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KSI CombatMED 7

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Everything posted by KSI CombatMED 7

  1. Combat is tired, long work hours Zzzz

  2. I love the new show Gotham I am a huge BATMAN fan
  3. That is an amazing leader - Congrats
  4. Founder KSI xVICIOUSx 7 - EO Link to forums: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/1472-comrade-vicious/ EO got how do I put this nicely creamed like crazy!!! When we heard that he was coming back I was overjoyed of his return! He helped us bring hope back! Vicious is filled with great info and has personaly helped me with tips on becoming a new GEN of Semtex. He goes above and beyond and is always fair! well collected person. Always calm no matter what the situation and has helped us clean up EO.
  5. Spiritttttt weeeeekkkkk wooohooo EO EO EO EO EO
  6. KSI CombatMEDIC it is I ^_^

  7. So thankful tomorrow is Friday LOL

  8. AMC Walking Dead was great!!!

  9. About to watch AMC Walking Dead then XBOX

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