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Everything posted by KSI J MANN 7

  1. Black ops 2, mix/ls, team cpt KSIprtyprincess 2.ksi haywire 3. Scantyboss 4. Ksi xtomahawkx 5. Ksi xel1tex 6. Ksi rusher. Backups: ksi darc/ksi irishman149. Approved by myself.
  2. I can also witness for this award as well. I do spend a lot of time with her and she has a lot of dedication and has turned a lot of members to have a more positive influence in this division.
  3. I'm here as a witness for this award. Wolves does outstanding work and I war recruited around the same time as him. I'm currently the founder and he has been to multi five and I believe has the most loyalty to ls that I have seen in some time as well as commitment.
  4. Dodge ball relay race on black ops 2. Get a hold of me on Xbox anytime for explanation. Its easy and fun for everyone. No real skill needed. Gt is KSI OUTLAW 7
  5. I would like to challenge a member on the 7's hh team for a spot on Bo2. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this or not. Gt KSI OUTLAW 7
  6. I am unable to participate tonight with Lokii for spirit week. Therefore I am withdrawing my entry due to controller issues.
  7. LS, KSI OUTLAW 7 and KSI LOKII 7 (duet),black ops, approved by myself.
  8. Come on y'all. Don't you young'n division know not to mess with the elders? LS is going to burn y'all.
  9. KSI OUTLAW 7, LS, Game recording on black ops 2. (1:09) in length. I also have a bunch of wtf moments as well.
  10. I am the current founder over L's and I converse with lokii daily and he has be extremely attentive to ALL squads in the div not just his own. He has brought up one squad that was starting to fail as well as maintaining the others. He is one of the best cofos to come out of ls that I have seen. He has my respect and admiration and backing to receive this award
  11. LS, KSI OUTLAW 7, myself (I don't know if I need to be approved)
  12. You all sound so cute going back and forth. LS has been preping and drilling for this months in advance. With LS being the the mother of all divisions we will win. Mommas lookin to dish out spankin to the kiddies. : )
  13. Im currently sitting at 243 wins and 0 losses on MW3 1v1's. No qs crud, regular guns. I will be looking to open up for challanges and to get to the 250 mark. So there will only be SEVEN challanges accepted. The dates and times will be announced shortly as well as the time to come issue the challange. I will post dates to start issueing challanges. So please with respect just wait, and spread the word at some squad meetings. keep an eye out for dates and times, ty. Oh and if you got the grapes to challange me... Good luck
  14. If anyone wants to challange the bo2 squads in LS msg my gt which is the same as my user name exactly. ( primarily HH )
  15. Im looking for other squads to go up against. Im coach of legend ls hh. Pls message my gt to set up times. Gt is on my foruks profile.
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