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KSI Izzy 7

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KSI Izzy 7 last won the day on January 31 2021

KSI Izzy 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI Izzy 7

  • Birthday 05/08/1995

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    KSI Izzy 7
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    KSI IZZY 7#6227
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KSI Izzy 7's Achievements


Member (2/4)



  1. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI MercX @KSI MercX Award : Forums Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop, in DM activity Log Profile Link if possible @KSI Izzy 7 Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Yoshi1656 @KSIYoshi1656 Award : Forums Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop, in DM Activity Log Profile Link if possible @KSI Izzy 7 Gamertag / Forums Name KSI DeMoNk1NG @KSIDeMoNk1NG Award : Forums Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop, in DM Activity Log Profile Link if possible @KSI Izzy 7 Gamertag / Forums Name KSIWITTY @KSiWITTY Award : Forums Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop, in DM Activity Log Profile Link if possible @KSI Izzy 7
  2. Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - DM Link to forums account - @KSI Joe 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Since my first day back into KSI Joe has welcome me with open arms and has nothing but been helpful with everything and anything i ever needed help with he is a role model of what a leader should be the way he treats everyone is just something I haven't seen in a while there definitely got to be more people like him around Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - DM Link to forums account - @KSI DntAsk 7 Reasoning why they deserve this -NO matter what it is she is there to help with anything and everything she is outstanding with her duties as CO Founder of DM but she also rocks it with being acting gen over D2 squad there isn't nothing you can really say she doesn't or isn't willing to do she is a great person with a good heart General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - GEN Link to forums account - @KSI Shatner Reasoning why the deserve this - Well what can I say about these man right here one thing for sure he is sus what I mean is he is a terrible cod player for sure lol. Shatner is one amazing dude he is a person that wants you to reach your potential and is quick to get in a party with you if you were in need of help also be the guy that if your hosting a game night he try's to make sure he gets as many members to join he also believes in his members good listener do whatever he has to to make sure your having a good time in KSI don't get me started on his PM'S he lets you know how worthy of a member you are to him and much more
  3. Gamertag/Forums name: @KSI Izzy 7 Award: new member certified Person(s) who ran the workshop: @KSI DC 7
  4. make sure you are posting on this once a week Izzy. please and thank you.


  6. dont let anyone tell you you cant do something

  7. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating)KSI Izzy 7 Self Nomination Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7777-be-the-change/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) committed Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for)i have been in KSI somewhere around 3years
  8. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI killtrendies Fierce WI Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums.org/user/21737-killtrendies666/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) DIE HARD Reason-/-Evidence: (Please give reasons to why this person is deserving of the award you are nominating them for)this member was a 3cpt in a squad called fierce when he start seeing the members leave and walk away from KSI and leave his squad suffering but he stood there for his squad never gave up tried to find ways to bring activity up get some new members when his squad was at the lowest he did not quit no matter what that's the reason he is general of that squad dealing with a lot of issue day in day out but he still there trying his best to build his squad up and get them to hopefully split one day are they worried about not being able to bring the squad back up or deal with the daily issue that's not a option for this guy right here he deserve this award
  9. i can vouch for this member due to i see what he can do and he go out his way for any member doesnt matter if your in his div or not he is there as a friend i know him for few years back in my Covert ops when i was his CO Founder he is one outstanding member keep up the good work bud
  10. I can speak on behalf of this award and say that he deserves this due to being there whenever his squad needed him ran it for 2weeks when his gen went loa go above and beyond for his member has his squad former co founder I say his been outstanding in my eyes and his members
  11. I can say that this guy is my mentor he has helped me when I was stuck with situation and being a great leader with in KSI go above and beyond for WI I can witness has one of his 7s that he is a great person and mentor
  12. I got no words when it comes down to Rocco he is an amazing guy and a great General if it was up to me he have this award
  13. Name/Gamertag: KSI Real Izzy Rank (If applicable):General Time spent on the forums (Daily): not as much but if i was to be apart of the AAP i could be on everyday Experience and Time in KSI:i.been in KSI for 2 years ex CO Founder Skype (Required to be on Staff): nopikz_izzy Why you feel you should be picked to join the AAP and what can you provide for the department? (Please provide details):i feel i should be picked for the AAP cause i am willin to do whatever it takes to be apart the AAP staff i also tryed to apply over a year ago i am a quick learner
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