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KSI Flow 7

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KSI Flow 7 last won the day on February 16 2017

KSI Flow 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI Flow 7

  • Birthday 05/27/1991

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Florida, Miami
  • Gamertag
    KSI Killaflow 7
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KSI Flow 7's Achievements

Supreme Member

Supreme Member (4/4)



  1. Ill witness to Domo being my mentor this guy has been in KSI for 3 years now maybe 4 well i am not too sure but when i meet him he was 1LT in Killjoy TW he wasnt one of the best role models i can admit that but he sure showed me alot of stuff and over time i slowly began learning the criteria and negatives because of this persons flaws and success. Also on the development on his KSI Carrer over the time period frame for about a year he went up and down from a luietent rank and learned his lessons in the making. A excellent must have personality aswell he was always there when you needed him. Slowly over my period of KSI i've learned from that and would qualify him as one of my very rare mentors. Congrats bruh
  2. Why hello there, i am KSI Killaflow or use to be once upon a time and i can witness to this Previously before joining TW she was in AV as cole stated and at her recruites date when i re-recruited her into TW she changed her name within a 2 week period to have a KSI Prefix.
  3. Do you wana build a snow man its one of those frozen songs
  4. Was just watching this Miami heats won today
  5. From what i personally know,seen and been told pinky is an angel sent from heaven to help TW out i've known pinky since before she ever thought about joining KSI she was "thinking on it" and i knew that one day she would join it and she ended up joining it like a few days later and since then she was huge huge help in Nemises helping legal D split it up to bring back impulse since it originally got merged with Nemises and helped lead that squad to tip top shape now shes a founder like wow time flies by fast and even has a founder she recruits trains host game nights and everything shes an awesome KSI member
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KymxQfJDm0c Love this song <3
  7. Kinda like this one shows that you have put in some timeinto witnessing for other members kinda like ice breaker but just witnessing That helping hand is alright too
  8. Name/Gamertag: Carlos/ KSI Killaflow 7 Rank (If applicable): Sargent (retired) Time spent on the forums (Daily): About 2-3 Hours a day Experience and Time in KSI: I been in KSI for about a year and five months the highest rank i got to was a Co-Founder in TW i been a general in two different divisions i have founded my own squad (Overload). I been a Section mod over TW, IA liaison for TW i also been in the News team and Tournys and Events. Skype (Required to be on Staff): live:laxstarvera Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP (Please provide details): I will make a great addition to the AAP Staff since i know the basics on how it works, i also know what are the requirements for all of the forum awards. I've obtained a few of the rewarded awards on the forums, i am unbiased when it comes to judging on what a member has accomplished. I am also currently not in any other department so when i get on the forums i can souly focus on the AAP Section i get on the forums numerous times a day and almost every single day of my KSI forum creation which was in December 2012 i have looked in the AAP Section daily just to see what was going on and to witness to any members that deserved the award they were being nominated for. It would be an honor to be part of the AAP Staff i will be a very committed member towards this department. I been craving to be apart of it since i first joined this community. <3
  9. I would like to witness for the Commited,Member asssist and OS Lv1 award for this member Commited- Prospin first time joining KSI was in TW i first met this member in December of 2012 as a 1st Captain of Impulse and that was over a year ago with a KSI Tag Prefix. Member Assist- Through out my time in KSI mainly back when this member first use to be in TW i seen him asssist many member in different situations. I may be a little memory blurry since this was over a year ago but he has also adviced me in a few questions i had for him and helped me with a few things personally they were kinda minor but still assisted me in it. OS1- Something i admire about this person is no matter what happens to him he never gives up in this community 2years in and he has seen many recruits turn into generals and 7s and his always trying to go up the ranks. Always doing something to help the squad out if it isnt puttinf effort in recruiting or giving alway his recruits its helping out other members but no matter what his always trying and his always online and just keeps going what i admire about is that he does not give up his been trying to become a 7 ever since he joined which was like 2years ago and is still trying... i would have honestly just given up if that was my only goal either his really dedicated or just has noting to do outside of Xbox. Another reason on why i think this member deserves OS Lvl1 is because of the environment he brings to every squad his in. Prospin has always been a happy positive person atleast from what ive seen and almost every member loves him. He sometimes is a big comedian and everyone needs a laugh here and there after all KSI is a big family and when family get together they try and luagh and have a good time with each other which Prospin brings. I really dislike those 100% serious peopl. Sorry if your one of them but being serious all the time is no fun what so ever this is a xbox community and peopl. Get on to play some games and have some fun which is what prospin provides. Recently i heard his also doing very well in the squad his ccurrently in reason the founder of his division nomonated him
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