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KSI Havoc 7

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Everything posted by KSI Havoc 7

  1. Performance Operations Awards: KSI Harmony 7 @Nikki Cola KSI xKamikaze @KSI xKamikaze Award to be Awarded: - Division Leadership Certification Award Reason: Above members have completed individual training on the Division Leadership Workshops
  2. Performance Operations Awards: KSI Greg 7 @KSI Greg 7 ™ KSI Ashhh 7 @KSI Ashhh 7 KSI PANTSIR 7 @PANTSIR KSI Ronin 77 @Mr. Conversation Era Award to be Awarded: - Train The Trainer Certification Award Reason: Above members have completed individual training on the Train The Trainer Leadership Workshops
  3. Since joining performance operations underneath Gandhi i have learned a lot about the inner workings of KSI and how to better create education programs that help create strong foundations for future leaders, i can easily claim KSI Gandhi 7 as mentor to myself. As i continue to learn from Gandhi i know i will learn even more to help further my leadership and educational skills.
  4. Performance Operations Awards: KSIxNebula @Nebula~ KSI Skychild @KSISkychild KSI Hysteria VI @Hysteria VI KSI xKing 77 @xKing 77 KSI Gary 7 @KSI Gary 7 Award to be Awarded: - Division Leadership Certification - Squad Leadership Certification Award Reason: Above members have completed individual training on the Division Leadership & Squad Leadership Workshops Performance Operations Awards: KSI x Artifice @KSI x Artifice KSI ZOMBIE98 @KSI ZOMBIE98 KSI WaviestSnow @KSI WaviestSnow KSI Bane @KSI Bane KSI Harmony 7 @Nikki Cola KSI LeedleLee16 @LeedleLee 16 KSI xKamikaze @KSI xKamikaze Award to be Awarded: - Squad Leadership Certification Award Reason: Above members have completed individual training on the Squad Leadership Workshops
  5. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gary 7 (Div Leader/DW) Link to forums account - @KSI Gary 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - these past months I’ve seen Gary grow as a leader, he has accomplished so much with DW, and has lead this division to success. You can always count on Gary to be fair in his choices, to be flexible when the situation calls for it, and adapt when faced with new obstacles. Working with Gary has been amazing, and I feel like I have learned a lot from him. During this past month I have witnessed as he took further charge to make sure this division is headed in the right direction. #ohnogary Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xKing 77 (CoFo/DW) Link to forums account - @xKing 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - With King’s past leadership experience and success one would assume he is done learning, but King has shown that he is always willing to improve. When Performance Operations was looking to see which DW 7 should step up to the plate to implement the new PO workshops, King volunteered without hesitation and has brought these new training materials to the entire division. I couldn’t be more proud to see how King has grown over the past month and can’t wait to see where he brings us in the future. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxNebula (GEN/Hannibal DW) Link to forums account - @Nebula~ Reasoning why the deserve this - When your left with one officer in your entire squad it’s easy to give up, when everyone has counted you out it’s easy to step down, when no one in your squad is willing to do more it’s easy to get lazy. Nebula has not had the easiest or the smoothest run as General, it’s been a long bumpy round filled with obstacles around every turn. I would have expected most to have quit by now had they been on the path that Nebula has been on, but he has not. The past month has seen Hannibal DW do a 180, going from stagnation to success story. Nebula has been the catalyst of this change, which began with changes he made to his own leadership. Nebula still has a long road ahead of him, but now it’s a lot smoother. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xKamikaze (2CPT/Samurai DW) Link to forums account - @KSI xKamikaze Reasoning why they deserve this - I have been around a long time, a very long time, and in my entire KSI experience I have never seen a captain who works as hard as Kamikaze. Not only is he a model captain & Member, but he is also a great advocate for his members, a mentor to anyone who seeks knowledge, and a resource to anyone who needs help. When i imagine what the future holds for DW, the picture always includes Kamikaze as a pillar of leadership. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Harmony 7 (3LT/Hannibal DW) Link to forums account - @Nikki Cola Reasoning why they deserve this - When I came back to KSI it was a struggle, it’s so easy to doubt yourself, your Knowledge, your experience, but Harmony made it look easy. Since her return to KSI she has made a huge impact here in DW, and not just in her own squad. She has become a strong voice within the division when it comes to supporting members and boosting activity. She constantly talks to new members and makes them feel welcome, no matter the time of day. I’m glad to have her in DW. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Teufel (SSGT/Elysium DW) Link to forums account - @KSI Teufel Reasoning why they deserve this - When your quiet in KSI it’s easy to get overlooked and forgotten. Teufel is not loud, he is not outspoken, but he is someone who is always willing to learn, and always willing to help. Teufel is kind, patient, polite, and friendly, but most importantly he is highly adaptive. Work schedules and KSI life don’t always mix well, but Teufel has found a way to make it work. I have seen him take the knowledge he has learned lately and used it to help other members of his squad, without having to be told, he had the initiative to help others. I know he will go far in this division.
  6. Performance Operations Awards: - KSI Gary 7 @KSI Gary 7 - KSIxNebula @Nebula~ - KSI xKing 77 @xKing 77 - KSI Skychild @KSISkychild Award to be Awarded: - Basic Training Certification Award Reason: Above members have completed individual training on the Basic Training Workshop.
  7. Performance Operations Awards: - KSI Grimshot 77 @KSI GrimShot 77 - KSI Guyy 77 @That Guyy You Hate - KSI Karisaur @KSI Karisaur - KSI Magestic @KSI Magestic - KSI MoonRev @KSI MoonRev - KSI Sinz @KSI Sinz - KSI Skarzx 77 @KSI Skarzx 77 - KSI WyteH4mmer @Wyteh4mmer - KSI ShadowFoxx @KSI ShadowFoxx - KSI Toridusnut @KSI ToridestNut Award to be Awarded: - Basic Training Certification Award Reason: Above members have completed individual training on the Basic Training Workshop.
  8. Never in my KSI career have i ever come across someone so willing to give 200% everyday. Kamikaze is not just an amazing captain who performs his duties gracefully, but goes above and beyond. We expect captains to help their squads with activity and member retention, but Kam does this for all of DW. We expect captains to be role models for those below them in their squad, but Kam mentors and is role model for those in DW and the greater community. We expect captains to recruit and train, but Kam will not only accomplish these but make sure these are teachable moments for those around him. He cares about every member he meets, and he gives his heart and soul to this community. He never ceases to amaze me, and he will go very far in this community. Kam is the definition of outstanding service.
  9. Gary has gone through things in KSI that I would expect most leaders to simply leave over. Never should there be a point when there is only one 7 in a division. Never should there be a point when there is one person in charge of so many. Never should there be a point when a leader is alone. Gary has had to do all these things, but instead of giving up, instead of quitting, instead of blaming his struggles on someone else, he persevered. Many leaders are born from training, time, and the guiding hand of those leaders above them, but Gary was forged in the crucible that is DW. He is a leader of exceptional quality who has gone through many dark times in KSI, and always come through stronger. When I joined DW I saw a division that was struggling to work, struggling to form, struggling to stay alive, and yet this lone wolf Gary kept things alive and going. I can’t wait to see where Gary leads us in the future. @KSI Gary 7
  10. Performance Operations Awards: KSIxNebula @Nebula~ KSI Skychild @KSISkychild KSI xKing 77 @xKing 77 Award to be Awarded: - Train the Trainer Certification Award Reason: Above members have completed individual training on the Train the Trainer Workshop
  11. Performance Operations Awards: KSI Akame 7 @KSI Akame 7 KSI Blazuto 7 @KSI Blazuto 7 KSI HEBREW 7 @KSI HEBREW 7 KSI KiLLER 7 @KSI KiLLER 7 KSI Spiffy @KSI Spiffy KSI iSavage @KSI iSavage Award to be Awarded: - Train the Trainer Certification - Basic Training Certification - Squad Leadership Certification - Divisional Leadership Certification Award Reason: Above members have completed individual training on the Train the Trainer Workshop, Basic Training Workshop, Squad Leadership, and Divisional Leadership Performance Operations Awards: KSI ODINN 7 @KSI ODINN 7 KSI Mayor @KSI Mayor KSI Aunp @KSI Aunp KSIkylelovesgod @Ksi kylelovesgod KSI Memes @KSI Memes KSI CR4ZYJ4Y89 @KSI CR4ZYJ4Y89 Award to be Awarded: - Train the Trainer Certification - Basic Training Certification Award Reason: Above members have completed individual training on the Train the Trainer Workshop and Basic Training Workshop
  12. Gamertag: KSI Havoc 7 Division: DW (Divine Warriors) Question: The future can sometimes be dark and mysterious, how do the leaders of KSI plan to make it bright and wonderful?
  13. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Ronin 77 (Director) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/33279-mr-conversation-era/ <@398712176321363989> Reasoning why they deserve this - Ronin is unique as a leader, not only by the things he says, but also in the actions he takes. Ronin is an out of the box thinker, always looking for new ways to solve age old issues. When looking at inactivity among members, he makes plans to correct it with multiple goals and helps us achieve them. I will always respect this guy for all of the help he has given DW. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gary 7 (Co-Div) Link to forums account - @KSI Gary 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Gary is a leader I will always learn from. Gary always manages to remain calm regardless of the situation in front of him, always handling the situation with a cool head. He talks to the members of DW as a friend not just a leader, someone they can depend on and trust but also look forward to seeing every day. Everyone here in DW and beyond realizes the hard task that Gary was given of building something from the ashes, but he not only brought this division to life, he made it thrive. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xTheKing 7 (Gen - Samurai DW) Link to forums account - @xTheKing 7 Reasoning why the deserve this - King has shown over the past month that he is leading Samurai to greatness. Through motivation and hard work King continues to grow his squad and staff to meet the demands of an every changing member base. King is constantly pushing members to do more and to teach them how to become the leaders of tomorrow. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bane (2Lt Hannibal DW) Link to forums account - @KSI Bane Reasoning why they deserve this - Bane came into Hannibal planning to work hard and he exceeded all of my expectations. He has worked tirelessly to improve his squad going above and beyond in a situation needed extra dedication. Bane attends every workshop, hosts gamenights, and is always willing to work harder. He is a prime example of the future leaders of KSI. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kamikaze708 (1Lt Samurai DW) Link to forums account - @KSI Kamikaze708 Reasoning why they deserve this - Kamikaze understands more than anyone that we are running a marathon and not a race, that endurance is what we need to push forward. In DW we are constantly trying to push to that next level, and every time we take that next step, Kam is there helping us push forward. He was a perfect match for marketing as he always pushes activity towards the members. I will always appreciate his hard work.
  14. Where do you hope to see KSI in 6 months? A year? How will you help get us there?
  15. On April 23rd, 2016, there will be a CoD Black Ops 2 Team Deathmatch (2v2) on the XBOX 360. The event will start promptly at 8PM EST. To participate and get an invite you must fill out the template below with all the information filled. All Gamertags must be spelled how exactly how they appear on Xbox. Team Captains Gamer tag: Captains Division: Teammate: Backup(s):
  16. sadly not enough sign ups so the event will be canceled. sorry for those who signed up
  17. this is a suggestion area, lets try to keep conversations out of here, you can always send a PM
  18. This is a list of the current staff for all of T&E. *This list is subject to change anytime* Head of T&E: KSI Havoc 7 Co Head: KSI Bandit 777 Senior Staff: - KSI M1GHTY 7 (XONE branch of WW) - KSI Command0 7 (EVENT branch of WW) - KSI Mpliers 7 (X360 branch of WW) Web Staff: - KSI Starset 7 - KSI Seraphim 7 - KSI Pantsir 7 - KSI Vermilion98 Weekend Warfare Staff: - KSI Paratroop 7 - KSI Onyxwolf - KSI Mighty 7 - KSI Green 7 - KSI Deadly 7 - KSI DrGigglez - KSI Slytherin 7 - KSI Python 7 - KSI Fusion 1 - KSI Kenzabenz - KSI Papa Shock - KSI Emerald Boa ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL INFO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CURRENT STAFF: 19 DIVISIONS REPRESENTED: 9/12 [LS] 1 Staff [DM] 3 Staff [DL] 3 Staff [GZ] 3 Staff [DR] 3 Staff [WI] 1 Staff [FI] 0 Staff [EO] 0 Staff [HD] 0 Staff [ES] 1 Staff [LW] 2 Staff [MP] 0 Staff [N/A] 2 Staff DIVISIONS WITH NO REPRESENTATION: 3/12 GAMES REPRESENTED IN TOURNEYS: - HALO 4 (X360) - HALO Master Chief Collection (XONE) - HALO 5 (XONE) - Call of Duty: Black Ops II (X360) - Call of Duty: Ghosts (X360/XONE) - Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (X360/XONE) - Call of Duty: Black Ops III (X360/XONE) - Destiny (X360/XONE) TYPES OF EVENTS: - Minecraft: Build Offs - Grand Theft Auto V: Car Show - Grand Theft Auto V: Race - Singing Contest - Throwback Tourney (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty Black Ops, Halo Reach, Halo 3)
  19. TURKEY BOWL 2015 3v3 SIGN UPS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 28TH Welcome to the second annual Turkey Bowl! On Friday, November 27th and Saturday, November 28th there will be a group of tournaments for the members of KSI! Starting on Friday there will be two Free-for-Alls on Xbox ONE at 7:30 pm EST, one will be on Call of Duty Black Ops 3, and the other on Halo 5! (Both FFAs happen at the same time so you may ONLY sign up for one!) The following night on Saturday there will be two 3v3s on Xbox 360 at 7:30 pm EST, one will be on Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, and the other on Halo 4! (Both 3v3s happen at the same time so you may only sign up for one!) RULES: (RULES MUST BE READ IN ORDER TO COMPETE!) 1.) Code of Conduct applies! Consider this your first and only warning, if you break code of conduct then you will be removed from the event and possibly have the issue reffered to your clan ops leaders. 2.) You should be ready to be invited 30 minutes before the event starts! I can not stress this enough. If you are not ready when you are invited you will not recieve another invite. 3.) Only current members of KSI Global are allowed to compete! All teams may only consist of current KSI Global members. 4.) Have good sportsmanship! If you are rude, do not follow instructions, are disruptive, or have poor behavior, you will be removed from the event. 5.) You must fill out the sign up below in order to compete! If you do not then you will not recieve an invite, and will not be allowed to participate. 6.) Normal Weekend Warfare rules apply for the set up of the event, game mode and maps have been pre-selected. Any further rules will be explained at the beggining of the event. If you have any questions please message or pm KSI HAVOC 7 3v3 SIGN UP Teams Gamertags: - Captain: - Teammate: - Teammate: - Back-up: Game: (HALO 4 or Advanced Warfare) *CHOOSE ONLY ONE*
  20. TURKEY BOWL 2015 FREE FOR ALL SIGN UPS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH Welcome to the second annual Turkey Bowl! On Friday, November 27th and Saturday, November 28th there will be a group of tournaments for the members of KSI! Starting on Friday there will be two Free-for-Alls on Xbox ONE at 7:30 pm EST, one will be on Call of Duty Black Ops 3, and the other on Halo 5! (Both FFAs happen at the same time so you may ONLY sign up for one!) The following night on Saturday there will be two 3v3s on Xbox 360 at 7:30 pm EST, one will be on Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, and the other on Halo 4! (Both 3v3s happen at the same time so you may only sign up for one!) RULES: (RULES MUST BE READ IN ORDER TO COMPETE!) 1.) Code of Conduct applies! Consider this your first and only warning, if you break code of conduct then you will be removed from the event and possibly have the issue reffered to your clan ops leaders. 2.) You should be ready to be invited 30 minutes before the event starts! I can not stress this enough. If you are not ready when you are invited you will not recieve another invite. 3.) Only current members of KSI Global are allowed to compete! All teams may only consist of current KSI Global members. 4.) Have good sportsmanship! If you are rude, do not follow instructions, are disruptive, or have poor behavior, you will be removed from the event. 5.) You must fill out the sign up below in order to compete! If you do not then you will not recieve an invite, and will not be allowed to participate. 6.) Normal Weekend Warfare rules apply for the set up of the event, game mode and maps have been pre-selected. Any further rules will be explained at the beggining of the event. If you have any questions please message or pm KSI HAVOC 7 FREE FOR ALL SIGN UP Gamertag: Division: Game: (HALO 5 or Black Ops 3) *CHOOSE ONLY ONE*
  21. Sorry to inform you that you are incorrect. We did an tournament on Halo 4 at the beginning of last month, it is not a forgotten game at all, in fact its one of the main games of T&E. Furthermore next weekend on Saturday is a 3v3 on Halo 4
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