Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bacchus / Co-Div / WI
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Bacchus has lead this division to success. He keeps us under order, and gets things done. We can reach out to him for advice whenever needed, and he always tells us what's right from wrong. Therefore this following member deserves this reward.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Protocol 7 / Founder / WI
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Protocol is always there when needed. He never hesitates to enforce the rules, and makes sure that we are all doing our job, and keeping members involved within squads. He's the go-to guy when we need a problem that needs to be resolved, but of course the chain of command falls in place. He leads by example, and always gives us tips on how we can make our squads better, and what we personally need to work on. Therefore this fellow member deserves this award.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI 30thMidget/ CO-FO / WI
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Midget has been helping my squad left, and right. He always gives me advice, and tells me what I should improve on. He makes sure that we are all doing our job, and resolves issues quickly when they get to him. He knows how to get the point across, and always devoted a big portion of his time into KSI to benefit it. Therefore Midget deserves this award.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sad Tempah / 1st Captain / Venom WI
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Reasoning why they deserve this - Tempah has been helping out members left, and right. He helps me motivate them, and always prevents an argument from escalating. This member tries his best to lead this squad to success, and never lets me down. Therefore this member deserves this award.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sweetpea / 1st LT / Venom WI
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Reasoning why they deserve this - She’s been going above and beyond with everything, and always motivates members within the squad. Sweetpea always tells us to stay positive, even when something negatively impacts us. She is a dedicated member, and always posts the meeting notes on time. Therefore this member deserves this award.