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KSI Izzy 7

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Posts posted by KSI Izzy 7

  1. 19 hours ago, KSI Star5528 said:

    @KSI Izzy 7This application will be put on 48 hour warning due not have your privacy setting open 

    Please do the following

    First thing I need you to do is to open your privacy settings, you can do this by:

    Xbox 1 Home Screen -> Go to your profile -> Privacy Settings -> View Details & Customize.

    Friends & Clubs Others can see your friends list (Make sure this is set to Everyone.)

    Communication & Multiplayer Others can see your activity feed (Make sure this is set to Everyone.)

    Game Content Others can see your game clips and screenshots (Make sure this is set to everyone.)

    Please post once completed.

    Sorry I didn’t know it would be so hard to get a power cord for a serious x I received it today but I am currently at work I won’t be home till 1am eat 

  2. 11 hours ago, KSI Star5528 said:

    Hello, I'm KSI Star5528 and I'll be the join moderator running your application.

    First thing I need you to do is to open your privacy settings, you can do this by:

    Xbox 1 Home Screen -> Go to your profile -> Privacy Settings -> View Details & Customize.

    Friends & Clubs Others can see your friends list (Make sure this is set to Everyone.)

    Communication & Multiplayer Others can see your activity feed (Make sure this is set to Everyone.)

    Game Content Others can see your game clips and screenshots (Make sure this is set to everyone.)

    Please post once completed.   @KSI Izzy 7

    i will tomorrow night my new power cord should be in hopefully 

  3. Please list your current Gamertag:  




    Please list ANY and ALL previous Gamertags: AMAZINGCREED  KSI IZZY IZ 420 KSI IZZY DA 610 KSI IZZY 7  




    Age: 26




    Gender: MALE




    What games do you prefer to play on a regular basis?: COD 


    How many hours during the week are you playing games? 10




    What is your preferred method of contact? Ex: Email/Discord IZZY10K#6227


    NOTE - Please provide usernames. (No telephone numbers):KSI IZZY 7




    In a few short sentences, please explain why you are looking to rejoin KSI: ITS MY HOME WHEN IT COMES TO GAMING COMMUNITY 




    What Division and Squad are you interested in rejoining, and why? WD AND SQUAD ANY I USE TO BE DIV LEADER OVER WI WHICH IS NOW WD


    Background Information: 




    When did you originally join KSI?  2012


    What division/divisions have you been apart of in the past? CS DM WI CO LS



    When did you leave KSI? If it you've left more than once please include each time.


     What made you decide to leave KSI? I DIDNT INACTIVE


    Have you ever been denied re-entry into KSI? NOOOOOOOOO


    If so, please specify the date, reason, and provide a link to the application if possible.:




    Please list ANY and ALL clans/communities you have previously been a part of: KSI BGL 




    How long were you involved with each clan/community?: BGL YEAR KSI 6+





    When did you leave each clan/community?: IDK




    Are you still a member of any of the clans or communities that you have listed above?: NO




    Have you ever been blacklisted or DNH’d from KSI or any other community? HELL NO


    If so - when, and what was the reason?:




    Have you ever been kicked or removed from a division or squad within KSI, or any other community? CO 


    If so - when, and what was the reason?:




    Have you ever been banned from KSI or any other community? HELL NOO


    If so - when, and what was the reason?:




    Would you say you have left KSI or any past clans or communities that you have listed above on bad terms? NO






    Can you accept the fact that KSI is a structured organization, and requires the ability to work with over 100+ team-mates? YES




    Are you able to respect the leaders who have been put in place, while recognizing that those leaders come from all walks of life and may hold opposing beliefs and/or life choices, and stay level headed regarding such?YES




    Do you plan on taking advantage of any of the KSI learning programs? YES


    (Graphics - Leadership Development - Web Administration, ect..):




    Have you read and do you fully understand and also agree to uphold the KSI Code of Conduct along with the XBOX Live Terms of service?: YES


    Do you understand that purposely excluding relevant information while filling out this application is grounds for the denial of your entrance into KSI? YES




    Is there any other information that you feel should be included on your application?  NOO

  4. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI MercX  @KSI MercX

    Award : Forums Certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop, in DM activity Log

    Profile Link if possible @KSI Izzy 7

    Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Yoshi1656 @KSIYoshi1656

    Award : Forums Certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop, in DM Activity Log

    Profile Link if possible @KSI Izzy 7

    Gamertag / Forums Name KSI DeMoNk1NG @KSIDeMoNk1NG

    Award : Forums Certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop, in DM Activity Log

    Profile Link if possible @KSI Izzy 7

    Gamertag / Forums Name KSIWITTY @KSiWITTY

    Award : Forums Certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop, in DM Activity Log

    Profile Link if possible @KSI Izzy 7

  5. Division Leader
    Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - DM
    Link to forums account - @KSI Joe 7
    Reasoning why they deserve this - Since my first day  back into KSI Joe has welcome me with open arms and has nothing but been helpful with everything and anything i ever needed help with he is a role model of what a leader should be the way he treats everyone is just something I haven't seen in a  while there definitely  got to be more people like him around 

    Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - DM 
    Link to forums account - @KSI DntAsk 7
    Reasoning why they deserve this -NO matter what it is she is there to help with anything and everything she is outstanding with her duties as CO Founder of DM but she also rocks it with being  acting gen over D2 squad there isn't nothing you can really say she doesn't or isn't willing to do she is a great person with a good heart 

    Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - GEN
    Link to forums account - @KSI Shatner
    Reasoning why the deserve this - Well what can I say about these man right here one thing for sure he is sus what I mean is he is a terrible cod player for sure lol. Shatner is one amazing dude he is a person that wants you to reach your potential and is quick to get in a party with you if you were in need of help also be the guy that if your hosting a game night  he try's to make sure he gets as many members to join he also believes in his members good listener  do whatever he has to to make sure your having a good time in KSI don't get me started on his PM'S he lets you know how worthy of a member you are to him and much more 

  6.                                                                              WRATH GAMENIGHT 1/21/21
                                                                                     9PM EST TO 10PM
                                                                                       KSI IZZY 7
                                                                                       KSI KILL#5698
                                                                                       KSI KingTut

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