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Purge Senpai

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Everything posted by Purge Senpai

  1. Werent you in DM, if so what squad? your name is very familiar.

    1. Purge Senpai

      Purge Senpai

      You are! I am sure you knew who I was? I used to be KSI Raijin now KSI Purge.

  2. KSI Tempah 7 (Founder - Wicked Intent/N/A) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/9280-kylo-ren/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Tempah has been the most helpful and inspiring founder I have seen. He is always around to help us when we are need and always games with us. He also gives us great advice on how to run a squad efficiently and always defends us when he can. KSI Vonner 7 (Co-Founder - Wicked Intent/Not sure) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/16509-ksi-f%C2%A3ar-vonn%C2%A3r-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Vonner has been an awesome Co-Founder, even though he isnt over the squad I am in, He always finds the time to join our game nights and play with us which is great given how busy 7's are. He gives us a lot of good moral when he is there and makes game nights fun with his competitiveness. He inspires us to do better and better and make us better people deep down. KSI Dragon PVM (Captain - Wicked Intent/Anguish) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30894-ksixdragonxpvm/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This man is a great and inspiring officer. He is constantly at work shops, teaches us many things, the do's and dont's of KSI. He is always focuses on being a great officer, a great leader, and an inspiration to his squad, specially the SGT's. I am quite surprised in his knowledge and focus. Dragon is one of the main reason that it is fun to be in this squad, and in this division.
  3. We are many but you are one.

  4. This may be a bit much but how about an award for Xbox One Squad members or Divisions and call it The Next Generation, maybe make a award for when the servers are completely shut off on Xbox 360 in 2016, and maybe just showing members who were in 360 and officially moved to Xbox one instantly showing loyalties and stuff.
  5. I'm a security guard at a school. Can there be a support award for those people? :D
  6. I actually disagree Majestic, anybody should be able to shop those awards in support to EMT, Law Enforcement and Firefighter, here where I live, we get a sticker for our cars or windows when we donate to our local law enforcement, EMT or FF. It shows that we support what they do. So no, I dont think it should be exclusive to those in the field, If I wanna show support in that particular profession then I will but in no means make it exclusive to a small amount. My brother was part of the coast guard and my cousin was in the navy, so I want to support them I simply buy the award. It makes it fair for everyone who wants to support.
  7. Grats! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Senior Leader(Senior Directors/BoD Members) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Greg 7 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/109-ksi-greg-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This member deserves this award because I see non stop dedication and time from this person. I see him all the time, spending time with other members and trying to pull KSI together as a family. He is a kind man with a big heart. I've known him since I first joined KSI in late 2012. He always tries to make sure everyone is having fun in KSI and making sure everything is running smoothly within all the divisions. I am proud to say he is a wonderful Senior Director. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DoCNeSS 7 Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2253-ksidocness7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He has shown nonstop dedication to KSI as a whole, always making sure productions is producing content. He always make sure he puts in details in his notes or meeting so everyone can understand everything thoroughly. He always spends his money on other members who need xbox live. He always plays with squad members in all of the divisions which is a great thing. He always finds the time to speak to others and play with them on his busy schedule. He even had the heart to give me a year of xbox live when I truely needed it. I think he deserves this award. P.S. I am horrible at wording things and making paragraphs, I apologize.
  9. Old Timers Award - recognition for members of KSI with 2 or more years of active membership. Must have a witness to prove. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Am I allowed to bump this nomination up? No reply came up in a while.
  11. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating)KSI Purge / Rage / DM Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9453-killer-bee/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Hot Topic Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) This topic was created on March 2013. It was originally made to keep up with attendance at game nights and to see who is active with their squads. I previously submitted this nomination a long time ago back when it was still fresh. It was denied due to most of the post being of me since I actively used it for attendance. Today it is still used widely within DM and now some divisions have implemented it for their division. I believe it deserves a new review. Link to topic: http://www.ksiforums.org/topic/13431-dm-custom-game-night-attendance/
  12. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI DoCNeSS 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/2253-ksidocness7/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Helping Hand Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) This member has helped me with xbox live. Just last night he purchased me a 12 month gold membership. He also helped me out and bought some games I wanted. He has spent over 100+ USD on me alone just to help me out. This man deserves this award!
  13. Fly like a butterfly, Sting like a Bee! Wheeeeeee!

  14. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Purge/Web Ops/Productions Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9453-nagato/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Gamerscore Master Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) I have reached the required sum of 50,000 gamerscore Proof Sorry that its sideways it uploaded that way
  15. Spirit Week woo woo! Hopefully this time our servers dont crash this year!
  16. Congrats to everyone who won their respective award! Cheers and have a drink tonight on your successes!
  17. Like all the posts here, and the rules in the CoC. NOBODY gets left behind. Dont worry guys.
  18. I 2nd the squad splitting award. I think the general who split a squad deserves some sort of recognition for his major contribution. I also suggested this same award a long time ago.
  19. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shivah 7 (Founder - LS) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12974-trainer-shivah/ Reasoning why they deserve this - She is admired by the majority of LS for her overall friendliness. I see her as a huge influence in LS. She's very involved with her members and tries to assist them as best as possible. She sometimes even stays all night being involved with her members. I cant see any better candidate than her. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI EVOx (3LT - LS/Desolate) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22707-ksi-evox/ Reasoning why they deserve this - I havent been in LS for very long but since I joined, I instantly noticed Evo's hard work and dedication. He has been constantly involved with other members and recruiting his butt off. He overall tries to better the squad and improve it. He is an overall positive influence to the squad and is very deserving of this award. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/AAP//DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Doctor 7 - (Forum Mod) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/4993-ksi-doctor-7/ Reasoning why they deserve this - He has been extremely efficient, helpful and friendly to everyone on the forums, has been improving AAP dramatically. He is an overall friendly guy who is easy to get along with. He helps people with issues to the best of his abilities and I cant think of anyone better in this area for this award. GFX Artist Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad)- Erbs - (GFX) Link to forums Account- http://www.ksiforums.org/user/105-erbs/ Reasoning why they deserve this- This man has been creating some awesome signatures this past month. He did the Forums and KSI such a great service with his skills in signature making. He did so many sigs this month that he exceeded his monthly limit on photobucket. He also has taught me how to use photoshop and showed me some pointers. I think he is deserving of such award because he is a hard worker and its not very easy to do such things in GFX.
  20. Ive been listening to Dechorro by Deorro a lot lately.
  21. You think you're the only ones who matter. You think you can put off death. But that peace made you foolish and thoughtless. If you kill someone, someone else will kill you… this hatred binds us together. I want you to feel pain, to think about pain, to accept pain, to know pain.

  22. "Merciful gift for god, but he can not approve. If he can not forgive, all life return to god.

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