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I am FuzzyMeep™

The Retired Fuzzor Guy
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Everything posted by I am FuzzyMeep™

  1. I will be a witness. I have seen her name around the areas of KSI i still lurk in, they are always positive interactions. Thats it.... Naw just kidding, i got more to say She displays a plethora of knowledge of how the community functions while also maintaining the ability to evaluate and weigh out multiple ideas and concepts at a time. I definitely see her on a continuing path forward and upward within the community. She has clearly developed the reputation of someone trusted and who members can go to, and that is the truest markings of leadership, not leading the pact with a force or rank, but leading because they follow
  2. Def more then three years here (feels like a life time)
  3. @KSIdontask @KSI Havoc 7 @Nebula 7 @King Bane @KSIxPapi77 @KSIfiremomma7 @KSI FluffyPup 7 @KSI Ace 7 @Mr. North Forward @KSI xKing 77 Category: Sgt/SSGT Gamertag: KSI DntaskimAwfl Reason: Don’t ask I’m a waffle ( ) is one hell of a member. She joined this community and really took to it. She has encompassed what it is to be a community member at first and with in a few months a community leader. Her rank may not represent the highest of positions in this community but the amount of people that seek her out to have a talk or get advice is proof enough, she def does that job before she gets it. Now that she as started to progress the ranks a bit, I look forward to her continued momentum forward and her daily self-improvement Category: Capt. Gamertag: KSI Bane 7 Reason: Bane is one of the strongest leaders amongst the lower ranks of clan ops that we have, his dedication to not only one of the strongest divisions in this community as well as the squad within that, but also his work within the dept realm, he is a clear-cut contender for future senior leadership. He speaks well and knowledgeful of the subject matter at hand and some how deals with nebula, king and havoc on the reg. which isn’t easy Category: Gen Gamertag: KSI Nebula 7 Reason: Nebula is one of the longest reigning generals within the recent history of this community. During his run he started as a young lad, who had a lot to prove and much to improve on. Within the first half of his year long tour he began to “get it”. The squad improved, the officer staff grew, and the team worked as one. During the last final stretch of his tenure Havoc and Gary did quite a bit to get him ready for co-founder, He is a strong willed highly intelligent member who has a bright future for him where ever he goes and whatever he does. Can’t wait to see what he does when he opens Plebs Army Category: Co Fo Gamertag: KSIxPapi77 Reason: Papi is one of those leaders that does not get his name out there enough, he is an extremely well versed and strong leader. His contributions to EO have been next to none and are one of the reasons the div has had so many time periods of success. I don’t always get to talk to him, nor see his day to day activity however I do hear nothing but great things about him. Category: Founder Gamertag: KSI FluffyPup 7 Reason: Fluffy is a wonderful person and a strong leader. DM is one of the longest running highest preforming divisions we have, and it is def in part during the last reign due to fluffy. The level of comradery and friendship within the division is not easy to continue without having the passion level as high as pup Category: Div ldr Gamertag: KSI Fire momma 7 Reason: Momma is one of those “once in a life time” leaders, when I first met her, I was not sure what style leadership she possessed but I knew that what ever it was, it was effective. She has since proven to not only be a strong mentor and effective division but a motherly figure and guiding advice and hand to most in her division…but do not piss her off lol, she is strong willed, scary when angry and as fair as it comes. She has continued to impress me, and I am sure it won’t stop anytime soon Category: Dir Gamertag: KSI Ronin 7 Reason: While his run in this position was towards the beginning of the year and people sometimes forget that, Ronin was one of the break out leaders of that team, he covered several different divisions, all needing a unique amount of attention and leadership and through that proved himself over and over again that despite being a little…… strange (lawl) he has a way with mentoring and leading others, and thus earning himself apart of the senior team and the Bod. What he does is different then others, but it works due to his knowledge and work ethic. Category: Snr Ldr Gamertag: KSI Ace 7 Reason: the fact that ace has not accumulated several of these awards through out the year is….well because he hasn’t been super active throughout his entire run in ksi lol, but in the last couple years he has gone from the person who does the taxes, gives input in the board meetings, chills in streams and admin things to a regular stay and constant help within the community both forums and clan ops related. He has gone above and beyond expectation and has been the front runner of the future of the community’s websites and CMS. His “ground up” approach to redoing and reworking what we must bring us to the next level has been time consuming and a long road, but he has done it none the less. He recently went to COO and it is well deserved, for someone who spent a long time as the man behind the Curtin it is a pleasure to see him interacting with the community, he has been apart of for 11 years. Category: Forum staff Gamertag: KSIxKingx77 Reason: Forum staff is never an easy choice, there are many admin who do a lot of work, as well as mods and senior mods. But King has gone above and beyond during his mod and Join area run. After he left clan ops a while back, he stuck around and was one of the few running the join area, his movement to mod team was well deserved and just another proving ground of his work ethic and love for this community. He can be a pain in the ass, but he is a solid member and hopefully a future senior mod on this community Category: Member Gamertag: KSI Havoc 7 Reason: Jeez, what category to put havoc under…should it be Dept head OTY? For his work and drive to build up what is shaping up to be one of the major areas of the community (Education, Lead, PO, HR just to name a few). Or his work within DW Getting founder or division leader of the year, coming back from death (not really but kind of), being interjected into that div for a “temp” stay, which ended up becoming a second home for him, leading to his spot as the top dog. Or senior leader due to him being placed as an Ambassador to the BoD for his work in education and PO. Well I couldn’t decide and then I occurred to me, that member is the best choice for Member OTY, He is in almost every area of the community, assists any and all members in need, works on depts, divs and with input to the board. I am happy to see havoc back in KSI and proud to see him in all the positions he is in
  4. Division: Bod Team Captain: KSI FuzzyMeep 7 Teammate #2: KSI VeRiiTaS 7 Teammate #3: KSI Scotland 7 Teammate #4: KSI Ronin 77 Teammate #5:
  5. Swag is an incredibly charismatic and knowledge for leader his time over forced induction really established why was a Powerhouse division for its time. There was definitely some turmoil during the time of his involvement but that never caused him to cease working towards an eventual split and also be coming director. What speaks out most but his tenure is his dedication to the members in his ability to create a fun environment wherever he goes. fi reigned supreme under swag and his fingerprints are left on this community because of it
  6. Luci and Riiot These two gentlemen were both seasoned vets by the times 2012 rolled around (Riiot here for 7 years off and on and luci for 2, but those two years involved restructuring and rebuilding the entire community). During the year of 2012 it was becoming apparent that many of people were trying to come into the community from the other KSI's and other communities alike, also some within the community who didnt fully grasp how we were trying to evolve and become a newer better version of ourselves. So we had to do something in order to build up those members to the level of knowledge and training that all other divisions had. So Light Bringers was born, With Riiot and Luci at the helm it became KSI's first retraining division, all members from outside communities were recruited into LB and those who were "trouble makers" as well. In the first year the division grew substantially from 5 or so members to 300ish, Under the leadership of these two members the structure, education and division was set up to meet and exceed the standards within KSI. IT was not an easy division to run, nor was it easy to manage both old members, new and outside com's people but through dedication and strong work ethic both riiot and luci made it become and thrive on what it was designed to do. They placed well amongst all others in member growth and spirit week. And many of the members can all point a finger to them two brits for making it happen. It is a testament to their success that the division still survives today, under a new banner but still the same roots. WD is the grandchild of LB. They were the beginning, middle but def not the end of this division. First inductees of the HoF is a no brainer.
  7. Riot has been apart of this community, off andon since 2005, in that time he has both been in and ran several depts (Gfx, AAP) been a senior mod and newpy promoted wicked active admin, through out all the ranks of clan ops including opening out "reeducation" division Light bringer with luci (and he didnt kill him) through his times out of ksi hehas always come back with a bang when ever life and powers that be allowed it. In just the last 2 years he went from being hired as a senior mod, earning forums staff of the year, taking over the aap, redoing the core rules and structure of it. Bringing the outstanding service to the future, bringing back dotm, being promoted to admin and doing an outstanding job. His first 10 years in could have earned him the os3, but the last two have cemented it 100%. He is a funny knowledgeful inspiring leader of the community who spends a lot of time improving the environment for all future and present members (also a dope member of ASM) Fun fact for riot I met riot when he was out of ksi in 06/07 and prior to me joining. we played a lot of halo 2 with his pal killer dan, never talking about his ksi history, we lost touch during the move over to 360. Fast forward to the end of 2008 i was moving my way up and a director in ksi and he returned to ksi and he asked if i was the same fuzzymeep (obviously the name is a bit obscure) thus rekindling the friendship and making him the longest semi consistent friend i have had on the xbox
  8. Day 3 Standings 1st Place WD with 19 2nd Place EO with 18 3rd Place DM with 17 Karaoke 1st EO 2nd DM 3rd WD Rocket League 1st FI 2nd DW 3rd WD
  9. Day 2 standings 1st WD, 15 Points 2nd ES, EO, DM, LS 13 Points Halo 5 7's FFA 1st DW 2nd ES 3rd LS CoD Blops 2 1st WD 2nd DM 3rd DL Halo 5 CTF 1st LS 2nd DM 3rd FI
  10. Day 1 standings 1st EO, 10 Points 2nd WD, 9 Points 3rd ES, 8 Points Poker 1st DM 2nd (Tie) WD, EO MineCraft 1st (Tie) ES, WD 2nd DW 3rd DL Overwatch 1st EO 2nd LS 3rd ES
  11. Welcome to the kick-off event of KSI Spirit Week 2018! This is the poll for the forums challenge. - This poll will open 8 EST June 20th, and end at 6 p.m. EST June 24th. - Members are only permitted to vote once, on their personal forums account. -To receive the KSI SPIRIT WEEK AWARD for 2018 you MUST both Post and Vote (If you do not belong to a division please just post) - Any member found violating forums policy by creating new accounts, or by logging in for others will be banned immediately and disqualified from Spirit Week events. - You must post in this thread after voting to receive your Spirit Week Participation award. - The division with the highest amount of votes (not posts) will win the Forums Challenge. - The Forums Challenge will be worth: 4 points for 1st place. 3 points for 2nd 2 points for 3rd to go toward your Spirit Week total. All other divisions will receive 1 point for participation as long as the division has received 20+ votes. If a division fails to meet 20+ Votes, they will receive 0 points towards their Spirit Week total.
  12. I can say that all of that appears to check out, i know the numbers were super low and they did in fact grow fast and split, I cant find anything that supports the lowest number however....a specific co div didnt take notes
  13. Havoc Has been one of the best leaders this community has come across, for a member who has been through the ranks form pvt to Bod member all with out a mark on his permanent record. He then had some major life events occur which took him out of the fold for a year and a half, A lot changed in that time but he came back full force, unretiring and coming back to the fold as a temp cofo, which eventually turned into a a per position and even a promotion. he is currently taking lead in PO. 2nd in command for DW and a leading example of what someone in KSI should be. I would argue that he should and does qualify for OS3, due to prior BoD positions and running dept's
  14. Accomplishments (most not all) Running Lead Achieving Senior Director Strong showing and rebound of FI in spirit week and in general Having to take over and learn a lot regarding leadership in a short time ascending the ranks of FI Laying the ground work for Marketing Assisting in the recreation of the Handbook Char. Rita is an incredibly strong and smart leader. He has has been since i first met him in the lower ranks of FI. He was someone who was interested in not only the mechanics but the psychology of the community. His drive to learn more, do more and better himself showed clearly through his corny jokes and borderline toxic squad members. He rose rather fast through out the ranks, was not afraid to ask for help whether in handling an issue or improving a project. His ambitions got him areas in several depts, Forums and obviously clan ops. He has no issue answering questions of members, going down to squad levels or discussing the future of the community. His goals are to improve not only the community, but himself and the people around him. He def deserves OS3
  15. Gamertag: KSI BLICKY 7 Division: FI Comment: How do you think that participation has increased since the implementation of the Divisional Cup? Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze Division: DW Comment: Where do you see KSI in a year from now? KSI Blood 7 Demonic Mayhem KSI has been doing spring break, turkey bowl, spirit week for awhile now. Why is it we seperate the 7 staff from playing in matches with there fellow people from there respected Divs? Why do we have 7 specific games? Why are we seperating our leadership with members in our Divs? Can we change this? I believe lead by example is huge in KSI, as well as be the change you wanna see. Maybe its time for change. KSI PHIL0S0PHY7 Division: DW Comment: Who was the initial person who thought of spirit week? When did spirit week start? KSI GreendayFox Forced Induction Was there a best year the community has turned out for Spirit Week or does every year get better? KSI FadeZ 7 Forced Induction. Whats your favorite part of spirit week? KSI BooyahMonk said: KSI BooyahMonk Explosive Outlaws When it comes down to figuring out what games to bring to spirit Week and the splitting of the 7s from the rest of the members, why is that and why not just do larger game modes that allows the 7s to play with their members during these great events? KSI Bane Division: DW Comment: Who were some leaders y’all looked up to going up the ranks!??????? Kaos Reeper said: How come there's no SMITE or R6 Siege events in Spirit Week despite obvious and outspoken desire to play them? Gamertag: KSI Big Mack 92 Division: DW Comment: this is my first spirit week what time does the ww2 game time start KSI Teufel Divine warriors Do we have Esports and MLG teams that play tournaments vs other communities, and if not why not? Gamertag: KSIxETR Division: Divine Warriors (DW) Comment: What happens when a division wins the cup? KSI Alt F4 Division:DW Comment: what is the divisional cup? KSIxNebula DW What are some things Members can look forward to in the future? KSI True 77 EO Compared to how KSI was last year at this time, KSI has not visibly grown, members wise. Although this may be the case, KSI has grown in other ways. Which way do you feel we have had the most substantial growth? Department Operations, general knowledge, activity, outstanding leadership, or something else? PHIL0S0PHY said: Have you seen any major benefits of starting the Divisional Cup? So far, do you consider the Divisional Cup successful? If you do consider it successful, and it remains successful, are there any more ideas that you want to implement? KSI MeShell 7 Division: CD Comment: Has there ever been a Web-Ops tournament or event? (i.e. Each department puts together a team to participate in an event) KSI xShocK 7 said: Do you think that games like gta v or red dead redemption 2 could be future squad games ? KSI Havoc 7 Division: DW Comment: Was there any particular spirit week member from previous years that sticks out to you? what is it? KSI Cherry 7 Division: WD Question: What is the history of spirit week? Why was it founded and how do you decide how spirit week is going to be run to meet the new audience of members each year? KSI T1GER The forums are a great tool but they seem to be backwards. When you post something you have to scroll though many to see the last one to read the newest stuff. Is there a way to get the newest post on top ? KSI Joe 7 Demonic Mayhem Does a Division within KSI still have to have had one successful Division split to be deemed Armada, and what other requirenents are needed for that to happen?
  16. Nom #8 Kitty has been a top tier "go to" leader for this community for the better part of the last few years, she is a phenomenal leader as proven through the accomplishments in both DM and TnE, taking them one step further in all capacities. Planning larger events in this community has become such an easier task with competent people on the Dept sides. Any dept, division or person is better off with her being involved around them
  17. Nate has taught me quite a bit during out decade long friendship. We have worked many projects and divisions together and he has always been the type of person to push my perspectives and ideas to the next level. His leadership skills and adhd level of thinking has taught me How to absorb 35 different pieces of information in a short and over stimulating amount of time. He generlly has taught me to think forward, coming up with some ideas we plan on implementing in the forums soon, almost 3 years ago. His approach to the performance operations aspect of the community has definitely taught me about expanding on what we already know and redesigning an old idea.
  18. I can witness for gary being an outstanding leader within his divisional position and dept rank. He goes above and beyond within his dept, really setting the standard on what it is to run productions. The amount of streaming that takes place and shows that are produced are more then ever in KSI's history. The quality of which they are made has been top notch to our abilities during his reign. His Divisional status has been one for the record books, Gary was thrown to the wolves quite along time ago running LW. In that time he has tried, failed tried again and succeeded, for it does not matter how many times you fall, only how many times you stand back up. He has been the Mentee to many and the mentor to more. DW is now one of the most active divisions and strongest 7 staff. KSI is benefited by having bad boy bill as one of our top leaders. He will be progressing through the ranks in one area or another for the foreseeable future
  19. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - @KSI Akame 7 Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Akame is doing an amazing job with LS, recently took over the helm as the fearless leader and has gone right back into work horse man, assuming he does not "rig" spirit week he will be moving up wiht out issue Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/8645-ksi-havoc-7/ Link to forums account - KSI Havoc 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Havoc hsa come back to this community after a year and half out, and has been making waves with DW, he is personal with the members and is a mentor to most. he is and was what the dw needed Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41679-that-guyy-you-hate/ Link to forums account - KSI Guy 77 Reasoning why they deserve this -Guy can be both infuriating and interesting all at the same time, he as well as everyone else knows he can bbe opinionated but he also will sit and talk with people he is willing to change his perspective if it is in order. he is very passionate whe it comes to this community and extremely knowledgeable. assuming we dont fist fight to the death he will be making a great addition as he moves up the ladder in this community. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - @KSI ODINN 7 Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this - From my occasional interactions with this man i have always found him to be a sound leader. but i recnetly have been hearing some amazing this regarding his passion and dedication to his squad, he treats everyone like family and pumps up the party no matter where he is Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - @KSI Gandhi 7 Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - Gandhi came back after a long time away from the community, had a few conversations with myself and began a dept called P.O, Since this area has grown to become the point of education for all divisions within KSI assisting with not only standardizing but encouraging and expanding education to begin a whole new era of KSI Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - @KSI Ferocity Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - This member is a distinguished member that formerly ran a strong community, he opted to retire and wanted a change of scene. Since joining KSI only 2 weeks ago he ahs done more to learn and understand the rules, and push to be involved with all areas of his squad then most do in their first month (would have nomed for a sgt of the month but i am uninformed and didnt know we had none lol) I ran out of time to finish @KSI Havoc 7 @That Guyy You Hate
  20. Sgt/SSgt of the Month No reason not to have it, move are only a solid sgt/ssgt for a couple months
  21. What are the positives and negatives associated with splitting a squad? With all the other communities popping up within gaming what are some ways that KSI is trying to prove that it is a positive place for gamers to come and find a place to hang out and make friends? Is it possible to make it to were we can feature certain awards Also I noticed I can't look at all the awards I have on my forums profile because when I hit next on the bottom it gives me a error code is this something that can be fixed or already being looked at? Can we do more tournament on bo2? Would/Does the current KSI senior leadership think of expanding to include a PC sector again is this a good or bad idea? What do you think was the most successful game that helped grow KSI in your opinion?? If you could change your gamertag to a different name what would it be? *still reflecting KSI of course* In my opinion, 3-4 Solid officers can manage a squad of nearly 100. It would take a lot of discussion and research to change said rule but I feel the ratio would be easier on us as divisions and more supportive of growth around the 1/15 or maybe 1/20 mark and squad splitting around 8-10 officers rather than the full 12. I've always made the statement to my members One Person can Build and split a squad single handedly if they have the time and are willing to put forth the effort however this may not be exactly healthy you get the idea Thoughts? Do we still need to have a minimum of 20 friends on a F/L before recruiting 1. How do u keep ur recruits involved in the KSI community, What's the most efficient way to keep them involved and interested ? 2. I know KSI now is more centered around COD HH teams, but what if we considered making a Halo HH team. I think it would be good if we brought back our old roots and started a HH team for Halo. Will there ever be SGT L.E.A.D Classes, or L.E.A.D classes for aspiring officers? Are there any plans to make ads for platforms like YouTube, that that would get the word out about KSI global a lot Are there any plans for future departments? ive noticed a shortage of clan ops notes recently during gens and leaders meetings. is there a reason why? or have things been super smooth lately? How does someone move up in the departments of KSI? Did KSI ever have all girl squads? Has KSI ever been partnered with other Clans in the Past? When you become a officer, did you have remember the code of conduct or sis you have to look it up If you could bring back one event from the past that KSI has done but does not currently do, what event would that be? Are we allowed to set up competition teams within KSI or would that be considered extra curricular? What is looked for if you want to be an officer in your squad? Besides hosting/attending game nights, what is your best "out of the box" idea to boost squad activity? What is the purpose of a Divisional Lockdown and how does it differ from a Community wide Lockdown ? How do you think the implementation of the Div Cup will affect KSI moving forward? (Activity wise, growth, member retention, etc.) Who is taking over for Fuzzy when he retires? and was this still happening in 2019? Who's idea was it initially to start up the AAP's, and how was it implemented throughout KSI?
  22. Name: KSI Gambit 7/KSi Veriitas 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Gambit 7/ @VeRiiTaS 7 Award-/-Achievement: Drama Queen Reason-/-Evidence: There was a misunderstanding within the community and neither of these two handled it with out a level of drama warranting this award. They went from speaking daily to not communicating for over a week and not intermingling in each others cliques This is a story of depression, sadness, gang warfare tears tobacco and a whole lot of drama. These two young lads recently had a little tiff which resulted in both of them going to their own corners and writing mean entries in their journals. after detailing what each other did they threw them away. What they didnt understand or even foresee was @go away was living in the trashcan (long story for a different time). Luci then made paper airplanes out of them and launched them into the world where @Raggard T. Bear found them in the parking lot of IHOP., he proceeded had an interesting read. Fast forward to the following weekend Rags had to come out of retirement as Dr Phill and talk to each of the youts separately. Rita discussed the sorrows and feels he had sitting next to an empty seat at a baseball game which had a piece of paper on it stating "Reserved for Gambit". Rita took a picture with his two seats, and a shirt that just said "Best". with Mascara running he boycotted the community while trying to "Find himself", Raggard stated he was to old for this Poop, and that rita needed to talk it out and end the drama, or Rags hypertension would be the death of him. In the end rita knew that maybe things gone blown out of proportions, and Beta to beta needed to have a talk with his pal. He took a photo with a Bobble head mascot, consumed some uber eats and stopped spamming the world with negativity meanwhile Gambit was found smoking Cigarettes in the girls room writing graffiti on the wall and burning his arm just to feel something. He didnt want to talk at first, rags tried stroking his ears to calm him but the only words gambit could muster were "PLEASE". Once rags convinced him to put down the Marley Smoke, gambit began to confess the truths. He didnt want to be petty, he just couldnt make it to the game, he had to be with family but rita just didnt understand. rags convinced him to talk it out. When gambit felt better he reached in the trashcan, which concerned Raggard, and he pulled out a shirt that read "Friends", Put it on despite the stains of garbage and began flapping his majestic ears on his way to find his fwiend. Gambit and Rita Met at a mutual location, shared some hugs some tears and a little bit of giggling, things were back to normal. They took a photo and it now read "Best Friends". In the end it was learned that talking it out and not talking it up was the best way to resolve issues and keep friends. Both came back to KSI activity and got their String/Cup set up going again so they could gossip once more.
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