Name/Gamertag: KSI Flow 7
Rank (If applicable): TW Co-Founder
Time spent on forums daily:3-5hours(I can get on anytime needed)
Experiance in KSI: News Team, Tournys & Events Staff Member, Co-Founder, Forum Addict
Experiance/Knowledge of AAP: Even though I am not in the AAP Staff I know almost everything needed to know the rules/awards needed to know. Every single day I come to the AAP section and read every topic see what people are getting nominated for and the AAP staff members decisions. I've also nominated members for a couple of rewards.
Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP: I know I will be a valuable member for the AAP if I get accepted. I will put my time and dedication into this group just like I have for all other groups I'm in. I'm always on the forums and looking at the AAP section and even the archives. For a long time I've really wanted to be apart of the AAP team I would be one of the really active AAP staff. I am also unbiased.