Founder- KSI Uzumaki 777
Gamertag (Rank- Squad/Division) KSI Uzumaki 777 Founder Last Strike
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Reason Why They Deserve This- I have constantly seen and heard Uzumaki deal with problems in Last Strike and he focus' on all of our members safety, he has always proven to me that he is where hes at now because of his hard work and dedication to KSI, Im proud to call him my Founder.
General- KSI Danky
Gamertag (Rank- Squad/division) KSI Danky General Annihilate Last Strike
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Reason Why They Deserve This - During my short time in KSI, I have seen Danky continuously deal with problems daily, he always holds his members first, our safety is his biggest concern, and its thanks to his mentoring so far that has made me what I am today in KSI, I believe he is the most deserving of this award for all his accomplishments with Annihilate
Member- KSI x Steve
Gamertag (Rank- Squad/ Division) KSI x Steve Seargent Annihilate Last Strike
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Reason Why They Deserve This- Steve joined KSI after myself but he is already showing the signs of a great future leader, he is always involved in meetings, teams, game nights and even starts game nights himself, his determination to prove his leadership abilities grow more everyday, Im glad to have him in Annihilate, hes what helps keep us going strong