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Everything posted by Bruhhh

  1. I can also vouch for this. for the small time hes been in he has been a HUGE help. he has taken a lot of stress off of me and i can start focusing on some other stuff. But the fact that whenever i need him he can be there and hes such a huge inspiration to the people of outcast and phoenix and even goes and plays with the pvts and cpls. he rocks :D
  2. Im hedgies Division leader. i can personally vouch that in the time when his squad pulled in over 35 recruits in almost too weeks that he personally trained every single one of them and he also trained some more people in other squads. Man is a Machine!
  3. illusion this guy takes videos of him beating people that don't play competitively and makes it seem like a sport. why should he be treated any differently. he especially liked making sport of people in SH. i dont think it would be wrong to show videos of us destroying him.
  4. ive already demolished him but i will gladly do it again to get video
  5. actually i changed my mind SH Oh noooo TRAIN!!!!!
  6. Hes not worth my time or skill (or half the good people in my division)
  7. know it would take awhile but a 4v4 zombies tourney. we did that in SH and it was awesome!!!
  8. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSIxly Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/3602-xly/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) trainer Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for) hes trained all of the recruits that have come to outcast so far which they are know at almost thirty and has trained so many more in DL and RP
  9. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Dragons 7 Co-Founder SH Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...user/18-dragon/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This guy has not had the best career as a General in the past. But since that time he has grown to be one of the best Leader and Best General. (just as good as me lol). But since he retruned from his break he almost single handedly revived Phantom from its slump and made it AWESOME!! as he got the split Mist has grown into be one of the best squads ive ever seen in my year and a half in KSI. (doesnt top my Eternal) But Mist is a squad that has Leadership out the butthole. They have corporals that are showing leadership potential. Dragon is one of the best if the best generals ive ever seen. Member Gamertag (Rank- Division/Squad) KSI Ninja Dude Gen Mist SH link- http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/6549-ksi-ninja-dude/ reasoning- I cant even explain how much this guy means to our Division. He has the MOST passion and love for KSI ive ever seen in a member. EVER. He helps out with almost everything and is an inspiration to his squad. Even at the rank of a SGT transfering from LB, he was doing the rank of a CPT and a GEN. He always goes out of his way to talk with new members and personally likes to romote every corporal in his squad. I can always join a party of his and see him having fun and talking with his other members. He has the Most potential ive ever seen from any Gen and captain in any squad ive ever been over. Not only is he one of the best members ive ever seen, His squad is one of the best if not the best squads in KSI. he has the most ready leaders and activity wise. Ninja Dude is Freakin AWESOME!!! LT Gamertag (Rank- Divisoin/Squad) KSI Rydiamae 1st LT Mist SH link- http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/7990-rydiamae/ reassoning- Rydiamae is another leader that is definatly a future Gen and higher. in her time in KSI we in SH have already labeled her the next QueenJess. She has the same vigor and calm headedness. As she grow in KSI she continues to impress me and she has already convinced me that she is the Best LT in KSI
  10. I can vouch because i go through the same poop he does
  11. I can Totally give evidence and first hand experience. After i left Phantom the squad became horribly inactive under the net Gen (unfortunalty) but when dragon cam back from his personal leave he got right to work. he started recruiting and getting the squad back to activity. He worked almost every day all day to bring it back to its former glory. He was always there to play games with other members and to handle any situation and problems that arose. Now as i have seen all the members he has trained himself and helped throughout all the time i see phantom as possibly as one of the best squads in KSI right now. as a SSGT he was doing all of the responsibilities of an LT and higher he went high and above expectations. He has truly proven that he is leader material.
  12. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI PROD1GY 7 AV Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/1643-ksi-prod1gy-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this -This guy is just an awesome leader hes always taking the extra step and showing his great leadership abilities as CE was going down he tried his hardest and has really made an impact on KSI Leuitenant Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI The Dragon SH Phantom Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/18-dragon-wub/ Reasoning why the deserve this- I dont even know how much i can put. This guy has done so much he has literally done a HUGE part in rebuiding Phantom. Before he started going ham phantom was a desolate wasteland. But he got his butt to work and he has gone far beyond the responsibiities of an LT. He and KSI The Squid have brought phantom from maybe 40 active members to almost 85 i cant say enough Member of The Month Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI The Squid SH Phantom SSGT Link to forums account - -http://www.ksiforums...-ksi-the-squid/ Reasoning why the deserve this- The second this guy joined phantom he started making it a better place and starting recruiting and being active with members. In our recruiting tournament he has already recruited almost 20 members. 8 of which ho have changed their names he has really shown the Qualities of the Old Shadow Haven and reminded me off the awesome days. (It almost made me cry lol) but he has shown exponential leadership qualities and has done an excelent job
  13. my favorite band is odviously We Came As Romans what be yours? ooooo templar i like the response and midget i love them too sicktastic i like finger eleven and black beil brides interesting My second favorite would Have to be Coldplay and then after that it would be Oh, Sleeper Get it Riku im gonna look up YMCMB lol even though i know them but i like all of the bands but i have really grown a liking to Before their Eyes and Sent By Ravens
  14. director- KSI QueenJess 7 General- KSI oOSageOo co- div- KSI Illusion 7
  15. Rikus been a great mentor to me!!
  16. Young Money, Cash Money

  17. well now that Deadnight left i am the new general of Eternal



      Technically your not yet, but I know you will be a great General

  18. nothing is on my mind

  19. Welcome to the forums WeCameAsRomans :)

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