in parties and talks with all of the members answers all questions even if its a stupid question. He is a really big motivator a great leader and a very good friend if it wasn't for him I wouldn't even be here at this moment. He just never quits on us. Co-Division Leader Gamertag KSI Cheddarbob 7 DL Co-Div Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1101-ksi-cheddarbob7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Even though I don't really talk to this guy a lot I heard many many many great things about this fellow KSI Member. Ever since he got his hands with DL at the numbers he got it from he has done a marvelous job with the division he completely bought it from the dead Resurrected it and made it to the division it was once again. With really good generals and leaders plus he is like a diehard KSI Member and supports this community all the way he donates a lot too. Founder Gamertag- KSI Heero 7 Founder TW Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7261-ksi-heero-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Well lets see where I can start with Heero first of all he is a one of a kind KSI members their are not many KSI guys like him. Ever since his been a General of the magnificent squad of Impulse where all leaders are born in TW.I been hearing noting but great work from him splitting it into Invasion then having a Mini Split to aid invasion. Then he moved on to be a Co-founder over the squad im in and luckily being my Co-Founder from that moment on I started realizing what having a Co-founder felt like since the one I previously had was really inactive. He came and played with my members came to every possible meeting he could and supported us a lot. Then by no surprise he become the founder of TW. I guess here's the saying of the work you put in and commitment pays off in the end. Well ever since the rank of a founder he has been working his but off helping out all of the TW members with any problems listening to what members have to say. He is a really appreciated member in TW and really desires to be noticed for that as a Founder litterly he gets on and deals with KSI stuff till he gets off and still has time to play some Halo with his beloved TW guys. Co-Founder Gamertag- KSI Sworn 7 TW Co-Founder Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7662-ksi-sworn-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - He is currently the only Co-founder in TW ever since he has gotten to the rank of a Co-founder his been trying his best to improve to be a better leader and the best Co-Founder he can be. He comes to play game nights with his squads even though its crazy cause he has a limit amount of time to play xbox and his over 3diffrent game type squads. But he certainly does his best to comes to all meetings being in college and in the arm forces. General Gamertag- KSI Justin 6 -General of Nemesis TW- Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11111-ksi-justin-6/ Reasoning why the deserve this - I don't think I even have enough space to write about all of the achievements this member has done as a general and being in KSI so here goes noting. This member is one of the BEST General I have ever met. Ever since I was a General and he was a Staff Sargent he has done so much for the KSI Gaming Community by talking and showing love to everyone not just his fellow division mates. As a General he talks to every member that he comes across and shows them support like "KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK" or "I SEE ALOT OF POTENTIAL IN YOU" he even told me that one day KSI Fuzzymeep 7 came to him personally and invited him to a party telling them that he has a lot of potential. His a big motivator and TW wouldn't be TW without him. Captain Gamertag- KSI Nicodollarz 3CPT Overload TW Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13110-ksi-nicodollaz/ Reasoning why the deserve this - As his General I am completely speechless on how much work he has put into his beloved squad Overload TW he is one of the best Captains I've had so far I can fairly say he is one of those one of a kind members that is really really rare to find out their. He puts his heart and soil into KSI. Helping out myself and any officer any way possible a really active Halo 4 member. Does all of his officer duties and goes beyond what's expected of an officer. Like I said one of a kind type of guys, LT Gamertag (KSI R3DTA1L -TW/Overload) - Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11672-ksi-r3dta1l/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Well he isn't much of a Recruiter or trainer but that does not mean he isn't a good officer. Redtail is also one of a kind type of guy I mean he argues a lot like a debater and he will think he is right at times and tries to prove on how he is right. But he is a really good leader his actions take apart from him as a leader and being committed to KSI and the squad itself. His always on point with the Headhunters team trying to make it better for members and getting it up and active and is always someone you can come to if u need something done. His also really active on the game type of his squad Halo. Forum Staff Gamertag- iAmInfiniite (Web-ops) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/202-dan/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Well this guy is just a really helpful Forum moderators and a really nice type of guy. Over this past month he has been real active on the forums and moderating everything from it cleaning up spam from sections talking to the members and just being the best forum moderator someone can. His efforts should be shown by this award Writer Gamertag- KSI Ske Tempah (General/Phantom SH) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9280-comrade-tempah/ Reasoning why the deserve this - His journal that he wrote about English 101 really was fascinating and motivated me to do a few things that I havnt done yet plus it was personal something news writers don't write about plus his on the team and has SWAG. Member Gamertag- KSI Domo Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/14634-comrade-domo/ Reasoning why the deserve this - He is just a really funny and active member everyone loves him plus he helps out a lot of people and is a one of a kind KSI Member.
  3. Okay since ALL u guys are mistaken about other divisions winning the only division who is going to win this year and won last year and we are going to KEEP winning Spirit week as long as it's around is Twisted Warfare T-Dubz because we got the most Awesomest and Funniest guys in KSI Global and we are willing to do anything to win !
  4. Name: (KSI SoutH51dE-/-Recoil-/-Twisted Warfare) Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13392-ksi-south51de/ Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Member Lv1/Headhunters/Mentor/Member assist Reason-/-Evidence: Headhunters - He is currently Headhunters captain in Recoil. Member assiste- This guy has assisted countless members within his KSI Carrer. Mentor-He has more then 5 mentors Outstanding lvl1 - Ever since this guy first joined KSI as a Private he went to a Sargents workshop to learn about things in KSI I was personally in the lobby and he was really fascinated with what KSI had to offer so he immieditly changed his Gamertag and started working his way up from the mini split in Outlaw when he was a officer he went over to Recoil as one of the best officers they had to offer since recoil didn't change a general and still Dosnt he has been their everystep of the way training sergeants helping officers out being active on the forums recruiting training and a ton of gamenights currently this member is the acting general of recoil and a very Dam good one to be exact and the squad since he joined went from 40 all very active to now 70 something he is a really awesome officer and anyone would love to have someone like him. What can I say just what TW offers KSI Born Leaders.
  5. This user most defiantly deserves the award of outstanding service lvl1 because even going back to when he was a officer which wasn't long ago till now him standing at a Co-Founder ranking his done alot of great things for his squad and the division. Back when he was the 2/1st captain of Invasion the split off Impulse this member has literally been the General of it. He was one of the best captains a general could ask for he was always on task on the squad and helping out the general alot when he was missing in action if it wasn't for this guy the squad of invasion prob wouldnt be here anymore he showed such leadership skills that without his General stepping down or getting a squad split this member became a rank of a general not for invasion but the squad he use to be in Impulse since the general had backed down and the officers within that squad yet didn't prov worthy of being a general yet. Since the 7s of the division knew he would be best fit for the job and he knew everyone from their since he was originally in that squad. So he became general of Impulse. Now as him being a general I don't have much say towards it because I personally wasn't paying attention to impulse and him as a general of it because I was too in my squad cause we just had a mini split. But all I know is that in one month of him being the general rank he got promoted to a Co-founder of Two halo squads and Impulse ever since he became a Co-Founder he has been really into forfilling his duties as a Co founder and making sure everything is running correct and helping me out personally with certain things that I wasn't online for when he is on. He even sends me random text messages asking if I'm doing good and how the squad is doing. He is also a really active Forum member. I really do know that KSI Sworn 7 does deserve this award.
  6. Name: (KSI Broseidon-/-Overload-/-Twisted Warfare) Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11040-ksi-broseidon/ Award-/-Achievement: (Game Hoarder/ Outstanding Service Lv1 Head Hunters) Reason-/-Evidence: Game Hoarder- This person has over 20,000 gamerscore Outstanding service lvl1 - This member is currently a first captain of outlaw with no General this member has been running the squad of Outlaw for a while he is also currently the head hunters captain of the squad his been trying real hard to keep the squad up and running ever since he first became a officer his been working his but off real hard for his squad recruited and trained lots of members hosted a bunch of game nights. He also has been going to the Generals meeting replacing his general since a LT he more then deserve this award and I can't wait to see him a general and see what he can do as a general for KSI TW. Headhunters award - He is currently the captain of the HH team in his squad.
  7. you do know no one looks at this right..might as well post it somewhere

  8. Name: (KSI Killaflow-/-Overload-/-TW Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9549-flow★flow/ Award-/-Achievement: Forum Addict Reason-/-Evidence: Over 1000 Forum Posts and Over 20hours on the KSI Forums.
  9. Congrats guys keep up the good work
  10. Halo soundtrack is boss but I love gating on GTA and just listening to the radio and ride around
  11. Tyga- Molly love the song hear it in all parties
  12. Okay so I need help on this since I'm concerned about it and want to know if other people do it differently and have a better way. I have a Grifball team in my squad and we have 8 people who are in it team Alpha and Omega (the beginning and the end) and I have a ton more people who didn't make it to the try outs because of work or school and they also want to try put for the Grifball team. Since Grifball is a team game and u can't really 1v1 them for the spots like Slayer Swat or what not. My question is how do you guys do the try outs for people that want to be apart of the team? So how we do it (I dont really like it) we make it a 2v2 the person who is trying out and his pick on someone in the team viceversa to the other guy who is in the 8th seat with someone that's in the Grifball then if the other 2 guys win then that guy takes the 8th seat spot. Like I said I don't really like how it's done and want anotherway any ideas?
  13. Squad/Division- Overload TW Game Platform- Halo 4 Gametype- Swat,Headhunters Contacts- KSI Killaflow(Gen) KSI R3DTA1L(HH CAPT)KSI XxxchoaticxX(Swat) Extra comments- We are unbeatable
  14. I can witness for both of These awards. ever since I joined KSI Gringo was one of the first Generals I met since when I joined KSI he was still a General I kind of looked up to the guy when I joined everytime I was in a party with him he talked about KSI and developing his squad he helped so many members over the time of me being in the party and talked about things I didn't know and learned from it he definitely desvers both of these awards he has been a Gen for like 7months now and has developed so much from the period of time in leadership experience. His already a 7 in my book
  15. Name: KSI Killaflow Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9549-★ksi-killaflow★/ Award-/-Achievement: Forum Addict Reason-/-Evidence: Over 1000 Posts on the Forums and Over 20days on the Forums.
  16. I would witness to this everyday I see Samurai on the Forums either in the DM Section or the shout box ever since I joined the Forums his been really active on it again I can't prove about the 20+ days but he definitely deserves this award.
  17. I am here to Witness Dopeys Outstanding award I've been in parties with this guy a few times and play with him He is always hosting gamenights with his squad to keep it going his always recruiting as much as he can he is an Outstanding leader in GZ and is going to go far if he keeps it up he is always helping his general out hosting squad meetings and Sargents become officers he goes Above and beyond his officer duties and should be noticed for this.
  18. Congrats to everyone u guys well deserved it
  19. Name: (KSI Cole 7-/-TW Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4809-cole/ Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service lvl1 and 2 Reason-/-Evidence: This Member the brand new Division leader of TW went beyond the point that I could imagine for Outstanding Service ever since the rank of Founder KSI Cole 7 has been working his but off as the highest rank in TW basically a division leader from that point. Whenever u have a question or just somebody to talk to Cole is always there. He does the best he can do to make everyone in the division feel welcomed like family treating all the members equally. Cole is one of the best leaders I've meet has a really good personality he won Co-Div leader of the month of January. Twisted Welfare wouldn't be as it is right now without Cole Friend Mentor and Div Leader.
  20. KSI Samurai 7 is my mentor. He also assists me with a few things even tho he isn't under my division I have him added as a friend and we play black ops together he talks to me about things his done when he was my rank as General so I can keep up a active and successful squad he gives me a lot of tips from time to time he also assisted me in Web ops about the different groups that I didn't understand
  21. I'm a Witness for Drama queen KSI Payton is like the drama queen of TW ever since I meet him his always causing drama but in a funny way i know this guy pretty well he use to be my General now I'm a General his always causing drama within TW everytime our Co-Division lead gets online he spam him with invites the CO-Div invites him to the party asking him what he wants his like ..how was your day.. LOL he does the same thing to a few mems plays a lot of pranks in a funny laughable way I know everyone in TW that knows him would say his the #1 Drama queen in TW
  22. Sprite contact KSI Gringo via XBL and one of my members who just joined KSI - KSI Axios 115 has a 4.6KD on halo 4 contact him too please thanks
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