Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI Kon Astro
Link to Forums Account:
Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for)
Outstanding Service
Bright Idea
Member Asistance
Hot Topic
Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for)
Donner- I will have Odin post
Outstanding Service- This a bit of a reach, but whenever Im online I try to play with my squad and start up lobbies, I recruit usually about 5 people per week if I go on while my squad lacks the will to recruit, I go to most of the gen meeting even though Im just a captain because my gen lives in Ireland, I have to take care of my squad a lot at nights because my gen cant stay up that late because he lives in Ireland, I have started a squad with only 15 people and made it into a squad with 45 people in a game that is extremely hard to recruit in(Battlefield 3), also even though I am only 14 years old I act extremely mature for my age, and on top of this I do lots of GFX for the forums
Bright Idea- A few of my friends and I had the idea to create a battlefield 3 squad and has become a fairly successful squad I will have my gen post about it
Member Asistance- I always follow up with my recruits, Ive given lots of people advice about leadership, video games, etc.,
Griffball- I was on a griffball team when I was in a halo squad I will have my old captain post here
Swat- I am on a division swat team right now I will have my captain post here
Hot Topic-
All of these are hot topics