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KSI Kandy

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About KSI Kandy

  • Birthday 06/12/1988

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    KSI Kandy
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KSI Kandy's Achievements


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  1. Founder- Gamertag (Rank, Division/Squad): KSI xCOPEx VII, Founder, EO Link to forum account: http://www.ksiforums...ksi-xcopex-vii/ Reasoning they deserve this award: Explosive Ordnance would not be what it is today without Cope. He goes above and beyond what is expected of him and his position. He inspires everyone not only in EO, but in KSI, to do their best and succeed. He is always answering questions and willing to help anyone that comes to him. He is always coming up with new ideas to help EO has a whole be successful. Cope definitely deserves this award.
  2. KSI Kandy-Atomic EO Gen. Witness for KSI Reaper xXx6-He has been in HH for a long time, he even went through another tryout and made it. His communication skills with his teammates is awesome when he is playing an objective game. He deserves this award. : )
  3. Kandy is an awesome Gen xD

    1. KSI Kandy

      KSI Kandy

      Thank You very much!

  4. Welcome to the forums Kandypok13 :)

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