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The Mad One 7

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Everything posted by The Mad One 7

  1. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DRACULE VII CO-DIV | EO Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6409-ksi-dracule-vii/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Dracule is very dedicated to his work and i defiantly look up to him as a leader. I know me and many others can go to him for issues and he will always have a answer (if he doesn't he always finds one). He loves gaming with lower ranking members and being active. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Luci Lux 7 - Forum staff CIO Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/22-hahahano/ Reasoning why the deserve this - He has a lot of the information and detailed documents to help out clan ops. Also has started several improvised how to guide ranging from clan ops to forums operations and moderation. Tries his best to be able to help people when they have been having issues with their account he also bans people to keep the forums a nicer place. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxKarmasWife - 3CPT | Fallout EO Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/11218-hatters-squishy/ Reasoning why the deserve this - KarmasWife works her butt off, she trains, she recruits, she helps with squad meeting notes and posting meeting notes. Is active on the forums, communicates with members and always has a good attitude, also she does all this and has 3 little ones.
  2. ladies night still is going on =) its 3 times out of the months. Its a lot of fun when people actually show up.
  3. A visionary sees the light in the dark. So shoot for the moon even if you miss. You'll land amoung the stars.

  4. So. Tired. Must. Past. Math. Test.

  5. I witnessed Cope recruiting like a BEAST. He has worked his booty off and defanitly deserves this reward!!!
  6. Wishing i could so something for the victims in CT. =(

  7. That girls country strong.

  8. work work work. school school school. KSI KSI KSI!

  9. Promotion. Ooooh yeaaaa. =D

  10. Its NOT mad hater... its MAD HATTER

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