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KSI Flow 7

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Everything posted by KSI Flow 7

  1. Name: KSI Nico 7 TW Co-Founder Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13110-ksinicodollaz-7/ Award-/-Achievement: OS lvl 1 & 2, Trainer, Mentor, Member assistance Reason-/-Evidence: Trainer- Nico has around 50 members Member assistance/Mentor- His a valuable Co-Founder has assisted prob 100s of times and am sure he has alot of members in TW that woukd consider him a Mentor OS lvl1 &2- I meet Nico whenever he wasnt a member of KSI then he joined and started since day 1 i was his general as he was a recruit he joined Overload TW and he helped me maintain that squad to one of the best squads in TW till his Co-Founder promotion, whenever Nico was an officer he was a do everything type of guy he would ALWAYS go out his way to train someone motivite them or help them become officers my 2nd in command he did a extremely good job at it too i remember on mothers day when he came to a squad meeting drunk he offered all the CPL 800 points to change there gamertags that was a funmy day he never ended up doing it but still the effort is what counts i can honestly say nico ever since day one his been commited to this gaming community in all ways and always putting his heart into it what is valuable from a leader everyone loves him he always tries his best at everything he helped TW in BO2 whenever a situation happened him as acting gen ended up fixing it he jusr has done so much in so many ways you go nico !
  2. I just have it witness for this cant help myself. As KSI Inazuma former Co-Founder (I still call him by his old GT Lightning)) i was over him in both squads he was in Nemesis and Massacre i can honestly say he has done an OUTSTANDING JOB within his officers position whenever i became over Nemesis this guy was a 1CPT and honestly he was one of the only guys putting in work for that squad training members to be officers recruiting training everything they had a general but honestly he seemed like the general since he was doing his job. Things happen like it all eventually happrns to everyone and he had to go down in ranks but no matter what rank he was he always did his best in his position. He has ALOT of potential!!!!!! His helped me with alot of stuff as his co-founder. Your truly, Me
  3. I cant say i had the privilege to work with Carmenia on a 1 on 1 base since she was recruited by yopyop when i was in LS. But i do know how much Carmenia has put into her squad/division, i first met Carmenia before she even got recruited into KSI i remembee hanging out with Payton on halo playing with my good ol' TW family and then YopYop joined the party talking about her that she wanted to join KSI and that he was exicted to recruit her he made the right decision by doing so and has recruited a very valuable member that is the future of this gaming community, Carmenia is one of those kind loving people who cares about everyone and wants to make everyine happy to the best of her abilities kind of like Toxic and shes always hanging around her members never leaving anyone behide for her officer duties comes first before having fun lol, shes been having banging game nights with full lobbies and all of the members love it i hear noting but great things from Carmenia from her 7s fellow officers from different squads and her own squad members shes a awesome leader and i know she will be striving for her finest shes the lead by example type pf person Yours Truly, KSI Flow 7
  4. Drake -Fancy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqqn4ixeWsY
  5. I can vouch for both as a former Co-Founder in TW, Ive seen all of her excellent work i first met Toxicrain when ever she was a Private in Killjoy ever since she became a SGT shes been aiming to go up the ranks i remember back in the day when i was General of Overload she would come to me and ask me plenty of questions very opened minded and always wanting to learn, shes also a very good recruiter if it wasnt for her Killjoy wouldnt Be at were it is right now. Shes a awesome KSI member as well always sending out messages spreading news and trying to make everyone happy ever since day one shes been waiting to put time in effort into this gaming community and look at her shes a general Shes also assisted me in plenty of stuff in the past. Good job Toxicrain, From Killaflow
  6. Name: (KSI Sweetpea-/-Venom-/-WI Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/15634-sweetpea/ Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Level 1, Member assistance Reason-/-Evidence: Oh My Gosh where to start so many awesome things to say about this awesome valuable KSI member well i can fairly say that every SINGLE day KSI Sweetpea sends out a while bunch of messages out to her friends either reminder messages Divisional messages or up coming workshops and tournaments shes the type of person anyone would love to have in there squad shes always on top of things gamenights, workshops,meeting, tournaments you name it. Shes always motivating members in her squad to go out to recruit in recruiting lobbies helping new members and current members to get on the forums and bring activity up in the forums. Plus in addition to everything she does in clan ops shes always on the forum shes like the queen bee of the forums the shoutbox wouldnt be as awesome sauce as it is if it wasnt for sweetpea she makes me want to be online on the forums more and shes informing people that need help on the forums about everything shes even member of the month im very suprised she doesn't have these awards yet shes the sweetest pea ever
  7. Lorde- Tennies Court My favorite song right now lets go down to the tennies court and talk it out like yah!!! You can be my beauty queen Im in line for the throne tho
  8. I told you but you were like" nooo its all about papa rouche now a days only suckas like 3DG" I was like -sign- fine..
  9. Kingdom Hearts (Waking up without you)
  10. Whenever i first met Ubeedum he was a SSGT in Impulse TW ever since the first few weeks of him joining KSI he was very motivited into all of the benefits KSI had to offer in ranking up in a mini split Ubeedum was sent to Invasaion which was a split from Impulse and it wasnt doing too good. Since day one in Invasion he was one of the best officers in that squad actully one of the best officers in the division since that squad was low in numbers ubee was always recruiting and training members none stop and helping everyone out the best of his abilities he reached to 2CPT in that squad. Whenever ubee went to DL it was a very big lost for TW but honestly he made the right decision to go there and it turned out for the best in a matter of weeks ubee got captain of the month then became a general and in a month a Co-Founder while spliting his squad up i hear noting but positiveity from other people about ubee now he has his own division that split from DL He went very far
  11. The Time Domo got kicked out of TW per KSI Cole 7 he was currently in my squad (Overload TW) one day i got online and Cole asked me to take him off the squad tag reason for apparently he was talking negatively about a General in TW (KSI Payton 7) on facebook with one of his Squad members. This member has also been demoted several times in different squads and his been apart of many squads in TW. Advice Domo- you should add more details in your reasoning it might help alot..
  12. Okay so just like there are divisional milestone i think that they should also have squad milestones for each division this could exict a squad and motiviate them to achieve a certain squad milestone for example a certain amoumt of squad splits that a squad has or how old it is, how many leaders have been born in that squad if it has good forum activity something like this could definitly motivate a squad and i think it would make it real fun and of course with more milestones i was just giving out an example
  13. The Grinch Stole Christmas:) good times Watching Kids Next Door on netflix :3 ICarly belive it or not i actully like the show :3 Remember the Titans Batman the dark knight Was just watching Detention of the dead with Sweetpea Im watching Dragon Ball Z now a reminder from the past love this animie tho one of the best. sora no otoshimono Really good animie waiting for season 3 now
  14. Name: (KSI Killaflow 7-/-Crysis-/-Wicked Intent Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9549-ksi-flow-7/ Award-/-Achievement: (Drama Queen Award) Reason-/-Evidence: Well honestly i have reputation in KSI in negative and positive ways and this should be an award i get with no hesitation ive been around Co-Founder in TW, General in LS and Sargent in WI xD and over my time there were a couple of things going around and some drama started because of me Oppsy :D there are many strories i have in store about drama caused and fixed. Flow for Drama Queen xD
  15. We are the champions- i remember it from the revenge of the nerds this would be a pretty good song for KSI since it was in that movie lol dont get me wrong tho lol
  16. Name: (KSI JBOMBshell-/-Memories-/-Last Strike) Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/16113-jbbybombshell/ Award-/-Achievement: Swat Team Award Evidence: She is currently the Swat Team Captain in Memories LS.
  17. Drake- From time Drake- what if i kiss you Big Seam- Noting is stopping you
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