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XGN Zannah 7

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XGN Zannah 7 last won the day on June 15 2015

XGN Zannah 7 had the most liked content!

About XGN Zannah 7

  • Birthday 07/12/1992

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Tacoma, Washington
  • Interests
    My son first of all, my beautiful wife, and gaming of cousre.
  • Gamertag
    XGN Zannah 7
  • Date Recruited
  • Squad
    All of WI (formerly)
  • Division
    Wicked Intent (formerly)
  • Rank/Title
    Division Leader (formerly)

Contact Methods

  • Discord
    XGN Zannah 7#0581
  • Kik
  • Skype
    KSI Ske Tempah Ohme

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XGN Zannah 7's Achievements

Advanced Member

Advanced Member (3/4)



  1. I can witness for member assistance Asuna 7 has been helping out a lot in the division for months. She assists anyone tht asks for help and goes above and beyond.
  2. Division: Wicked Intent Team Captain: KSI Tempah 7 Team Members: KSI Inquisition, KSI LinkedSiren Alternate 1: KSI Pcychology Alternate 2: KSI Snipdawabbit
  3. Division: Wicked Intent Member 1: KSI LinkedSiren, lwolfdd (skype) Member 2: KSI Squids117, Kasey the Whalicorn (skype)
  4. Division: Wicked Intent Team Captain: KSI Fireman 605 Team Members: KSI Legendzzz, Squad Fakkie, Kicking Bears Alternate 1: RIZE ArTicz Alternate 2: KSI Nightfall
  5. Division: Wicked Intent Team Captain: KSI Asuna 7 Team Members: KSI Trendies 7, KSIxDeathScythe Alternate 1: N/A Alternate 2: N/A
  6. Division: Wicked Intent Team Captain: KSI Angelz Team Members: KSI Kickz KSI Asuna 7 KSIxDeathScythe Back Ups: Primary- BlackClaw2587 Secondary- KGC Fallout89, Uzl x Jay
  7. DIvision: Wicked Intent Xbox 360 or One: Xbox 360 Gamertag of Map Host: KSI Asuna 7
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