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KSI SXExGAMER 7's Achievements


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  1. I do not know if we have an award for this specific topic/event, but could we offer a name changer award? Example: Members who offer up X number of msp for name changes to reflect KSI. Something like, they must have 5+ members who can witness they were offered the points by said person to change their GT. Or witness from a Gen or higher.
  2. I believe we have awards for master recruiter, trainer etc... but I could be mistaken.
  3. Make the best part of yesterday, the worst part of today.

  4. I don't know if this would/could even be possible, but we should have most active division awards. Awards given to the division with the most active forum members. This would surely increase activity on the forums, and within each division.
  5. Founder- Gamertag (Rank, Division/Squad): KSI xCOPEx VII, Founder, EO Link to forum account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/6429-ksi-xcopex-vii/ Reasoning they deserve this award: Explosive Ordnance would not be what it is today without Cope. He has continuously went above and beyond what is expected of him and his position. He inspires everyone not only in EO, but in KSI, to do their best and succeed. He is a(n) great leader, mentor, and all around person. He is always answering questions anyone has, and is always there to take on any task that is asked of him. He is always coming up with new ideas and ways to help EO be more successful, and for all these reasons and so many more, he deserves this award.
  6. Gamertag (Rank, Division/Squad): KSI Kandy, General, Atomic EO Link to forums account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/9296-ksi-kandy/ Reasoning why they deserve this: She deserves this award because of her excellent leadership skills, the way she handles diverse situations in the squad/KSI, and how she has made Atomic what it is today, with many active members, and holds many tourneys to give away MSP for GT changes. She is active with her squad, always there for them, in parties and games. She took on the task of rebuilding their HH team from nothing, and turning it into an active functioning team. She works with her members on becoming officers in the squad, and productive members of KSI. I have personally witnessed each of these events, and know she is deserving of this award.
  7. Squad: Plasma EO GT: KSI magikpok13 Rank: General KSI xStonedAgex is Plasma squads HH Captain, and is definitely deserving of this award for his sniperific abilities in our HH challenges, and HH practices. The guy is an absolute beast with the sniper, and plays the sniper support role excellent.
  8. Captain Gamertag: KSI xStonedAgex (2nd Captain, HH, Welcoming Committee) Link to forms account: http://www.ksiforums.org/user/10191-ksi-xstonedagex/ Reason he deserves this award is because he is a big part of Plasma EO's success. He helps every member of our squad, and goes above and beyond what is expected or required of him at his position. KSI xStonedAgex is a great person, an excellent Captain, and a great asset to KSI/Plasma.
  9. Squad: Plasma Division: EO Rank: GENERAL KSI xStonedAgex is HH captain in Plasma. He is the reason our HH Team is so successful and active. He is deserving of this award for his leadership skills, and his activity in HH/KSI.
  10. Dead to me in a sense..

  11. KSI xCOPEx VII is definitely deserving of the Outstanding Service Award. Going all the way back to Rival, he was taking initiative in helping everyone in his and other squads. He went above and beyond what was expected of anyone in his position. When new squads split in our division, they came to him to help them recruit and build up their squad. He personally took on the task of helping Plasma squad take off, with 11 recruits on day one. This guy is definitely a Master Recruiter, no one can recruit as well as him and highlight what KSI is all about while doing so. He has done an excellent job as a Gen and COFO. I have personally seen his leadership skills in action, and he does an amazing job in handling all the diversity thrown his way. He is a great leader, and well deserving of the Outstanding Service Award.
  12. Welcome to the forums magikpok13 :)

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