KSIxIllousionz Ballot
KSI StonePulse7 (Co-Founder - Evil Ties)
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/3249-ksi-stonepulse7/
Reasoning why they deserve this - stone deserves this because he is a great cofo. he invites people to games and really gets to know everyone. sometimes some of the lower ranks dont play with some of the higher ups and dont get to know them well however, stone plays with all of the seargents and everyone else.
KSIxP0W3R (General - Evil Ties/Khaotic)
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5072-ksixp0w3r/
Reasoning why they deserve this - Power deserves this because he is an incredible general. not to long ago, KSIxIntenseLust was the general of khaotic and out of nowhere, he resigned, leaving power incharge. in such short time, i feel power has learned and is fullfilling all of the tasks of being a general. some of my favorite things about power is the fact that he is very funny. all of the time, he is making positive jokes. another thing is he keeps the squad alert on all information ASAP.
KSIxLastKings (Was Major of Khaotic-Evil Ties, Currently Gen of Infected Evil Ties)
Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/4277-ksixlast-kings/
Reasoning why they deserve this - Kings deserves this because kings was ontop of everything. he could answer all questions in a heartbeat. he would host our squad meetings, thuroughly explain all rules, recruit lots of people, and mentor/train. even to this day, if i have a question or need something done (mentoring/training) i can always count on him even though unfortunately he is no longer a member of my squad.
KSIxBush Ninja (3d CPT - Evil Ties/Khaotic) -
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/6649-ksixbush-ninja/
Reasoning why they deserve this - I feel that bush ninja deserves this because he is a great member of KSI. he takes pride in his membership. bush runs the khaotic HH team and he is doing a great job. he is always encouraging different tactics and is really helping us improve individually, and as a team.
KSIxSp33dy (1LT- Evil Ties/Khaotic) -
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/7140-ksixsp33dy/
Reasoning why they deserve this - speedy is very funny. everytime we have HH or a Meeting, he is always there, making jokes and staying positive. he interacts with everyone in the squad in my opinion and as long as his internet is working, he attends all meetings.
KSI Rushauer (CPT - Evil Tiels/Infected) -
Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/6191-ksi-rushauer/
Reasoning why they deserve this - i think rush deserves this very much because one night, i was at a sgt training. i was with rush, some people from infected, and some people from other squads. one of the guys in infected said something to one of there fellow members in his squad, and a general from another squad was offended. This gen thought they were talking to him. The gen said to the guy "unplug your mic because you dont talk to a general this way." Immeadiately, rush got involved and said "You dont talk to one of my guys that way. he wasnt talking to you." what this shows is rush stands up for his squad and takes pride in it. he also is there for all of the members in KSI and is whilling to help everyone with problems, questions, tasks, etc.