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KSI TrimHarbor1

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KSI TrimHarbor1 last won the day on November 27 2019

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About KSI TrimHarbor1

  • Birthday 01/01/1994

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    KSI TrimHarbor1
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  1. I just reread your "Why" post and it was as incredible today as it was then. Heres hoping you got a console and that 2020 is kick a^^ for you. You deserve it

  2. CHEDDARBOB!!!!!!!!!! IT"S TRIM!!!!!!! LONG TIME NO TALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. DL we going in HARD AND STRONG! Non stop.
  4. Senior Director KSIxAPOCALYPSE7 - Senior Director - (Not honestly sure, I see him and QueenJess alllll over same with the squads. http://www.ksiforums.org/user/248-ksixapocalypse7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Apoc, I've only talked to him a couple times, Jess only once. But both of them are absolutely amazing, the reason why I have and am voting for Apoc, is because I've worked with him just a bit more and understand how he is, seeing him being the Creator of DL - Dark Legions, it inspires me to continue forward and one day create my own Division, and one day be as far up in the Chain of Command as him. I remember talking to him when I was a little un-sure about what was going on, and I remember him saying "DL will never Crash while I'm around. I can assure you of that." The reason why that quote is so sentimental to me, is because of the fact that's the same way how I feel about Demize. I've been in Demize ever since I joined KSI, and still remain fully fledged to keep Demize up and running, as it is my home squad. I've never had to do a squad Transfer or anything like that. With that being said, Apoc has inspired me to continue moving up in the ranks and make sure I'm keeping my nose clean, doing what I need to be doing to thrive and succeed. With everything being said I'd like to one day work with Apoc if he remains a Senior Director, as he out of everyone, besides CheddarBob who's kept me from failing even my own Squad. Now saying that they've kept me from failing, isn't saying a LOT because I know I could of brought my self up, but needed that little coaching that everyone needs once in a while. Director KSI IRONCOWBOY7 - Director - ET, HD, DL, FG, CO - (All under each division?). I can't find his forums account link.... anyone else find it...? Reasoning why the deserve this - IRONCOWBOY, Ever since I heard he was coming over I'd been skiddish to ever talk to him, when I first met him thanks to KSI NadeFrizzie back in the day, I had started talking to Iron a lot more. He is VERY easy going and understandable for each situation, never once has he stepped out of line. However there was a few things I questioned back before, I understand now days why things are they are. I have full faith in Iron doing what he needs to do being a Successful Director, every time I talk to him he's always there and checking in. Always making sure things are going good, and if they aren't, he figures out why and attempts to fix it somehow. And what I really approve of, is how his personality reflects his job as a Director, it matches perfectly. Founder KSI CheddarBob7 - Founder - DL (Dark Legions) Kronos, Arsonist, Undead, Wicked, Demise (Demize). http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1101-ksi-cheddarbob7/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Cheddar as a Founder. Has been a great improvement for DL, in all of the squads I have seen people improve- all the fluff disappearing for Cheddar's admiration and determination for the Improvement of all squads and it's leaders. He has personally worked with me for several occasions- doing both a Founders and a Co- Founder's position. I am very greatful for everything Cheddar had/has/is doing for me and my squad- let alone the other squads he manages. He is VERY prompt on responses as well as needing assistance. Whenever an issue arises for him he either figures out a way to solve it, or knows the appropriate steps TO raise a solution. With that being said, I personally would like to see Cheddar be nominated just out of his PEER excellence within KSI as well as the Knowledge that he has attained. Co-Founder KSI mason357x 7 - Co Founder - DL - Dark Legions - Kronos, Arsonist, Undead http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6350-ksi-mason357-07/ Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI mason357x 7, personally I think mason is an amazing Co Founder. Whenever I need to talk to him, he's there. EVEN THOUGH he is not above my squad, I can ask him a question and he's there regardless of what it is. As long as he can help he's doing so. Lately I too have been trying to help him and KSI Cheddarbob7 because of the fact I know both of them are busy, and I want to just let them relax a bit. I know I am only a General at this time- But I believe they have worked and are working like a machine that never ends. More specifically relating to mason, I have nothing against him being a Co Founder, as he's excelled what I had wanted to see from such a position. General KSI xH3dd3n69x - General - DL Dark Legions - Undead. http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8638-ksi-xh3dd3n69x/ Reasoning why the deserve this - KSI xH3dd3n69x has as well over achieved my opinion in being in a General's position. I have worked with this Member for a while now, ever since I joined KSI (I joined in 11-28-2012) and he has NEVER crossed my path in the wrong fashion, he has never said anything that I'd question about, nothing. All of his information of KSI is there, his time for being even a friend regardless of him being a General is there. He is THE definition of a friendly general (meaning; A friend when needed and being a Leader when necessary. Or both at the same time.); While working with him, I have found out that he and I have several of the same point of views, constantly I see my self talking to him first, because he has achieved a lot of my trust- something not a lot of people can do for how my life has been. At any rate while talking with him I had entered a few squad meetings he has done, and his passing of knowledge is VERY easy to understand, he's easy going and careful with his word choices and will NOT put up with any BS (crap) from anyone else. Which is saying something because I don't either, but he really nips it where it hurts and where it's needed. Captain KSI SolarEffect - 4th Captain - DL Dark Legions - Kronos. http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13339-ksi-solareffect/ Reasoning why the deserve this - I have seen Solar come in from 3-16-13 and be an amazing person all the way, every day he's helping Kronos with everything that the squad needs to do, I have nothing to say against him and his Position, infact one day i'd like to see him either be a General or even a Co Founder one day. I think also he needs a little more learning though, but in a personal sense GREAT person, amazing attitude about things, good communication and amazing humor. With that being said, even though he'd just got Captain's Position. I think he suits his position ALREADY. CAPS LOCK!!!!!!! hahahahahahahhaha!!! LT KSI wombat420 - 1St LT - DL Dark Legions - Demise/Demize . http://www.ksiforums.org/user/8616-ksi-wombat420/ - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/13005-wombat/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Working with Wombat, ever since him and KSI Grim recruited me in, it has been and remained a blast working with Wombat (since he's still apart of Demize), ever since seeing wombat be lost in the KOS stuff, he remained LOYAL and FAITHFUL to KSI, all the while he had been lost he kept his list cleaned of Blacklisted people and clans, he NEVER ONCE threatened or anything, I am personally proud of wombat for being my 1st LT, NOT over favouritism but because of personal experience. With that being said, wombat, I have and still have a feeling he's gonna go far within KSI when he's ready to.
  5. On my Behalf I am the General of Demize in DL. KSI CheddarBob7 has shown great leadership skills, academic knowledge of KSI as well as answered every question I have approached him with, when the going got tough he was there. He is within my Respects list- And in a personal note on my Mentor's list (however I don't have enough room to put all my mentors). As far as training + recruiting and commitment. He excels everything that I'd ever look for in a Founder of a Division that is my home. I've joined KSI back in 11-28-2012 and have heard nothing but GREAT come from this Dedicated Founder. On a more Quality work that I've seen from Mr Cheddar. I couldn't expect anymore, he has fulfilled everything that I ever needed to know to help not only MY squad succeed, but also Fellow Squads (Such as- Wicked, Undead) all under DL. With that being said I am Witness to his UTMOST performance with regards to these awards, and would GREATLY appreciate seeing him receive noble tokens of not only US (in this forum) but KSI's Gratitude and Appreciation for his work he has given out to our community and our members. On my behalf soon to be Cofo of DL (over Wicked/Demize) I would like to be Witness in his awards received. Thank you everyone who's taken the time to read this. ~KSI TrimHarbor1 - Demize DL Gen~
  6. You know that ain't a bad idea, I get on league once in a while but rarely, only on xbox these days but that ain't a bad idea. Get into ranked matches too, see skill levels and such then from there only issues you could run into is keeping active. League gets boring once in a while and what not, maps get to be the same and what not, but that's still a good idea i think as an opinion on my behalf
  7. Welcome to the forums KSI TrimHarbor1 :)

    1. KSI TrimHarbor1

      KSI TrimHarbor1

      Oh hey thanks!!!! sorry about the delay here, but hey! just now going through everything top to bottom haha

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