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Bruhhh last won the day on March 30 2013

Bruhhh had the most liked content!

About Bruhhh

  • Birthday 02/06/1994

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Jacksonville Florida
  • Gamertag
    False Advocate
  • Date Recruited
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Bruhhh's Achievements

Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/4)



  1. I Find Solace in Metal

  2. New Car can't wait

  3. Need More to Drink

  4. Hey youre cute and you have a good taste in music
  5. Alcohol can be my best friend

  6. I can vouch, every time i am with him if a member asks for assistance or direction he is there to help. even if we are in the middle of a zombies game he will drop what he is doing to go help a member. as long as ive known him (2 years to be exact) he has always been a great help to his fellow members and his friends. Most definitely deserves it
  7. halo 3 never forget http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmuFBK26TtE
  8. oooo for a divisional award, could we do a divisional tournament winner. like people who win a division tourney or WW get this award
  9. i can vouch for this, i only here and see good things from Tempah and Enforcer. they are always helping out members, making better friends and spreading the good fudamentals of KSI. and spreading their knowledge of being leaders intto Phantom. if a member needs help they always drop everything and help
  10. i can vouch, ive played with the team and they are in my division.
  11. letssssss goooooooo SH gettin it!!!!!!!!!! congrats to all winnerss
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