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Damien Morgan

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About Damien Morgan

  • Birthday 03/01/1996

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Warminster, PA
  • Interests
    Gaming, Reading, School, Hanging with friends.
  • Gamertag
    KSI Obituary
  • Squad
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  • Kik

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  1. Captains Gamertag: KSI Itz Paragon Captains Division: DM Teammate 1: KSI Itz TechN9n Teammate 2: Lethal Storms Teammate 3: KSI xAnd One1x backups: N/A
  2. Black ops 3/ Gun Game/ Xbox One Gamertag: KSI Obituary Division: DM
  3. How dare you touch my light bulb!!

  4. Hey there, did not think I could find you. Ooooh but I did I found you.

  5. Gamertag: KSI RoYALPiNK 7 Current Rank: RUTHLESS DM GEN Category Nominating: General Forums Profile Link: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/10395-ksi-royalpink-7/ I chose KSI RoYALPiNK 7 for this nomination, because she's always working hard to make sure this squad succeeds. Constantly doing everything she can to make sure that everyone is doing everything they can to help each other out in our squad. She is a good leader, an amazing teacher and has a wealth of knowledge to pass down to anyone willing to move up in the ranks.
  6. Gamer tag: KSI Obituary Division: DM Game: Black Ops 3
  7. KSI ACHILLEZ Evil Ties Black Ops 2 KSI Blitzer 7
  8. Division Leader: KSI IRONCOWBOY 7, ET link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums...086-ironcowboy/ Reason why they deserve this: While I do not know him personally in the entire time I have been in KSI the people around me have told me that KSI IRONCOWBOY is the kind of guy who will never beat around the bush and if you have any questions or concerns he will tell you straight up what the answer is or how to handle that situation. General: KSI HUCKLEBERRY, ET link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums...si-huckleberry/ Reason why they deserve this: Ever since I was recruited I have always thought and always will think of this man as one of the greatest people to have ever known and to ever know. To those of you that don't know him I'm sorry but you're missing out on an amazing experience. He cares about each individual person in his squad always has and always will. If you're messing up hes merciful yet strong at the same time he shows his compassion to those who don't understand and always helps those in need. One of the best memories i'll always have of being in his squad is the first time I ever heard him say "Don't kill the HUCKLEBERRY". Major:KSI MOTIONZ, ET, Corrupt Squad http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/5502-ksi-motionz/ Reason why they deserve this: Honestly, the best way to describe MOTIONZ is with a few words. He's an extremely dedicated member, always pushing himself and those he looks after in the squad. He's an extremely hard worker he is also a big part of the reason I love KSI without him my experience here at KSI would be much, much different. But as i was saying he has always had a certain energy about him that when he spoke to you you felt like you had to go and do it or you were not only going to let him down but subconsciously you were going to let yourself down and it made you want to work harder to prove yourself. Captain: KSI ViTuL ET, Corrupt Squad Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/7265-ksi-vitul/ Reasons why they deserve this: ViTuL is like MOTIONZ in someways with his energy levels and the way he makes you want to do things and be active in your squad. He himself is extremely hard working, dedicated to his position and his squad, always been one you could go to with any problem or question and without pause he would answer or do his best to help you in whatever situation you may find yourself in. He is a great guy to know easy to talk to and to understand when he wants you to do something. He is definitely on his way to being a GEN i have no doubts in my mind that he will make an incredible major and an even more amazing general.
  9. Welcome to the forums Damien Morgan :)

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